Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4346: Robbery

When Lin Fei and Chaos Sky Beast heard this, their faces sank, and they looked over.

I saw that not far in front, three people approached.

For it is a woman with a slender figure, a red dress, green skin, and a strange beauty. What is more conspicuous is that there are a pair of green corners on her forehead. Staring at Lin Fei contemptuously.

Next to her, two men followed closely. The skin on her body was all green with dangerous eyes, staring at Lin Fei and the Chaos Swallowing Beast with a sneer.

"Hey, two little guys, knowing whether they live or die, with such strength, dare to run in and grab the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman, go to death."

A man, with murderous intent in his eyes, sneered.

"Two rubbish, immediately hand over everything on your body, otherwise, I will make you die very painful.

Let me tell you the truth. I know how to torture people. I can torture anyone who falls into my hands to survive, to die, to taste the most painful feeling in this world.

If you cooperate obediently, I can make your death more comfortable, you know. "

The other man laughed.

His attitude seems to be very friendly, and his voice is very soft, but what he says is murderous.

"Well, what can I say to the two rubbish.

Kill them, so as not to waste our time.

Let's spend more time searching for the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Symbols. "

The woman is getting a little impatient.

"Well then, I just kill them directly.

It's really meaningless to have fun with this kind of garbage. "

Said a man.

Lin Fei and the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast stood like this, staring coldly at the female and two males, all with killing intent.

"Green cage!"

Suddenly, the man shouted.

Boom...One after another green cages suddenly appeared around Lin Fei and the Chaos Swallowing Beast, besieging Lin Fei and the Chaos Swallowing Beast.

In the blink of an eye, there were more than a dozen green cages, inside and out, covering Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

This is a very clever martial skill. With a single thought, many green cages can be condensed around the enemy's body, making it difficult for the enemy to avoid it.

"How about it, can you handle it."

Lin Fei said to the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

"Just kidding, I can't deal with this trick, isn't that a waste of life."

Chaos Swallowing Heaven Beast, dismissively said.

"Let me crack it."

Chaos Tian Swallowing Beast said.

"Haha, two rubbish, immediately hand over everything on you and everything."

The man laughed loudly and said.

This time, countless main gods have entered the sea of ​​Tianmu world.

These main gods came from different forces and different spatial seas, and most of them did not know each other.

With so many main gods, gathered together, there will definitely be many fights and fights.

There are many main gods, when they encounter the weak, they directly attack the killer and rob them without any scruples.

The women and men in front of them felt that Lin Fei and Chaos Sky Beast should be very weak, so they immediately robbed them.

Rumble... As soon as the man's voice fell, the Chaos Swallowing Beast started to move, and the body continued to enlarge, releasing a mighty energy pressure.

In a moment, a hideous-looking monster appeared.

Puff puff puff... this monster is so powerful that it directly shattered the dozens of green cages and turned them into nothing.

"What, this is a chaos-swallowing beast! It's not good, we have missed it! Hurry up! We made the wrong person!"

The one female and two males saw the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast showing its true shape, and couldn't help being shocked, and immediately turned around and fled.

"Hehe, I just want to escape now, is it possible."

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

As soon as the two men and women came up, they shouted that they were going to kill them. They were aggressive, so how could Lin Fei let them go.

Boom boom boom... Lin Fei waved his hand, and dozens of time-space formations were immediately arranged, trapping the one woman and two men in the formation.

"No! We are trapped!"

The woman was shocked.

"Work together to break these formations!"

Those two men bite the bullet and began to frantically attack the dozens of time-space formations.

However, Lin Fei's formation level is already very clever, and the large formations set out are infinitely powerful, where they can easily be broken.

Those dozens of space-time large arrays are linked together to form a continuous large array.

Those women and two men attacked desperately, but no matter if they desperately, it would be difficult to immediately crack the space-time formations that Lin Fei arranged.

Boom boom boom...Among dozens of big formations, one woman and two men, both with pale complexions, shot frantically, and continued to bombard the space-time formations laid down by Lin Fei.

In fact, their strength is quite good.

Compared with the ancestor of Wind Demon, it is not much different.

But, unfortunately, they met Lin Fei.

Lin Fei and Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast stood beside them, sneering at the one woman and two men trapped in the huge array.

"Why, why can't you even deal with our two rubbish.

If we are rubbish, what are you guys? "

The Chaos Devouring Sky Beast spoke without mercy.

"Now, hand over everything on you.

In this way, I can let you die comfortably.

Otherwise, I don't mind, use everything, the cruelest method, to torture you.

Believe me, although I don't have much research on how to torture people, it is guaranteed to make you feel very painful.

If you don’t believe it, you can try it. "

Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast sneered.

"What do you want to do.

To tell you the truth, the three of us are nobles in the sky and green space! If you dare to be rude to us, the sky will never let you go.

Hmph, the strength of our sky green space is beyond your imagination.

So, you’d better let us go.

Otherwise, at your own risk! "

A man yelled sharply.

"Sky Green Space Sea, what is that stuff, I haven't heard of it.

Without further ado.

Now, immediately hand over everything on you.

Otherwise, I will do it! "

Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast sneered.

Boom...The one woman and two men are still desperately attacking the surrounding time and space formations.

"go to hell!"

Lin Fei said lightly.

"Boy, what do you want to do!"

The one woman and two men were terrified.

Boom...Lin Fei stretched out his hand and pointed out that the dozens of time and space formations had changed and started to attack.

For Lin Fei, these time-space formations can be changed into attacking formations with the movement of his mind.

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