Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4279: Six reincarnation grinding disc

"Is it so bad [man novel network]!"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"of course.

The master of the dark creatures, among the chaos gods, belongs to the top existence.

The ordinary Chaos God is not its opponent at all. "

God said in the sixth round.

"In this way, in the cycle of reincarnation, only reincarnation can fight against the ruler of the dark creatures?"

Lin Fei asked.

"Do not.

Legend has it that there is a Lord of Reincarnation.

The strength of the Lord of Samsara is even stronger than that of Samsara.

However, the Lord of Samsara has never shown his face.

Even the gods of reincarnation have never seen the lord of reincarnation.

During that battle, the Lord of Reincarnation has never appeared.

Otherwise, the road of reincarnation will not be broken. "

God said in the sixth round.

"There is another Lord of Reincarnation?"

Lin Fei was taken aback when he heard it.


However, the Lord of Reincarnation is too mysterious.

It is much more mysterious than rebirth.

There is even a saying that reincarnation is created by the Lord of reincarnation.

However, no one knows where the Lord of Reincarnation has gone.

Anyway, he never showed his face. "

God said in the sixth round.

"Senior, if we want to rebuild the circuit of rebirth, what should we do?"

Lin Fei asked suddenly.

Rebuilding the cycle of reincarnation can be said to be the greatest hope in every member of the cycle.

However, until now, Lin Fei still didn't know how to do it.

"If you want to rebuild the circuit of rebirth, you must first find all the fragments of the circuit.

This is the first step.

If you don’t find all the fragments of the cycle of rebirth, you cannot rebuild the cycle of rebirth.

After finding all the fragments of the cycle of reincarnation, gather a group of reincarnation gods together to perform the secret method to repair all the fragments of the cycle of reincarnation, and then it is possible to rebuild the cycle of reincarnation. "

God said in the sixth round.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei nodded.

Until now, Lin Fei finally knew how to rebuild the circuit of rebirth.

"However, it is easier said than done to find all the pieces of rebirth.

Back then, after the cycle of rebirth was broken, the fragments splashed everywhere and scattered in different worlds.

If you want to find the fragments of the cycle of reincarnation, you must have a strong law of reincarnation, and then enter the sea of ​​absolute space, and look for it in pieces of space. "

God said in the sixth round.

"and also.

We are in the same line of reincarnation. Although the reincarnation gods of that year have fallen, most of them still have a lot of remnants, or avatars of gods and souls, scattered in different worlds.


The powerhouses of dark creatures also have many remnants of souls, or avatars of divine souls, left in the world.

We reincarnate in the same vein and want to rebuild the cycle of rebirth.

Dark creatures will definitely try their best to stop us.

Therefore, rebuilding the cycle of rebirth is not so easy. "

Said the sixth cycle.

"Although it is difficult, we have to do the same, right, senior."

Lin Fei said.

"Haha, you are right.

Young man, it is very rare for you to have this kind of character. "

In the sixth round, God laughed, looking very pleased.

"Young man, the second child has passed on his part of the reincarnation inheritance to you.

Now, I will teach you all the reincarnation inheritance that I have mastered.

Hope, in the future, you can become a strong person in our reincarnation line.

At that time, rebuild the cycle of rebirth and hope you can play a powerful role. "

In the sixth round, he seemed to be very optimistic about Lin Fei and said.

"Thank you senior!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

"All right.

You will be here for a while, and practice in retreat. "

In the sixth round, he waved his hand and opened up a small world.

Then, he punched a piece of divine soul information into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Senior, I am practicing in retreat."

Lin Fei said, and then entered the small world and began to practice in retreat.

"Curious and wonderful reincarnation inheritance!"

Lin Fei read carefully the inheritance passed on to him by the sixth reincarnation of God, and couldn't help but sigh.

The inheritance of God in the sixth round is completely different from the inheritance of God in the second round.

Each has its own wonders.

For the next period of time, Lin Fei stayed in the small world, practicing quietly.

Comprehending and evolving various secrets of reincarnation, the rewards are tremendous.

At the same time, Lin Fei's law of reincarnation is constantly improving.

Until a year later.

Lin Fei was out.

"Haha, how about it."

Just after Lin Fei walked out of the small world, the sixth round came to Lin Fei and asked with a big smile.

"Senior, my current law of reincarnation is at least a hundred times stronger than before."

Lin Fei said.

While speaking, Lin Fei waved his hand gently, and immediately, all kinds of pictures, illusions, and runes related to reincarnation were constantly presented, evolving, and very clear.

"Well, very good."

At the sixth round, he could not help but nod slightly.

"Senior, I want to find the fragments of reincarnation.

Also, I want to find more members of the reincarnation line. Do you think, where should I start? "

Lin Fei said to the sixth reincarnation.

"Haha, very good, very good, worthy of being a descendant of our reincarnation line.

You are very qualified.

In fact, I am guarding part of the reincarnation fragments. "

God said in the sixth round.


Senior, you mean, you guard a part of the reincarnation fragments?

Where is it? "

Lin Fei was surprised and happy, and immediately asked.

"You come with me."

God said in the sixth round.

Then he soared into the air.

Lin Fei quickly followed behind.

After a while, the sixth reincarnation brought Lin Fei into the sky.

"You see, that millstone is actually part of the cycle of cycles.

In this six realms, there are a total of six grinding discs, collectively called six reincarnation grinding discs.

In the past, all souls in the world wanted to reincarnate, they had to pass through one of these six reincarnation millstones.

Each wheel of reincarnation represents a direction of rebirth.

There are six directions for all souls in the world to reincarnate and reincarnate.

Now, in front of our eyes, this reincarnation millstone represents the humanity of the rebirth. "

God said in the sixth round.

"Six reincarnations, it turns out that these six grinding discs represent the six reincarnations."

Lin Fei couldn't help but exclaimed as he looked at the huge and unmatched grinding disc in front of him.

I saw that the grinding disc, lying in the void, was slowly rotating, emitting terrible energy of reincarnation.

"Go, let me take you to see the other six reincarnation millstones."

God said in the sixth round.

Then, the sixth reincarnation led Lin Fei to leave this continent and walk in the chaotic void. After a while, he came to the sky above another continent.

Above this continent, there is also a huge reincarnation grinding disc, which is slowly rotating.

"This millstone represents the humanity of the deceased."

God said in the sixth round.

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