Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4291: Fire creature

"Then let's go in and take a look."

Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast nodded.

Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast are both characters who are not afraid of the sky and the earth, and they dare to make a breakthrough no matter where.

So the two entered the rock passage and walked forward slowly.

"The flames in this passage are a bit weird. I actually can't recognize what kind of flames it is, and in this passage, the distance that the divine consciousness can perceive seems to be very short, which is limited."

Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast said in a loud voice.

"Yes, I feel this way too."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Anyway, we have to be careful."

Lin Fei reminded.

At this moment, suddenly, with a whirr, a fiery red figure appeared in the depths of the rock passage, rushing towards Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast at an astonishing speed.

Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast were immediately vigilant, stopped, and stared at the fiery red figure.

Soon the fiery red figure approached.

Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast looked intently and turned out to be a flame humanoid creature. This humanoid creature was full of flames, and even the hair was fiery red.

"The two of you are really bold, you dare to break into here, die!"

The flaming humanoid roared sharply as soon as it saw Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

, Then in the rock passage, those raging flames began to flock to this walking creature.

The breath radiating from this humanoid creature became more and more terrifying and stronger.

"Wait, we came here without malicious intent, but we broke here accidentally."

Lin Fei frowned and said in a loud voice.

"You don't need to quibble any more, you will die if you quibble, and breaking into here without permission is a capital crime!"

The humanoid yelled all his life, and a strangely shaped scimitar appeared in his hand.

"In this case, let's do it!"

Lin Fei's face sank, and the face of Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast was also very ugly.

When it comes to fighting, Lin Fei and Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast are not afraid.

The Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast also took the first shot. A huge front paw was constantly enlarged, as if a pillar that supported the sky bombarded the humanoid creature, and the humanoid creature was taken aback.

He couldn't think of the power of the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, it was so terrifying, the scimitar in his hand slashed out, blocking the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast from bombarding its front paws.

However, his body was instantly bombarded and rolled out, hitting the distant stone wall.

"Not dead!"

Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast were both taken aback.

You know, the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast is one of the most terrifying beasts in the world.

The flaming humanoid creature in front of him, head-to-head with the Chaos-Swallowing Beast, was actually fine.

This shows that his strength should not be underestimated! The flaming humanoid, struggling soon, stood up again and let out a low growl.

"Unexpectedly, your strength is quite strong, but no matter how strong it is, it is useless. Entering our territory, the two of you will only have a dead end! I advise you to die obediently and stop resisting, otherwise you will end up Very miserable!"

The flame humanoid said with a sneer.

"Who do you think you are?

Are we qualified to let us die? "

The Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast couldn't help being furious when he heard his words, and slaughtered him in a flash.

How terrifying is the power of the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast to be released! Immediately the entire rock passage was shaken and rumbling, as if a terrible earthquake had occurred.

The flaming humanoid creature seemed to have discovered the terrifying strength of the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, but he did not back down, but holding the long knife in his hand, like the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast winning, suddenly the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast mouth It suddenly widened and turned into a terrifying black hole, swallowing it toward the flame humanoid creature.

The swallowing ability of the Chaos-Swallowing Beasts, which claims to be able to swallow everything in the world, is not a joke.

Immediately, a terrible suction burst out, pulling the body of the flame humanoid creature, and dragging it into the mouth of the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

The flame humanoid kept roaring in horror, struggling desperately.

But it's useless. The Chaos Devouring Sky Beast's speed is too fast, especially once the Devouring talent is displayed, it can easily control a large area in front of it.

After a few breaths, the Chaos Heaven Swallowing Beast ate the flame humanoid creature directly and swallowed it into its stomach.

"too frightening.

It is indeed the devouring talent of the Chaos Devouring Beast clan. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but exclaimed.

But the next moment, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast were a little bit stunned. At the moment that the flame humanoid was swallowed by the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, a trivial white light came from the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast’s mouth. Escaped in the middle and appeared in the distance.

Then this white light began to continuously attract the surrounding flames, and saw a large number of flames in the rock passage quickly converge, almost instantly condensing into a flame humanoid appearance, exactly the same as the one just now.

Even the aura it exudes is exactly the same, obviously it is the flame humanoid creature just now, it is not dead.

"How is this going?"

Both Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast had their faces slightly changed.

"Hahaha, you can't kill me. My body is made of flames. Even if you kill me, it's useless. As long as there is flame in this channel, I will reappear because I won't die. ."

The flaming humanoid laughed loudly.

What kind of race is this flame humanoid?

Could it be that he has an immortal body?

If so, there is no way to kill him.

Lin Fei couldn't help frowning.

"Hahaha, you two are dead!"

The flame humanoid laughed wildly, and the laughter contained great anger. Just now, he was eaten by the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast in one bite, which was a huge shame to him.

The voice fell off.

The flame humanoid rushed over.

"Let me try it!"

Lin Fei stepped out and waved his hand, and a dozen time-space formations were arranged, instantly surrounding the flame humanoid creature.

Then Lin Fei took out a battle sword, displayed the law of swordsmanship, and slashed at the flame humanoid creature.

"This is the magic weapon of a Chaos God!"

The flaming humanoid looked at the battle knife in Lin Fei's hand, was taken aback and couldn't help but screamed.

Obviously he was very jealous of the saber in Lin Fei's hand.

In the exclamation, his body suddenly exploded, turned into flames, and spread out, making it impossible to tell which flame is his real body.

"Hahaha, human kid, even if you have a magic weapon of Chaos God, what about it?

I am the real immortal here, you can't kill me. "

The flaming humanoid's voice was very proud.

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