Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4319: Abandoned space sea

"Yes! There is indeed such an abandoned sea of ​​space, and many things in it are related to reincarnation.

A long time ago, by chance, I once entered the sea of ​​space. "

After hearing the words of the ancestor of the wind demon, Master Zifu also said immediately.


An abandoned sea of ​​space? "

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"In the sea of ​​absolute space, there are indeed many seas of space that have been abandoned."

Chaos Tian Swallowing Beast said.

The Chaos Swallowing Beast was originally a kind of sacred beast that lived in the sea of ​​absolute space, and was very familiar with everything in the sea of ​​absolute space.

"Well, you guys take me there immediately."

Lin Fei said.

Lin Fei wanted to eagerly explore everything related to reincarnation.

"Now, go right away?

Young people, I'm afraid not.

Although there are no living creatures in that deserted sea of ​​space, there are many ghosts of war.

Moreover, those war ghosts, most likely, were left by the Chaos God.

Therefore, even if we are the main god, it is difficult to break into that sea of ​​space casually.

You must wait until the ghost of war inside is in a period of weakness before it is possible to enter. "

Wind Demon ancestor said.

"Not bad.

That abandoned space sea is too dangerous.

We must wait for the right time, otherwise, even if we go in, we will be bitter.

The time I entered it, it happened that those wary spirits were in a weak state, and I had the opportunity to break in.

If in normal times, if you want to forcefully break into that sea of ​​space, you are simply looking for death. "

Master Zifu nodded too.

"The ghost of war left by the Chaos God?"

Lin Fei couldn't help frowning.

If it is really the ghost of war left by the Chaos God, then it really can't be forced.

The ghosts left by the Chaos God are also much stronger than the Lord God.

"Well, you take me there first, and observe the abandoned space sea outside before you make your plans.

If you really can't break through, think of a way. "

Lin Fei said.

"OK then."

The ancestor of Wind Demon and Master Zifu could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when they heard what Lin Fei said.

The two of them were so scared that Lin Fei forced them to go to the deserted sea of ​​space.

"Young man, let's go now."

Feng Mo ancestor and Master Zifu took the lead and walked out of the palace.

Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast followed out.

"You two, don't come.

In case of any danger, it is difficult to distract and take care of you. "

Lin Fei glanced at Tiandi Patriarch and Master Zhenfu.

The ancestors of heaven and earth and Master Zhenfu both blushed and stood still.

It is also true that the strength of the two of them is far worse than Master Zifu and Old Wind Demon.

Thus, the ancestor of the Wind Demon and Master Zifu, with Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, began to travel through the void continuously.

Soon, he left this space sea and entered the Jedi space sea.

The stamina and speed of the ancestors of the wind demon and Zifu are very good.

It's just that Lin Fei and Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast met step by step, not half a point behind.

In fact, this kind of forward speed was already very slow for Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

"Unexpectedly, it is really surprising that a Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast came to our sea of ​​space."

At this time, in the front, Master Zifu and the ancestor of the wind demon began to communicate with each other using their divine knowledge to transmit sound.

"Still looking, that human young man is even more terrifying.

Didn't you hear that the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast actually called him Big Brother.

It is not easy to be able to make a chaotic sky swallowing beast, called the existence of Big Brother.

I'm really curious about the origin of this young human being. "

Master Zifu said.

"In any case, we better not to offend them.

We are not their opponents. "

Wind Demon ancestor said.

"Not bad.

Don't anger them.

Otherwise, the two of us will not end well.

It's just that the main purpose of the young human being who came to us was to inquire about things related to reincarnation. I guess that the two of them came to our sea of ​​space to find things related to reincarnation.

Therefore, the two of them have no fundamental conflict of interest with us.

We can't make it, go to provoke them.

If we cooperate a little bit, we will treat them as a help, deal with them, and it should be fine. "

Master Zifu said.

"Yes, it is true.

I plan to leave this sea of ​​space soon and go to the outside world.

Therefore, I should make good friends with them, and in the future, when I enter the sea of ​​absolute space, maybe, if necessary, I will have one more to take care of. "

Wind Demon ancestor said.


Are you planning to leave this sea of ​​space and enter the sea of ​​absolute space? "

Master Zifu couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words of the ancestor of Wind Demon.

The ancestor of Wind Demon has lived in this sea of ​​space for a very long time, and is the oldest master **** in this sea of ​​space.

It is also one of the three most powerful and powerful masters of this space sea.

Unexpectedly, now, the ancestor of the wind demon was moved, thinking about leaving.

"Not bad.

This sea of ​​space, for me, has not developed much.

Even if I continue to stay in this sea of ​​space, my own development will be limited.

If I want to make a breakthrough, I have to leave here and go to the outside world to make a foray and find opportunities.

Otherwise, I will always stop at my current strength. "

The ancestor of Wind Demon sighed.

"you are right."

Master Zifu was silent for a moment, nodded and replied.

His situation is similar to that of Wind Demon ancestor.

What Feng Mo ancestor lamented, he also felt the same.

"I suspect that Qianshou Patriarch has left this sea of ​​space and entered the sea of ​​absolute space.

Otherwise, why, for so long, I haven't seen him show up anymore.

Some of the forces that Qianshou ancestor had established before have already begun to decline, and he has not been seen to take care of them. "

Wind Demon ancestor said.

"It's possible."

Master Zifu nodded.

The Thousand Hands Patriarch has already left, if the Wind Demon Patriarch also leaves, Master Zifu will feel a little bit lonely.

Although, from now on, this sea of ​​space has regarded him as the sole dignity, but in his heart, there is some sadness.

"Young man, in front, is the deserted sea of ​​space."

Suddenly, Feng Mo ancestor and Master Zifu stopped at the same time, pointed to the front, and said to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei's divine consciousness immediately moved forward and felt away.

Sure enough, Lin Fei's divine consciousness soon sensed a vast sea of ​​space.

In that sea of ​​space, there is no breath of any creature, but there are a lot of ghosts.

Those ghosts exude a terrifying aura one by one.

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