Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4286: Leave

This man is endlessly free and easy, elegant, full of a natural charm.

It's as if he was assembled by the laws of the world, and he is completely one with the world, time and space, and years, and it is seamlessly integrated, without the slightest smell of human fireworks.

"Meet Master!"

Lin Fei knelt down immediately, feeling very shocked.

The man in front of him is a chaos god! Although he was seriously injured, only a little bit of strength remained.

However, he was once a Chaos God! This is the first time that Lin Fei has seen a Chaos God with his own eyes.

"The Chaos God is like a collection of all the laws between heaven and earth!"

This was Lin Fei's first feeling of Chaos God.

Lin Fei found that he couldn't see through at all, the master in front of him.

"Even if Master is just an injured Chaos God, he is not Master's opponent. Chaos God is indeed well-deserved."

Lin Fei could not help but sigh secretly in his heart.

"the host!"

Suddenly, twelve figures rushed into the square like lightning, and fell in front of the man. It was the Chinese zodiac.

"All these years, you have worked hard."

The man looked at the Chinese zodiac, appeared very doting, and said softly.

"Master, we don't work hard."

Tuntengou choked and said.

Those other zodiac signs also have red eye circles.

"Master, a powerful enemy is approaching, how should we meet the enemy?"

Tun Tiangu asked.

"With my current state, it's impossible. It's his opponent.

Therefore, we can only continue to hide.

We hide in another place. "

Said the man.

"But, Master, our whereabouts have been deduced to the extent that we want to move to other places, it is difficult."

Tianguo said.

"Even if it's difficult, try it. It's better than doing nothing and waiting to die here."

The man sighed slightly.

"Because his subordinates have come to this sea of ​​space and are searching for my whereabouts everywhere in this sea of ​​space.

Soon, you will find the Valley of the Fallen God. "

The man continued.


! "

Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac could not help but be shocked.

"Master, you said yes, the other party already has a subordinate, has he entered this sea of ​​space?

Where is it. "

The **** asked.

"Look at it."

The man waved his hand gently.

Immediately, a huge light curtain appeared in the center of the square.

In that light curtain, a figure appeared, that was an old man with a very ordinary appearance.

Moreover, at a glance, this old man was just a mortal without martial arts, without any spiritual fluctuations in his body, and was relatively weak.

This old man, mixed in the secular mortal society, is not at all noticeable.

It's just that this old man appeared in this world for a while, appeared in another world for a while, between different worlds, coming and going freely.

Obviously, it is a very terrifying creature.

"Master, I will kill this guy."

Tianguo said.


When we start, we will only let the other party know our specific location in advance.

Clean up, let's leave. "

The man shook his head and said.

"Okay, Master."

The Chinese zodiac nodded, then left to make preparations.

"Master, where are you going?"

Lin Fei asked a little bit unwillingly.


Anyway, I have to leave this sea of ​​space first. As for where to go, I know when I find a suitable place. "

Said the man.

"So, where should I find you in the future?"

Master. "

Lin Fei asked.

"When I find a new foothold, I will notify you."

Said the man.

"Or, I'll go with you."

Lin Fei asked.

"No need to.

This sea of ​​space is inseparable from your protection.

Moreover, you are now a descendant of the cycle of reincarnation, shouldering the heavy responsibility of rebuilding the cycle of reincarnation. With me, where do you have time to find the fragments of the cycle of reincarnation. "

The man shook his head and said.

"All right.

You don't have to worry about me. "

Said the man.

After a while.

"Master, we are ready."

The Chinese zodiac came to the man and said.

"it is good.

Lin Fei, go out.

We are leaving now. "

The man said to Lin Fei.

"Master..." Lin Fei was taken aback.

"Not only are we going, but the entire Falling God Valley will follow us."

The man smiled at Lin Fei.

"Master, do you mean to take away the space of Luoshengu as well?"

Lin Fei asked.

"Not bad.

This space was carefully refined by the owner back then. In fact, it is a very advanced space magic weapon.

It is precisely because of the existence of this space that we have been able to better isolate the enemy's perception over the years. "

Tianguo said.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei nodded.

"I leave a mark in your sea of ​​knowledge, so that you can receive my voice at any time in the future.

I can also keep track of your movements at any time. "

The man stretched out his hand a little, and a rune condensed from the soul flew out, branding on Lin Fei's soul body.

"All right.

We are leaving now. "

The man smiled.

"Master, you are all careful."

Lin Fei was suddenly very disappointed.

"Don't worry, if we are destined, maybe we will meet again."

The man smiled.

"Moreover, you have to hurry up and become stronger quickly.

In the future, if you are so strong, maybe you can help me fight the enemy together. "

The man smiled.

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely practice hard!"

Lin Fei nodded heavily and replied.

Therefore, Lin Fei moved out of the Fallen Valley.


Rumble... The entire Falling God Valley began to shake violently.


call out! After shaking for a while, Luoshengu suddenly turned into a stream of light, rushing into the depths of time and space, and disappeared.

The space where God of Fallen Valley was located turned into an ordinary chaotic void, with nothing left.

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the Valley of Fallen God, known as the most mysterious forbidden land, existed for endless years, and just like that, it disappeared.

"Master, be careful!"

Lin Fei murmured to himself, looking at the direction of Falling God Valley.

Finally, Lin Fei could no longer perceive the whereabouts of Falling God Valley.

Then, Lin Fei looked at a certain world in the boundless chaotic sea.

In that world, there is an ordinary-looking old man who is looking for something.


The old man's face moved, and he looked in the direction where Luoshen Valley was leaving.


Just now, I seemed to perceive what seemed to happen in this sea of ​​space?

It seems to be related to the person I am looking for.

Okay, go and see. "

The old man said to himself.


call out! The figure of this old man left the world he was in, and rushed towards the direction where Luoshengu left.

In a short while, the old man left the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and followed in the direction where Luoshen Valley left.

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