Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4357: Palace in the mainland

Unknowingly, five years have passed. During these five years, all the main gods on the mainland have been searching everywhere for the whereabouts of the third nine-pole yin-yang talisman.

But no one found it.

Until one day, all of a sudden, a white beam of light rose into the sky at a certain location on the continent, illuminating the entire continent.

At this moment, the eyes of all the main gods were looking towards that position.

"The third Nine Extreme Yin and Yang Talisman finally appeared!"

The Lord God screamed immediately.

The position where the third Nine-pole Yin-Yang Talisman appeared was exactly in the center of the continent, which was the most core place of this continent.

In the next moment, all the main gods on the continent rushed towards the center of the continent at the fastest speed.

The third Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman is the last one! Everyone knows that if this last nine-pole yin and yang talisman is not obtained, it means that oneself will never have a fate with the nine-pole yin and yang talisman.

Therefore, all the people tried their best to transform into a series of light spots, converging towards the center of the mainland at an astonishing speed.

"Let's go over and take a look!"

Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast also showed their starting method and rushed towards the center of the mainland.

After a while, a large number of main gods reached the core position of the mainland at the same time.

"There is a palace here! It's weird. I have passed this location several times before. There is no palace here.

I don't know when, a palace appeared! "

All the main gods were found in the core of the mainland, and an ancient palace appeared.

This palace, the whole body is black and gold, exudes a very ancient and desolate history.

"This palace seems to be the legendary Tianmu Chaos God, a closed room for cultivation."

"Yes, I have also heard that there is a palace in the sea of ​​Tianmu World, and Tianmu Chaos God is usually in this palace, practicing in retreat."

Other main gods also said one after another.

Before coming to the Tianmu World Sea, some big forces had already investigated the relevant situation about the Tianmu World Sea and the Tianmu Chaos God in very detailed.

"In the legend, this palace is not only a closed room for the Tianmu Chaos God to practice, but also the treasure house of the Tianmu Chaos God. The Tianmu Chaos God is a very powerful man.

Throughout his life, he traversed the sea of ​​absolute space and was famous, and he collected many treasures of amazing value, and he kept some of the treasures in this palace. "

Some main gods couldn't help but say.

"Yes, there is indeed such a legend!"

Almost all the main gods stared at the ancient palace with fiery eyes.

In this palace there are not only the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman, but also some treasures collected by the Tianmu Chaos God.

Needless to think about the treasures collected by a prestigious Chaos God, the value is definitely amazing.

Every main **** looked at the palace with a greedy expression.

"If we can get the treasures left by the Tianmu Chaos God in this palace, then we will be worthy of this trip."

"It's just that I also heard that in this palace, the Tianmu Chaos God has made a lot of arrangements, there are many formations and institutions, and the creatures that break in, even the main **** will have the possibility of falling."

The Lord God spoke up again.

After hearing this sentence, all the main gods' faces were a little solemn.

The formation and mechanism left by a chaos **** is definitely terrifying.

But in the pursuit of wealth and danger, each of these main gods is a proud and arrogant person. In their world, they are extremely masters who are called ancestors, so they know that there will be many dangers in this palace, but there is no Anyone willing to shrink and leave.

All of them stared at the palace with fiery eyes, ready to rush in to find the treasure.

"Let's go in!"

Finally, the main **** began to approach the palace.

Several main gods walked to the gate of that palace.

Someone took the lead, and of course the other gods were not far behind, so a large number of gods slowly approached the palace.

"what should we do?"

Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast asked Lin Fei.

"Let's go in and take a look!"

Lin Fei thought for a while and said aloud.

"We have already obtained two Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman, this last one has to work hard no matter what. As long as we get the third Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman, then it is really perfect, and we have a complete one. The nine-pole yin and yang talisman has infinite benefits for our future cultivation.

So no matter what the danger is, it is worth fighting for. "

Lin Fei continued.

"Yes, for the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman, it is indeed worth our risk. It is too meaningful to be able to get a complete Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman."

Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast also nodded.

So Lin Fei and Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast followed the other main gods step by step towards the palace.

The palace in front of him looked old and old, all black and gold mixed, and people could tell at a glance, he must have gone through a very long time.

Above the main entrance of the palace were written three ancient words, Tianmu Palace.

"It seems that the legend is not wrong, the palace in front of you is indeed left by the Tianmu Chaos God."

Lin Fei couldn't help but nodded, thinking inwardly.

"It really deserves to be left by a Chaos God!"

Lin Fei looked at the three big characters, each of them had infinite connotations and mysteries, as if the three big characters contained some very clever and mysterious rules.

"These three words must be the Tianmu Chaos God Himself."

At this time, the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast also secretly sent a voice transmission to Lin Fei and said.

"Each of these three words contains very clever rules."

Chaos Tian Swallowing Beast added.

He is a famous beast in the sea of ​​absolute space, and his talent is no worse than Lin Fei.

"Let's open the door together and rush in!"

The main **** suggested.

The gate of the palace was closed tightly, no one dared to open it casually, because this palace was left by a Chaos God, and no one knows whether the Tianmu Chaos God will place anything on these two gates. Formation or organization.

"Okay, let's do it together. There are so many people and powerful, don't be afraid!"

The other main gods nodded one after another.

Under this circumstance, everyone understands that only by working together, blasting through the two doors and entering the palace, will they have the opportunity to enter the palace for treasure hunting.

As a result, all the main gods worked together, bursting out a powerful energy bombarding the two gates of the palace.

Rumble...what surprised these main gods, the two gates of the palace were immediately opened, and there were no formations or mechanisms.

"It seems that we are worrying too much. Let's go in!"

Some impatient and courageous main gods have already rushed into the palace first. Of course, the others did not want to fall behind. They were mighty and swarmed. All the main gods rushed into the palace.

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