Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4301: Mysterious Fountain

"Do you need my help?"

The Chaos Swallowing Beast is also eager to try.

"No, these corpses are very afraid of the law of reincarnation.

I happen to be their nemesis. "

Lin Fei said.


Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast nodded.

After a while.

Lin Fei defeated all the dozens of corpses and fell into the sea again.

Strands of black smoke, screaming, fleeing to the distant void, making the entire sea sky above the sea, the dark clouds are bleak, the ghosts are crying, and the wind and rain are palpitating.

In this way, along the way, several batches of corpses were encountered, and they kept appearing.

Lin Fei knew that, fortunately, he had a very high level of knowledge based on the law of reincarnation, so he could easily defeat these corpses.

Otherwise, even if they can win, they will be very embarrassed.

Time passed slowly.

In the blink of an eye, several people from Lin Fei entered this sea of ​​reincarnation for several months.

this day.

The ancient ship is moving forward.


Rumble... Above the sea in front, there was a very terrifying wave.

"Look, under the sea, there seems to be a figure floating up."

Suddenly, the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast cried.

Sure enough, soon, in the black water, there was a huge figure slowly rising.

A pair of cold eyes suddenly opened and stared at Lin Fei.

It was a figure that made people feel cold and bitter.

The black mist was fierce, and that figure slowly floated from the bottom of the sea, then stood on the surface of the sea, staring at the ancient ship with cold eyes.

Lin Fei couldn't help but frown.

This figure is really strong.

Two eyes, tearing apart the void and slashing everything.

A powerful and unmatched coercion, terrifying, crushed this piece of time and space, seemingly unbearable.

The ancestor of heaven and earth and Liu Feng were pressed down by the pressure released by that figure on the spot, and they almost knelt down.

Lin Fei waved his hand, and a powerful reincarnation energy enveloped the two of them, which made them feel better and barely straightened up.

"Be careful, this guy is very powerful."

Even the Chaos Swallowing Sky Beast was very afraid and reminded Lin Fei.

Boom...This piece of time and space, because of that figure, is constantly roaring.

Two icy eyes kept looking at how many people Lin Fei had on the ancient ship.

Lin Fei stood at the bow of the ship, looking at the figure, without taking a step back.

That figure was also motionless.

After a while.

"Are you a descendant of Samsara?"

A hoarse and stiff voice sounded.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei nodded directly.


The figure nodded.

"try hard."

The figure said, with some comfort in the stiff voice.

"Senior, may I ask, are you?"

Lin Fei couldn't help asking.

By this time, Lin Fei could of course feel that this figure had no malice towards him.


who am I?

I can't tell.

Once in the sea of ​​reincarnation, the previous life is no longer, maybe, I am no longer the me I used to be. "

The figure sighed softly.


This figure began to slowly sink under the sea.

"Senior, senior..." Lin Fei called out quickly.

Lin Fei has so many things that I want to ask.

However, that figure stopped answering Lin Fei at all.

Soon, it disappeared.

"Fortunately, this guy is not an enemy."

The Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast looked at that figure and finally disappeared, and couldn't help but say.

The ancestors of Tiandi and Liu Feng were even more relieved.

Because the figure just now gave them too much pressure.

Lin Fei stared at the sea for a while, then urged the ancient ship to move on.

Rumble... Suddenly, a terrible roar came from ahead.

"Could it be those **** corpses again?"

Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast couldn't help cursing.

"Do not.

It's a mouthful. "

Lin Fei's consciousness was very clear, and he shook his head and said.

Sure enough, soon, the ancient ship came to the center of the sea, in front of a huge spring.

The spring seemed to come up from the bottom of the sea, blooming with a sacred and peaceful brilliance, with a magical power that made people feel light.

The closer you get to the spring, the more brilliant the brilliance, the most divine and holy, extremely bright and vibrant.

This scene, it seems, is very strange.

In the middle of the endless black water, a splendid spring appeared unexpectedly.

Surrounded by black circles.

The location of the spring eye is sacred.

"I'll go in and take a look."

Lin Fei said.

Then, he rose into the air, left the ancient ship, and walked towards the spring.

But, soon.

Rumble...a powerful energy was released from the spring, blocking Lin Fei's path.


Lin Fei roared, and the mighty energy and laws all over his body were released, suppressing the spring.

But immediately, Lin Fei was surprised to find that his strength was being suppressed by a very terrifying rule.

The strength of a body is at most, only half left.

"It's weird."

Lin Fei couldn't help frowning.

Lin Fei forcibly moved forward and approached the spring.

It was just when Lin Fei was about to walk into the spring.

Boom boom boom...Suddenly hundreds of corpses rushed out in the surrounding black water.

The breath that each one exudes is terrifying.

These hundreds of corpses came out into the air, forming a circle, enclosing the spring in the middle.

These corpses are actually guarding the spring.

"Look, there are many corpses, moving in our direction quickly."

The Chaos Devouring Sky Beast suddenly yelled.

Lin Fei looked at it, and sure enough, on the nowhere sea surface, one after another, densely packed corpses, were constantly drifting towards the direction of this spring.

"In this spring, there are so many corpses guarding.

What is in the spring eye? "

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile.


In this situation, Lin Fei didn't want to attack hard.

In fact, Lin Fei was not afraid of those corpses.

However, Lin Fei felt that the spring was too weird.

Even this sea of ​​reincarnation is too weird.

Even with Lin Fei's strength, he had to be a little more careful, not willing to rush.

Then, Lin Fei urged the ancient ship to stay away from the spring, and continued to advance toward the depths of the sea of ​​reincarnation.

Those corpses did not attack Lin Fei, but guarded quietly around the spring.

Soon after.

I met another spring that was exactly the same.

When Lin Fei wanted to enter, too, a large number of corpses appeared, guarding the spring.

In desperation, Lin Fei had to stay away.

"Why are these springs guarded by corpses?

Moreover, every corpse is so terrifying in strength.

It's really puzzling. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but sighed slightly.

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