Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4313: Teach memory

"Hall Lord, this ancient battlefield is far more terrifying than the legend. If we had known this, we would not come.

Let them do it themselves. "

A high-level of the Heavenly Dao Temple whispered.

"Yes, too dangerous.

Just now, I was almost hit by a ghost of war.

I suspect that in this ancient battlefield, if you are wounded or killed by these war ghosts, you will become a part of this ancient battlefield, and you will always stay here to fight. "

The other senior also said with trepidation.

"Don't talk nonsense.

If it were heard by those two young people, the consequences would be disastrous.

Do you think I really want to come.

I do it for the safety of the Temple of Heaven.

These two young people, how terrifying their combat power, needless to say, you guys know.

In case the two of them are irritated, if we investigate it, our Heavenly Dao Temple may be completely finished. "

The Lord of Heavenly Dao sighed and said, there was a rather helpless taste.

"Not bad.

Stop talking nonsense.

What the Lord said is correct.

For the safety of the Temple of Heaven, we can only bear it.

Moreover, I believe that these two young people can protect us and let us leave this ancient battlefield safely. "

An older man said in a loud voice.

At this moment, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast were already close to the dozen tall figures.

Each of these dozens of tall figures exudes a strong energy of reincarnation and the law of reincarnation. With their gestures, they displayed terrifying attacks, and beat those enemies back continuously.


Suddenly, dozens of war spirits rushed to Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast to launch an attack.

Each of these war ghosts has terrible strength.

Even Lin Fei and Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast didn't dare to neglect, they shot at the same time to resist.


Suddenly, a tall figure rushed towards Lin Fei, extremely fast, and instantly came to Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

This is a man wearing a silver battle shirt, standing upright with his palms up, holding a huge mountain-like seal, exuding an extremely heavy pressure.

Boom... This man, with a loud shout, the method seal on his palm suddenly flew out and suppressed the dozens of war spirits that were attacking Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

Puff... immediately, the dozens of war ghosts were all shattered.

Then, the man in the silver suit looked at Lin Fei with a puzzled look.

"Your body has the breath of our reincarnation.

You also belong to our reincarnation line? "

The man in the silver suit said to Lin Fei.

"Junior Lin Fei, see Senior! Senior said well, I am a descendant of reincarnation."

Lin Fei saluted the man immediately.

The man in front of him really belongs to the line of reincarnation.

Lin Fei was a little excited in his heart, once again, he found a senior in the line of reincarnation.

Although they are just some ghosts of war, they also represent the will of reincarnation.

"Unexpectedly, we reincarnate in the same line, and there are successors.

well! "

The man gave a relieved expression.

"Senior, what is going on in this war?"

Lin Fei pointed to the fierce battle going on before him, and asked curiously.

"These enemies are the subordinates of dark creatures.

Of course, the dark creatures, in order to deal with our cycle of reincarnation, destroy the cycle of reincarnation, pull in a large number of forces, and launch a sudden attack on our cycle of reincarnation.

We are in the same vein, and we haven't received any news in advance, so we rushed to the battle and were very passive.

The situation is very unfavorable to us. "

The man in the silver suit sighed.

"In this war, we are in the same line of reincarnation, and there is no preparation at all.

Was caught off guard. "

The silver suit man shook his head.

"Senior, what do you mean, the battlefield here, part of the battle where the cycle of reincarnation was destroyed?"

Lin Fei asked.

"Not bad.

It seems that you know a lot.

Indeed, this battlefield is part of the battle between our reincarnation line and the dark creatures.

Back then, the dark creatures organized a very large force and suddenly launched an attack on our reincarnation line and reincarnation circuit.

The cycle of rebirth exists in every sea of ​​space and has projections.

Therefore, wars occur in almost every space sea, and there are separate battlefields. "

The man nodded and said.

"That's it."

Lin Fei suddenly.

"Well, young man, it's dangerous here, you can leave.

Remember, we must carry forward the cycle of reincarnation in the future, and rebuild the cycle of reincarnation! "

The man said to Lin Fei.

"Senior, it's true that I am here to look for fragments of reincarnation.

Only by finding all the fragments of the cycle of rebirth can it be possible to rebuild the cycle of rebirth.

Senior, do you know whether there are fragments of reincarnation scattered in this sea of ​​space? "

Lin Fei said to the man.

"Young man, you should also see that I am just obsessed with that war.

I can only exist in this battlefield.

Moreover, my memory is also incomplete, and most of my memories are about this war.

The only thing I know about the cycle of reincarnation is that during that battle, the cycle of reincarnation was shattered, torn apart, turned into many pieces, and disappeared.

However, I don't know where those reincarnation fragments are scattered. "

Said the man.

"So, I have no way to answer your question."

The man continued.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei was a little disappointed.

However, I also know that what this man said is true.

"Well, young man, I will pass on to you all the remnants of my memory, about the cycle of reincarnation, the cycle of reincarnation, and the war.

Perhaps it will help you find the fragments of the cycle of rebirth. "

Said the man.


Thank you seniors! "

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

The man in front of him must have been a master of the cycle of reincarnation back then, and his remaining memories must be helpful to him.

The man stretched out his finger, pointed at Lin Fei, and a stream of information entered Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

Then, a lot of information related to the cycle of reincarnation, the cycle of reincarnation, emerged in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

There are even some laws of reincarnation, reincarnation exercises, and reincarnation martial arts.

These were all taught by this man to Lin Fei on purpose.

"Young people, we are in the same line of reincarnation, relying on you descendants.

Work hard, we must reinvigorate the cycle of reincarnation, rebuild the cycle of reincarnation! "

The man said to Lin Fei, his eyes were full of expectation.

"Senior, if you agree, I will definitely work hard."

Lin Fei said.

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