Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4305: A sword of light

Soon, there was a large number of people and horses, leaving the Heavenly Sword Pavilion mightily and heading towards the Qingyang Sect.

The one who took the lead turned out to be the Deputy Pavilion Master! There are also a large number of masters in the pavilion, all murderous.

"Qingyang Sect, there is no need for existence! Anyone who offends my Heavenly Sword Pavilion will not end up!"

The deputy pavilion master stood on a warship, standing with his hands in his hands, and his eyes shot out a terrifying murderous aura.

"Yes, anyone who violates my Heavenly Sword Pavilion will be punished! Only in this way can we make our Heavenly Sword Pavilion more prestigious!"

Beside, a high-level Tianjian Pavilion said loudly.

"Haha, yes, our Heavenly Sword Pavilion has risen rapidly over the years, relying on fierce and decisive killing! This has made other forces frighten our Heavenly Sword Pavilion and gain a reputation!"

The other senior also laughed triumphantly.

Soon, the army of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion was surging, approaching the scope of Qingyang Sect.

"Master, the big thing is not good! The army of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion is here!"

At this moment, a senior Qingyang Sect hurried back to report to the leader.

"The Heavenly Sword Pavilion army is here, now, what should I do!"

"Our Qingyang Sect cannot be the opponent of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion Army!"

"Let's run away, stay here, we can only wait for death!"

... Immediately, the senior officials of Qingyang Sect were all panicked.

Hearing that the army of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion was about to be killed, the entire Qingyang Sect was in chaos and panic.

All of them paled with fright.

There were even many timid people who started clamoring to escape.

"Father, don't be afraid.

I will contact Master immediately.

Master will not ignore it. "

At this time, Liu Feng appeared.

"Yes! Feng'er, contact your master immediately. Now, only your master can save us Qingyang Sect!"

After hearing Liu Feng's words, the leader of Qingyang couldn't help but screamed.

Liu Feng immediately took out the jade slip that Lin Fei had given him and sent the situation to Lin Fei.

"Master! The big thing is not good. This time, the deputy head of the Tianjian Pavilion personally led the team. I heard that we are going to destroy our Tianjian Pavilion!"

A senior Qingyang sect hurried over to the leader and said loudly.


! The deputy pavilion owner of Tianjian Pavilion, personally led the team! "

"It seems that Tianjian Pavilion really intends to destroy our Qingyang Sect!"

...At this moment, the headquarters of Qingyang Sect is even more chaotic.

A bleak voice of wailing.

at this time.

Lin Fei was sitting cross-legged in the secret room, and suddenly felt Liu Feng's voice.

"It turns out that the Heavenly Sword Pavilion army has come to trouble Qingyang Sect.

It seems that in every sea of ​​space, there is such a phenomenon of fighting each other. "

Lin Fei muttered to himself, shook his head.


Huh! Lin Fei waved his hand, a flat sword light slashed out.

This sword light shuddered slightly and disappeared into the secret room.

At this time, the army of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion was marching vigorously in the chaotic void.

The whole army released a terrifying aura, and the entire space and time was shaken wherever it passed.

The Heavenly Sword Pavilion's army, in a big move, has already alarmed the whole world.

Countless forces, countless creatures, rushed to see the excitement.

"It is said that the Qingyang Sect angered the Heavenly Sword Pavilion, so the Heavenly Sword Pavilion's army was dispatched and announced that the Qingyang Sect would be destroyed."

"In this way, Qingyang Sect is miserable.

Can't be the opponent of Tianjian Pavilion! "

"Of course, Qingyang Sect is not worth mentioning in front of Tianjian Pavilion.

Qingyang Sect is about to become history! "

......There are discussions everywhere, without any creatures, so I am optimistic about Qingyang Sect.

Just at this time.


A plain sword light appeared in front of the Tianjian Pavilion army, floating still.


Deputy Pavilion Master, look! There is a sword light ahead, blocking the way, somehow? "

A high-ranking Heavenly Sword Pavilion found the plain sword light ahead and shouted.

"Bold! Who on earth dared to be so rude in front of our Heavenly Sword Pavilion army!"

The deputy pavilion master was furious and blasted towards the sword light in front of him.

A huge fist print flew out, constantly zooming in, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into the size of a mountain range, crushing it towards the plain sword light.

"Huh! If you let me know who is provoking our Heavenly Sword Pavilion, he must be crushed!"

The Deputy Pavilion Master said coldly.


puff! The fist mark he blasted out hadn't touched the plain sword light, just like the snow in the sun, it was directly blown up.

"what happened?"

The deputy cabinet owner couldn't help frowning.

"Well, I want to see how much a mere sword of light can have!"

The deputy pavilion master said coldly.


He took out a halberd and slammed it at the sword light.

Rumble...The halberd continued to enlarge, carrying the terrifying spiritual power, roaring to the sky, and finally, it turned into a silver-white dragon, and rushed to the sword.

Qiang...The next moment, the halberd exploded directly, looking so fragile and vulnerable.

"how is this possible!"

The deputy cabinet owner couldn't help being shocked.

It was just a ray of sword light, and there was no movement, just floating there quietly, it could actually shatter his halberd easily.

The face of the deputy pavilion master couldn't help but become serious.

Because his halberd is a high-level magic weapon of the gods and his most proud weapon.

"Let's do it together!"

The Deputy Pavilion Master said in a deep voice.

The other senior members of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion also saw that something was wrong.

A seemingly plain sword light, unexpectedly, it has such power! "Let's do it together!"

As a result, in this army, all the high-ranking members of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion worked together, one by one, showing their most proud stunts and trump cards, blasting towards the sword light in front.

Puff puff puff... in the shocked eyes of everyone, all the high-level attacks of Tianjian Pavilion seemed to be like an egg hitting a stone, and it broke instantly.

But the sword light was floating there quietly, motionless, without any damage.

"how is this possible!"

The deputy pavilion master, those high-level members of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion, were all dumbfounded and completely dumbfounded.

It was just a sword light, unexpectedly possessing such terrifying and weird strength.

For a while, the entire army of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion stayed on the spot, facing the plain sword light.

"Hey, what happened?"

"It seems that a sword light is blocking the path of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion army?"

"How is it possible! It's just a sword light that actually blocked the way of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion army, this is incredible!"

…At this time, the onlookers all discovered that something was not right, and they all started talking in surprise.

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