Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4293: Strange plane

Fortunately, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast were both very fast. After escaping for a long time, they finally got rid of all the flame humanoid creatures behind them.

Next, Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast continued to move forward.

Although these rock passages are very weird and don't know where they lead, Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beasts are both bold and bold. They are not worried about the dangers they will encounter next, but are eager to explore.

The result was gone, and after a long section of the rock passage, a group of flame humanoid creatures came across.

"It's really deceiving, these things are still endless, let's just rush to kill them."

The Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast was a little angry, and Lin Fei also nodded.

So the two stopped avoiding, and rushed forward.

In this way, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast were advancing while fighting with those flame humanoid creatures.

The rock passages here are connected one by one, like a web of spiders, without knowing where they will lead.

Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast went all the way forward, and they didn't know how long they had traveled or how long they had traveled, and finally felt bored.

"It seems that we have broken into the nest of these flame humanoid creatures."

Lin Fei couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"There is nothing to break here, let's go back and go out."

Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast also said in a loud voice.

However, as soon as the voice fell, there was a large number of flame humanoid creatures behind him, like a thousand horses rushing over, the number of this batch of flame humanoid creatures is too much, even if there are not 100 million, there are tens of millions.

Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast had no choice but to speed up and flee forward.

Once so many flame humanoid creatures fight, they don't know when they will kill them all.

After this period of fighting, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast really didn't want to engage in boring battles with these flame humanoid creatures, because there was no meaning at all.

Just like that, I don't know how long it took.

Finally, on a certain day, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast rushed into a rocky passage under the chase of a large number of flaming humanoid creatures.

After escaping in this rocky passage for a long time, suddenly Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast looked at the front with excited expressions.

The front is no longer a rock passage, but a very vast void.

"It seems that we have finally entered a sea of ​​space!"

Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast looked at each other, both feeling very relaxed.

For a period of time, in the rock passage, it seemed to be lost, and it was boring to be chased by those flame humanoid creatures all the time.

Just as Lin Fei and the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast entered this void, the flame humanoid creatures in the rock passage behind them swiftly chased up.

However, all the flame humanoid creatures stopped soon, and did not enter the void.

"It seems that these creatures must exist in the rock passage. There is no way for them to leave the rock passage."

Lin Fei turned his head and looked at the flame humanoid creatures, feeling stunned.

"Go, let's explore in this sea of ​​space."

Lin Fei said to the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast.

So Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast walked forward in this sea of ​​space.

This space sea is very prosperous and lively, and its overall strength seems to be much stronger than Boundless Chaos.

After a while.

"There is a plane ahead."

The Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast pointed to the front and said.

"Go in and take a look."

Lin Fei nodded.

So the two walked into this plane. There are stars and interfaces in the plane. There are all kinds of creatures, beasts, monsters, and other special races. There are everything and boundless. There is not much difference between the creatures living on those planes in the Chaos Sea.

Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast were walking in this strange plane.

Suddenly, an advanced warship appeared in the chaotic void ahead.

The space in the warship is very large, a young man is lying down, and several beautiful women are serving him.

The young man seemed to enjoy it very much.

This young man is an ordinary lower god.

"We asked him about some conditions in this space sea."

Lin Fei said to the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast.

So Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast flashed into the battleship.

In the battleship, the young man was enjoying the service of those beautiful women. All of a sudden, the beautiful women passed out silently.

"What happened?"

The young man couldn't help but his face changed drastically, and he looked to the side.

I saw two figures suddenly appeared next to him. One of them was a man in white and the other was a man in black. Neither of them had any breath coming out. They looked like ordinary people who had never practiced martial arts. .

But this young man knew that being able to enter his warship silently, and able to make those beautiful women all pass out in a coma in an instant, indicating that these two men who suddenly appeared were by no means ordinary people.

"Who are you guys?

Why suddenly broke into my ship? "

The young man roared sharply.

Although he felt that the two men who suddenly appeared in front of him were not ordinary people, he was also very confident in his own strength. He could cultivate into a **** at a young age. In this sea of ​​space, he is definitely young. The best in a generation.

The two men who suddenly appeared in the battleship were naturally Lin Fei and the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast.

Lin Fei appeared in his body, while the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast turned into the image of a human being. With the strength of the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, he could become the image of any race at will.

"Listen, now I come to ask you what I ask, you will answer whatever I ask."

Lin Fei looked at the young man and said lightly.

"Who the **** are you?

Don't blame me for being rude if you don't declare your family. "

The young man stood up abruptly, his face full of anger, but before he could finish his words, Lin Fei stretched out his hand, and the law of reincarnation descended on him, and then the young man realized that his body was completely affected by him. Controlled, became stiff, unable to move at all.

"How is this going?"

The young man couldn't help being shocked. He used all means and struggled desperately to get rid of Lin Fei's control over him.

But his strength was too weak compared to Lin Fei, and there was no way to get rid of the law of reincarnation imposed on him by Lin Fei.

After struggling desperately for a period of time, the young man finally realized that the strength of the two men in front of him was far above his. They controlled him without even moving their fingers. The gap between them was really great. Up.

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