Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4325: Kill dark creatures

"These black monsters seem to be endless!"

Both the Chaos Devouring Beast and the Wind Demon ancestor were very surprised.

"I understand.

These black monsters should have been born temporarily from that monster.

The black monster is the main one.

Only if the black monster is eliminated, maybe these black monsters will not appear. "

Lin Fei's eyes, staring at the first black monster that appeared, gradually understood.

So, Lin Fei moved and rushed towards the black monster.

But, the next moment.

Boom boom boom... Thousands of black monsters appeared at the same time, rushing towards Lin Fei from all directions.

"You two will deal with these black monsters."

Lin Fei shouted.


The Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast and the Wind Demon ancestor rushed up at the same time and fought fiercely with the black monsters.

"Swallow me!"

The Chaos Swallowing Sky Beast opened its huge mouth and swallowed it sharply.

Crackling... swallow many black monsters into the huge mouth.

The combat power of the ancestor of the wind demon was much weaker.

But, after all, he is also the master of a sea of ​​space, with various martial arts secrets, various magic weapons, one after another, and the black creatures, fighting very lively, beheading the black creatures one after another.

But Lin Fei was constantly traveling through time and space, quickly approaching the first black creature that appeared.

Now, Lin Fei is more and more familiar with the laws of time and space in the sea of ​​absolute space, and he can travel through time and space easily.

"Huh! Reincarnation, all **** it!"

The black monster stared at Lin Fei and said coldly.

Its voice has the effect of directly attacking other people's soul bodies. Every word forms a strange resonance, causing the surrounding time and space to sway.

"Go to hell!"

Lin Fei's gaze was also murderous, and with a wave of his hand, dozens of time-space formations quietly enveloped the black creature.

boom! The battle knife in Lin Fei's hand, carrying the horrible energy of the sword, was mighty and slashed towards the black creature.

At the same time, Lin Fei displayed the energy of reincarnation and the law of reincarnation.

The laws of reincarnation, turned into chains of laws, interwoven into a web of laws, shrouded the black creature.

This net of tricks is a secret method of reincarnation, and it is very powerful.

Chi Chi... At the same time, Lin Fei displayed the heart sword, a steady stream of sharp invisible heart swords, attacking the body of the black monster, frantically cutting its internal organs.

It can be said that Lin Fei used several powerful methods to attack at the same time without reservation.

Boom... the black monster roared and rushed towards Lin Fei.

The endless black energy, like a black ocean, flooded Xiang Lin Fei.

Where the black energy passed, everything was completely destroyed.

In this sea of ​​absolute space, everything is constantly falling apart, disintegrating, and finally completely annihilated and vanished.

Boom... Soon, Lin Fei and this black monster fought fiercely.

The strength of this black monster is very powerful, and that huge black body contains very amazing energy.

Every blow is absolutely ruining the world.

It's just that the battle knife in Lin Fei's hand exerted a terrifying power, and every cut shook the black monster back.

You know, this sword is left by a Chaos God.

"Use the tower of reincarnation against this beast!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

This is the voice of God in the second reincarnation.

In the second reincarnation tower, there is a trace of the remnant soul of the second reincarnation god.

"it is good!"

Lin Fei nodded.

So Lin Fei immediately took out the second reincarnation tower.

Rumble...The second reincarnation tower, constantly zooming in, filled this space in a moment.

boom! The tower of reincarnation burst out terrifying reincarnation energy, bursting out hundreds of millions of yellow lights, and bombarding the black monster.

Rumble...A series of yellow runes, containing powerful reincarnation energy, turned into giant hammers and smashed on the body of the black monster.

Ooo... the black monster screamed sternly.

A terrifying wound immediately appeared on its body, and a stream of black blood splashed out like a fountain.

"Sure enough!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, using the Samsara Tower to deal with this black monster, the effect would be so good.

"Of course, this Samsara Tower has killed countless black creatures, and it has a certain restraint effect on black creatures.

It is very effective against black creatures. "

God said in the second round.

"That's it."

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Smash it again!"

Lin Fei reached out and pointed.

The tower of reincarnation, whizzed out again.

Boom...Under Lin Fei's destruction, the Samsara Tower kept smashing on the body of the black creature.

Ah... the black monster kept screaming.

On its body, blood holes appeared one after another, scarred and shocking.

Soon, this black monster was getting more and more injured.

at this time.

Puff... the black monsters that were fighting the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, the ancestor of the Wind Demon, suddenly all exploded and vanished.

"Sure enough, those monsters were born temporarily.

Now, this monster was injured and unable to maintain it, and all the other monsters were blown up. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but nodded and said.

"Roar! Reincarnation is damned! You wait, I won't let you go!"

The black monster roared.

Then, the black monster turned around and fled.

"It's not so easy to escape!"

With a loud roar, Lin Fei destroyed the Samsara Tower and chased him up.

Boom boom boom...The Samsara Tower kept booming, smashing on the body of the black monster.

"go to hell!"

The Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast also caught up.

Boom boom boom... Lin Fei and Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast, the two of them worked together and kept attacking.

After a while.

at last.

The black monster couldn't hold it anymore.

boom! Finally, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast worked together to blast the body of the black monster into pieces.

"Finally killed this monster."

Both Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast breathed a sigh of relief.

"This guy is not very strong, but he is too resistant.

Moreover, when facing the enemy, so many monsters can be born.

Dark creatures are really weird. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but sigh.

"It seems that I have been targeted by dark creatures.

But how did the dark creatures find me.

Why do you know that I am a descendant of the line of reincarnation? "

Lin Fei couldn't help but frowned.

Now, looking for the fragments of reincarnation, there is no clue yet.

In the end, it was caught by the dark creatures.

This made Lin Fei feel a little headache.

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