Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4277: Time magic

With the move of the little wild beast, the mighty energy and laws came surging forward to drown Lin Fei.

However, Lin Fei directly arranged several time-space formations to protect his body in the formation. Those energies and laws had no way to contact Lin Fei's body.

"Good mysterious space-time formation."

Xiao Huang Beast couldn't help but praised.

He is now the strength of the main god, knows a lot, and can see the space-time formation arranged by Lin Fei at a glance.

"Attention, I'm going to use time magic."

Little Wild Beast roared.

"Back in time!"

The little wild beast yelled, and then, a wonderful time law filled this space and time instantly.

Then, Lin Fei was surprised to find that the time in this piece of time and space really started to flow backwards.

Even Ye Fei, the moves that he had just performed, the moves he performed, began to reverse.

Even the large space-time formations arranged by Ye Fei are also playing back, slowly disintegrating.

At a glance, everything in this time and space is turning upside down! Lin Fei found that the time that had passed just now was slowly returning! "Curious and wonderful time magic!"

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing.

"The Law of Reincarnation!"

Lin Fei directly displayed a more powerful law of reincarnation, and a winding path of reincarnation appeared under his feet, and then Ye Fei stepped on this path and rushed forward.

In an instant, Lin Fei jumped out of this space and entered another special space.


Little Wild Beast also praised it.

Since he has cultivated into the law of time, in this small world, he has never met anyone before, and he can break his time backward technique with such ease.

"Time freezes!"

The little wild beast roared, waved his hand, a mighty time energy flooded towards Lin Fei's location.

This time energy, wherever it passes, time condenses, everything seems to be frozen.

Lin Fei was surprised to find that his body seemed unable to move, as if locked in this piece of time and space.

In fact, Lin Fei had seen this kind of magical power of time before, and even Lin Fei knew how to use it.

However, the displayed power is definitely not as powerful as Little Wild Beast.

Because the law of time understood by the little wild beast is really too powerful and too mysterious.

Boom boom boom... Lin Fei immediately arranged one space-time array after another. At the same time, he also displayed the law of reincarnation, a wave of reincarnation energy surging out of his body, protecting his body.

Then, Lin Fei ran forward again along the path of reincarnation at his feet.

In this way, Lin Fei cracked the magical power of the time that the little wild beast had displayed.

"Time acceleration technique!"

The little barren beast roared again, and the surging time energy immediately filled this space and time.


Lin Fei discovered that in this space and time, everything, including time, space, energy, all tangible and intangible things, was accelerating rapidly.

Lin Fei found that his actions were as fast as fast-forwarding the camera.

What even surprised Lin Fei even more was that his life rate was also accelerating.

In just a few seconds, it seemed like a few years had passed.

If it is some weak warrior, encountering this kind of time supernatural power, I am afraid, in a moment, it will directly die of old age.


Lin Fei couldn't help but praised.

It's just that Lin Fei's law of reincarnation is too clever.

Once displayed, it can resist any other laws.

Lin Fei had no reservations about the law of reincarnation, the level of swordsmanship, and the level of kendo.

In a moment, he was completely detached from this space and time, and was no longer affected by the time magical powers displayed by the little waste beast.

"Lin Fei, you are amazing!"

Xiao Huang Beast couldn't help sighing.

"Time is annihilated!"

The Little Desolate Beast once again displayed a magic time trick.

Immediately, Lin Fei felt that in this period of time, everything began to wither and disappear, and the space was groggy, like the end of the world.

Lin Fei found that he could no longer feel time, or even space.

Everything starts to disappear and does not exist.

Lin Fei even found that his body seemed to start to disappear and no longer exist.

"The desolate beasts are the gods of time.

Actually know so much time magic.

These time supernatural powers, each of them, are amazingly powerful.

Ordinary main gods can never withstand these terrifying time magical powers. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but marvel.

No wonder, that old man in yellow robe, said that the wild beast clan is the **** of time, indeed, it is worthy of the name! "Young people, the law of reincarnation, in fact, also includes the law of time.

The law of time and the law of space are included in the law of reincarnation. "

Suddenly, in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, the voice of the yellow-robed old man sounded.


The law of time and the law of space are included in the law of reincarnation? "

Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the old man in yellow robe.


"Yes! Actually, I should have realized this a long time ago.

Reincarnation, reincarnation, the reincarnation of everything in the world, in fact, are the reincarnation of time and space! "

Lin Fei was a little surprised.


"The Law of Reincarnation!"

Lin Fei gave a soft drink.

Rumble...The mighty and powerful law of reincarnation continued, pouring out from Lin Fei's body, violent to the extreme.

These laws of reincarnation filled this space and time, disintegrating the magical powers of time displayed by the little wild beast.


In this space and time, strange pictures began to appear.

There are life, death, sickness, death, reincarnation, reincarnation, and rebirth of the various races of the world.

There are day and night, there are four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter.... Various things and phenomena related to reincarnation appear in these pictures continuously.

Gradually, this piece of time and space was completely occupied by Lin Fei's law of reincarnation.

The time supernatural power displayed by the little wild beast was destroyed.

"Stop fighting! Need, I still have a lot of time for supernatural powers, I haven't displayed them yet.

However, I guess I can't beat you anymore. "

The Little Wild Beast retreated a long distance, sighed and shook his head.

"I thought that after so many years of hard work, when I meet again, I can be stronger than you in terms of strength.

Unexpectedly, your progress is much greater than mine.

metamorphosis. "

Xiao Huang Beast shook his head and said.

"Haha, Little Wild Beast, you don't have to be discouraged, your current strength is already pretty good.

At the very least, your time law is much stronger than mine.

I am going to learn the law of time from you. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"Little Huang Beast, you are ready to leave this small world with me.

It's time to break into the outside world. "

Lin Fei said to the little wild beast.

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