Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4323: Back to the sea of ​​absolute space

After leaving the palace of the ancestor of the wind demon, Lin Fei and the three had arrived in front of a rock passage.

In the rock passage, there is a raging fire, which is burning.

Vaguely, one could see heads of humanoid flame creatures moving in the passage.

"Because, these flame demons, I have never been able to leave this sea of ​​space, otherwise, I would have left long ago and went to the outside world."

Looking at the flame demon in the passage, the ancestor of the wind demon showed a solemn expression.

"Let's go in.

The battle began. "

Lin Fei did not hesitate, and walked into the rock passage with him.

Peng...booming flames, rushing towards his face, immediately drowned Lin Fei.

However, with Lin Fei's strength, the more powerful flames could not cause any damage to Lin Fei.

The Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast also followed in.

Behind, the ancestor of Wind Demon hesitated for a moment, and then bit his head and walked into the rock passage.

He once entered these rock passages, and as a result, he was defeated by the flame demon inside and fled.

It's just that he is more at ease with Lin Fei.

Because, he knew that the strength of Lin Fei and the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast was much stronger than him.

"Who dares to break into the forbidden land!"

Three Lin Fei, in the passage, after a while, there was a flame demon rushing from a distance, roaring.

Huh! When Lin Fei looked up, several time and space formations enveloped the flame demon.


Lin Fei displayed the energy of reincarnation and the law of reincarnation, overlapped, and bombarded the flame demon.

Roar...The flame demon was trapped in the space-time array, unable to move. Under the constant bombardment of reincarnation energy and laws, gradually, his movements began to slow down.


With a pop, it blows up directly.


The ancestor of Wind Demon looked surprised and delighted.

Seeing Lin Fei slay a flame demon, he finally felt relieved.


We cannot stay in one place for too long.

The longer we stay, the more flame monsters will look at us. "

Lin Fei said.

Last time, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast strayed through these rock passages for a period of time, and they had already learned a lot.

Ho Ho Ho... Three Lin Fei, not long after they left, a dozen flame demons appeared in this place at the same time.


One of the biggest flame monsters waved his hand and said.

Then, a dozen flame demons, at the same time, chased in the direction where Lin Fei and the three were leaving.

Soon after.

Dozens of flame demons appeared at the same time, surrounding Lin Fei's three people.

The flame monsters are all arrogant and murderous.

"Let me deal with it!"

Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast said, stepping forward.

Rumble...a terrifying force and coercion, vented out mightily and crushed towards those flame demons.

This time, the Chaos Swallowing Sky Beast, fully displayed, without reservation.

Those flame demons were immediately suppressed and unable to move, each of them seemed to carry thousands of sacred mountains.

"Swallow me!"

The Chaos Heaven Swallowing Beast roared, a huge mouth, overwhelming the sky, swallowing the flame demon.

"Run away!"

The flame monsters screamed one by one, desperately trying to escape.

However, the swallowing ability of the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beasts is a joke.

What's more, when Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky Devouring Beast came in, they fought with these flame demon for a long time, and they were already quite familiar with these flame demon.

Now, fighting again, it's no longer the kind of rushing when I first encountered these flame demons.

Puff puff... Soon, those dozens of flame demons were swallowed by the Chaos Heaven Swallowing Beast.

The belly of the Chaos Swallowing Sky Beast claims to be able to hold everything, as long as it is swallowed in, it won't come out again.

"very scary."

The ancestor of Wind Demon [August One Chinese Website] saw his scalp numb.

He secretly rejoiced that he had no choice at that time to face the two young people head-on, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"Okay, let's move on."

Lin Fei said, taking the lead to walk forward.

Time passed day by day.

Lin Fei's three, weaving through the rocky passages one after another, will encounter a large number of flame demons from time to time, coming to chase and kill them.

Moreover, afterwards, more and more flame demons began to appear, continuously chasing and killing Lin Fei's three people.

Lin Fei, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, did their best to fight with those flame demons.

The ancestor of Wind Demon also joined the battle group.

"We must speed up, and if this continues, sooner or later we will be trapped here by these flame demons and cannot go out."

Lin Fei looked at the mighty flame demon chasing him, and couldn't help but feel a little numb, feeling quite helpless.

Originally, the strength of these flame demons was not too strong.

But helplessly, there are too many.

Moreover, it can be reborn! It's like, never kill! In the end, Lin Fei, the Chaos Swallowing Beast, and the ancestor of the Wind Demon joined forces to open a **** road and flee desperately.

Behind, the fire demon, like a tide, crowded the entire passage, chasing and killing the three Lin Fei mightily.

that's it.

Three Lin Fei, in the rocky passage, have been chased and killed.

I don't know how long it took.

at last.

one day.

Shoo! Lin Fei, the Primordial Chaos Devouring Beast, and the ancestor of the Wind Demon, rushed out of a rock cave.

Ahead, a void, confused.

Time and space are changing strangely.

Even, it simply makes people confused between time and space, whether they exist or not.

"We are back to the sea of ​​absolute space!"

Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

"Not bad.

We finally got rid of those nasty flame demons. "

Lin Fei looked at the weird void ahead and couldn't help laughing.

"It turns out that this is the real absolute sea of ​​space.

What a weird law of time and space.

It is completely different from the laws of time and space in our space ocean. "

The ancestor of Wind Demon looked at the weird void ahead, surprised and happy, and at the same time curious, but also a little worried.

Not to mention him, even Lin Fei, when he first entered the sea of ​​absolute space, felt very uncomfortable.


The ancestor of the Wind Demon looked back at the rock passage that had just come out.

After that rocky passage is his hometown.

For a while, he was a little sad.

For a long time, he wanted to leave his hometown, enter the sea of ​​absolute space, and take a break.

Now, suddenly leaving his hometown and coming into the real sea of ​​absolute space, in his heart, he was reluctant to leave his hometown again.

"Two, the law of time and space in the sea of ​​absolute space is completely different from the law of time and space in the sea of ​​space in my hometown.

For a while, I couldn't fit it, and I couldn't even tell the direction and time.

I don’t know, can I follow you in the sea of ​​absolute space for a period of time, and wait until I become familiar with the sea of ​​absolute space before I can go alone? "

The ancestor of the wind demon looked at Lin Fei and the Chaos Devouring Beast and asked.

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