Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4246: Catch Boss Tang

"However, it is still too weak.

Call someone again. "

Lin Fei looked at the old man and said.

As Lin Fei's voice fell, the old man, as well as the hundreds of people he had brought with him, all maintained their original postures and could no longer move.

In this way, there are already hundreds of immobile people on this grassland and around it.

"how is this possible!"

The old man's face changed drastically, and he found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move the slightest.

There is a very terrifying mysterious force that firmly controls his body.

At this time, the movement of the grass has already attracted the attention of many people around.

In the distance, people stood full of people watching the excitement.

"Look, what are the people from the Green Bamboo Gang doing?

Is it making a movie? "

"It's not like making a movie, something seems to be wrong!"

......In the distance, a series of discussions continued to sound.

"Boy, who are you!"

At this moment, the old man looked at Lin Fei with a very jealous look and asked.

"Don't ask.

You are not qualified to know who I am.

You should hurry up and call someone.

Best, call that Donald Trump.

Otherwise, I will let you stay here forever. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

After Lin Fei finished speaking, the old man's hands could move.

So the old man immediately took out the communication tool.

Soon, a light curtain appeared in front of him.

In that light curtain.

A red-faced, strong old man who was about 60 years old appeared.

"Elder Zhou, the big thing is not good..." The old man said the matter immediately.


There is such a thing, this kid is so weird.

However, boy, no matter how weird you are, if you dare to fight our Qingzhu Gang, you are dead. "

The red-faced old man looked at Lin Fei coldly.


Communication is interrupted.

After a while.

call out! A figure, like a big bird, shot from a high altitude in the distance.

It was the red-faced old man.

"Among the Green Bamboo Gang, an elder actually possesses the strength of the heavenly realm.

It seemed that the Green Bamboo Gang was stronger than the Huayang faction in the Yuan Wu Realm before me.

The development of the earth over the years is really good.

Vaguely, it was about to surpass the former Yuanwu world. "

Lin Fei glanced at the red-faced old man and couldn't help nodding secretly.

"Boy, you're looking for death! Our green bamboo gang..." The red-faced old man screamed when he saw Lin Fei.

"Stop, continue calling people."

Lin Fei said with his hands on his back.

The voice fell off.

The red-faced old man immediately felt that his body was firmly controlled by a terrifying energy, as if there was a big mountain pressing on the body, and he could not move at all.

"how is this possible?

! "

The red-faced old man was shocked and angry all of a sudden, staring at Lin Fei, his jealousy extreme.

He showed all his spiritual power, but it didn't work at all.

"Could it be that this kid actually came from those big clans, or those traditional martial arts families?

If this is the case, then our Qingzhu Gang has really hit the iron plate. "

This red-faced old man could not help but secretly guess in his heart.

"This young man, may I ask, which force do you come from?

Is there any misunderstanding with our Qingzhu Gang? "

The old man's attitude suddenly began to change, and his tone was much more polite.

"There is no misunderstanding.

Let Tang boss come to see me immediately. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

"Young man, don't be too rude.

Our helper, how can you see it if you want to. "

The old man was a little angry.

"If you don't call Boss Tang, don't want to leave."

Lin Fei said.

"Okay! I want to see how capable you really are and can you really fight against our entire Qingzhu gang."

The red-faced old man was completely angry.

"Less nonsense and call someone."

Lin Fei said.

The old man immediately realized that his hands could move.

His face changed drastically.

Lin Fei's methods were terrible.

So he immediately took out the communication tool.

"Elder Zhou, what do you want me to do."

Soon, a majestic old man in Tang suit appeared in a light curtain and said in a loud voice.

"Head..." The red-faced old man said the matter immediately.

The old man in Tang costume immediately looked at Lin Fei after listening.

This was a scrutiny gaze, looking up and down Lin Fei.

"Young man, what are you from?

Say! Did someone send you here! "

The old man in Tang suit shouted to Lin Fei sharply.

"Are you the Don boss?"

Lin Fei looked at the old man in Tang suit and asked.

"Yes, it's me.

Now that I know my fame, I haven't released my people immediately.

Otherwise, this matter cannot be kind! "

The old man in Tang suit said in a deep voice.

"You come over to me first, and then answer my question well."

Lin Fei said.

"I want to answer your question?

presumptuous! "

When the Tang boss heard this, he couldn't help being furious.

After all, he is also the leader of a gang, a junior kid, who dares to speak to him in such a tone is a serious challenge to him! "Well, don't waste my time.

Come here. "

Lin Fei smiled.


Lin Fei stretched out his right hand and directly stretched into the depths of the void in front of him, traversed the void, and stretched out towards the place where Tang boss was.

Just now speaking with Tang boss, Lin Fei has already locked the location of Tang boss.

That Boss Tang, in a luxurious villa, was accompanied by a few young girls. He was talking to Lin Fei using communication tools.


A big hand suddenly stretched out from the void beside him and grabbed him.

"What is this!"

Boss Tang was so scared.

Those young girls who saw a big hand suddenly appeared, grabbed Boss Tang, and screamed one by one.


The big hand that grabbed Boss Tang retracted into the depths of the void and disappeared.


In the grass where Lin Fei was.

Lin Fei's outstretched hand shrank out, grabbing Boss Tang and throwing it on the ground.

this moment.

All around, everyone stared at Lin Fei with extreme shock and incredible gaze.

The methods Lin Fei used had completely exceeded their imagination.

This is simply the means of the legendary gods! That Boss Tang, found himself suddenly appearing in the grass, was also completely stunned, dumbfounded, unable to react for a long time.

"Why am I here?"

Boss Tang looked at the people around him.

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