Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4362: And assessment


Is the name of these sacred trees called Taiyi Primitive Wood? "

Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast were a little surprised.

Because this is the first time I have heard the name of this sacred tree.

"Senior, what is the preciousness of this Taiyi primitive wood?"

The Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast was very curious and asked.

"Let's put it this way, what you master gods cultivate is the mighty power of the world, and the mighty power of the world is the most important energy for you master gods.

But for Chaos God, the world's mighty power is of little use.

Chaos God cultivates energy that is more advanced than the world's mighty power, that is, the original chaotic power, and the fruit area of ​​this Taiyi primitive wood contains a lot of chaotic original power.

Back then, my master, Tianmu Chaos God, got a root of Taiyi primitive wood, and then brought it back, quietly nurturing it in the world of Tianmu, and as a result, let my master cultivate Taiyi primitive wood Success, and finally reproduced such a large number of Taiyi primitive wood.

For many years, my master has been very secretive, and has never revealed the news about the existence of the Taiyi Primitive Wood, fearing that it will attract many Chaos Gods to **** it.

However, in the end, the two Chaos Gods were informed about the existence of Taiyi Primitive Wood, so the two Chaos Gods quietly came to the Tianmu World Sea together. After they came to the Tianmu World Sea, they pretended not to know Taiyi Primitive Wood. Existence, but, I first had a passionate relationship with my master, and then suddenly started on my master.

I want to use a sudden attack to kill my master, so as to seize the Taiyi primitive wood.

In addition to these Taiyi primitive woods, my master has more treasures.

Because my master Tianmu Chaos God is famous in the sea of ​​absolute space, a Chaos God who has collected a lot of treasures.

The two chaos gods suddenly attacked my master. Fortunately, my master saw through their tricks and instead killed them.

It is outside. The two bodies of the Chaos Gods you see are them.

After killing these two Chaos Gods, my master placed their bodies in the Heavenly Eye World Sea to warn other Chaos Gods not to hit my master's treasures casually. "

The golden giant said to Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast.

"That's it!"

Lin Fei and the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast heard the golden giant's words, only to know the origin of the two Chaos God corpses outside.

It turned out to be the Taiyi Primitive Wood that wanted to capture the Tianmu Chaos God, but instead was killed by the Tianmu Chaos God.

In this way, the strength of the Tianmu Chaos God must be very terrifying.

"Then Senior, is your master Tianmu Chaos God alive now?

Is he still in the world of Tianmu now? "

Lin Fei suddenly thought of this question and said cautiously.

You must know that the Tianmu Chaos God is a Chaos God, if he is still in this Tianmu World Sea, he himself ran in and took his Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman.

If you anger him, the consequences would be disastrous! Although Lin Fei's current strength is already very good, he can easily crush it in the face of ordinary main gods.

But Lin Fei knew that facing a Chaos God, he would be vulnerable to a single blow and would definitely not be an opponent, so after hearing the golden giant's words, Lin Fei suddenly thought of this question and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Yes, senior, is your master still alive?

Is he still in the ocean of this Tianmu world? "

The Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast couldn't help being startled when he heard Lin Fei's words, and at the same time thought of this question.

"Don't worry, my master is no longer in the world of Tianmu.

Moreover, the reason why you master gods know the existence of the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman is the news that my master deliberately released.

My master left Tianmu World Sea in a hurry back then. I don't know exactly why, because he left in a hurry.

Before leaving, he didn't tell me the reason at all.

My master just told me to stay here, waiting for the destined younger generation.

The master once explained to me that if I meet a younger generation with good talents and aptitude, I can be accepted as an apprentice and inherit his mantle after being assessed.

Moreover, the master left a task, and all the creatures who became the master's disciple must complete the task left by the master.

So I stayed here in this palace, just waiting for those destined younger generations who can come here. The news of the three nine-pole Yin-Yang amulet was also deliberately released by me, according to the master’s intention, in order to attract The arrival of a large number of main gods.

Then, I select the younger generations who are talented and younger to inherit the inheritance of my master.

Now you two have finally come here. Both of you are very young, who I am waiting for.

Just now you two have been rushing from the corridor, I have been watching you.

You two are very good, and the talents are very good.

But then, you have to accept more assessments. If you can pass the assessment, then you are eligible to inherit the mantle of my master and become his disciple.

After you become the disciples of my master, you can own all the treasures left by my master in the world of Tianmu.

Even I will become your servant and will follow you and serve you from now on. "

The golden giant said to Lin Fei and the Chaos Heaven Swallowing Beast.

"So, why did the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman appear suddenly?

In fact, Tianmu Chaos God arranged it long ago.

The purpose is to attract a large number of main gods to come to the world of Tianmu, and then select the younger and more talented creatures to inherit his mantle, become his disciple, and complete a task. "

Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast finally understood.

"Then you two will continue to be assessed next?

I am very optimistic about the two of you. If you continue to accept the assessment, then you will enter the palace behind me.

But I want to remind you that the assessment left by my master is very dangerous.

If you fail the assessment, you will most likely fall, and you will lose your lives as a result.

So you have to think clearly, if you refuse the assessment, then you can now go back and leave this place.

I can give you some time to think, and then reply to me. "

The golden giant said to Lin Fei and the Sky Swallowing Beast.

At this moment, the other main gods have also come in one after another. In this human body world, they are searching everywhere for the whereabouts of the third nine-pole Yin Yang Da.

Soon the main gods found out, a white passage, and the corridor where Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast had just rushed over, and they also sensed the golden palace at the end of the corridor.

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