Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4352: Second

"No, the two of them will soon escape from the mainland!"

The main gods who were chasing behind were all frightened and angry, speeding up and chasing desperately.

But it was useless. After a while, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast managed to escape from the mainland. Then, they left the Tianmu World Sea and went to the absolute space sea outside.

As soon as he entered the sea of ​​absolute space, the chaos-swallowing beast seemed like a fish in the water, and immediately used some of the space-time secrets in his inherited memory, leading Lin Fei to continuously cross in the sea of ​​absolute space, and escaped without a trace in a moment.

Behind a large number of main gods chased out from the sky of the sky.

But they found that they had lost the target.

You know, the Chaos Swallowing Beast is a kind of sacred beast that lives in the absolute space sea. It has a good understanding of the special laws of time and space in the absolute space sea. Moreover, there are many secrets passed down by races that can be used in absolute space. Make a quick crossing in the sea.

This is incomparable to those other creatures living in the sea of ​​space.

"Too unwilling. We played for so long and paid so much price, but those two guys actually picked up a hot frying pile with cold hands!"

"Yes, I saw the two guys watching them all the time before, and they didn't take part in the **** at all. I thought they were too weak to take part in the snatch. I didn't expect that they were hiding aside and waiting for the opportunity, and suddenly shot. , Too cunning!"

"The law of reincarnation that the human kid displayed is really brilliant. He must be a person of reincarnation."

"Hasn't the line of reincarnation already perished?

Why did it suddenly appear now? "

The main gods could no longer perceive the traces of Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, so they stopped, very unwilling, and talked a lot.

After a while, these main gods returned to the world of Tianmu again, because the legendary Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman had a total of three yuan, and now one has been robbed, and two have not yet been born.

At this time, near the Tianmu World Sea, at a certain location in the Absolute Space Sea, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast stopped, and the chasing soldiers had given up and continued to chase them.

"Finally got a piece of Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman!"

Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast were very excited.

Lin Fei took out the nine-pole yin and yang talisman and looked carefully. It was a white jade slip, which was relatively large, about twice the size of an adult's palm, and exuded a very mysterious atmosphere.

"Legend has it that there are three nine-pole yin-yang talisman in total, and each piece records one-third of the number of laws in the world. Collecting three nine-pole yin-yang talisman together will record all the laws that have ever appeared in the world! So, It’s best to grab the other two Nine Extremes Yin-Yang Talisman, otherwise, there will be no way to really bring out the role of the Nine Extremes Yin-Yang Talisman."

Chaos Tian Swallowing Beast said.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei nodded.

"We are now going back to Tianmu World Sea, but we have to keep a low profile, change our appearance and spirit aura, and wait for the appearance of the next Nine Extreme Yin and Yang Talisman."

Lin Fei said.

There are a total of three Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman, and now that he only grabbed one of them, Lin Fei was of course not reconciled.

So Lin Fei and the Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast both changed their spirit aura and appearance, turning them into two other strange youths, and then quietly returned to the world of Tianmu.

Since there are too many main gods in the Tianmu World Sea, no one noticed Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

On the mainland, those main gods scattered in various places, looking for and waiting for the next nine-pole Yin-Yang Talisman.

No one knows where the next Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman will appear.

Each main **** is searching for different locations on the mainland according to the results of his own deduction, or waiting for the appearance of the second nine-pole Yin-Yang Talisman.

"It's really hateful! Unexpectedly, the first Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman was snatched by those two boys!"

"Our people paid so much price, killed so many people, and got nothing!"

"If I see those two boys again, I will definitely give them a severe lesson!"

"Hateful, our clan has already grabbed the Nine Extreme Yin and Yang Talisman in our hands. I didn't expect it to be a failure. In the end, it fell into the hands of two stinky boys. It was so annoying!"

"After going out of the Tianmu World Sea, you must use all your strength to find out the identities of the two boys, and then go to them to settle accounts!"

"That Nine Extreme Yin and Yang Talisman will be vomited out even if they get it temporarily!"

There are also many main gods who are still discussing the first nine-pole yin and yang talisman, and they all appear aggrieved.

It is also true that many races and forces have paid a great price in order to compete for the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman, and even suffered heavy casualties.

Some forces have already grabbed the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman, and as a result, they finally got the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman for the two boys who were killed halfway.

There are many forces and races who feel that they can't swallow this breath.

Time passed slowly, before not knowing it, several years passed.

All the main gods who entered the Tianmu World Sea patiently waited on the mainland, and no one left, waiting for the appearance of the second Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman.

A few years later, one day, a loud noise came from a certain location on the mainland.

Then, a white beam of light rose into the sky from that position.

Everyone could see clearly that it was a nine-pole yin-yang talisman, and the second nine-pole yin-yang talisman finally appeared! "It's there, rush!"

"At all costs, we must grab this Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman!"

Suddenly, countless Lord Gods swept toward that location from all directions, like a mighty tide.

Boom boom boom...More than a dozen mental power worlds descended from the sky, and at the same time, they shrouded that position, and the dozens of power experts who were good at mental power shot again.

Then, one huge formation after another, shrouded toward that position from all directions.

All the main gods have learned well, and before they rush to that position, they are directly arranged, and the formations are enveloped in that direction.

In addition to the mental power world and the formation method, there are also many secret methods displayed by the main gods to construct a strange energy world.

These peculiar energy worlds are made up of different energies and different laws to form some illusory worlds, and at the same time they shroud the place where the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman is located.

Some are miserable, some black mist is overwhelming, some are billowing flames, some are bright, some are icy and snowy, countless special worlds constructed by various laws, all moving towards the position where the Nine-pole Yin-Yang Talisman is. Suppress the past.

The scene is amazing.

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