Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4377: Count the treasures

"Master, what happened?

Master, don't worry, since I become your disciple, I will definitely complete the task you gave me. Lin Fei is a person who believes in my words. "

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

"Very well, my good apprentice, I am really pleased that you have such a disposition.

It's just that your strength is still very weak. If you want to come and save me, at least you have to become a chaos god, otherwise it will be useless if you come, you will only die in vain.

So, I will not tell you what happened.

Your task now is to cultivate hard and strive to one day take that ultimate step and become a Chaos God.

At that time, you are qualified to come and rescue me. "

Tianmu Chaos God looked at Lin Fei with relief, and said in a loud voice.

"Master, I understand, I will work hard to cultivate."

Lin Fei nodded after hearing the words of Tianmu Chaos God.

Indeed, Tianmu Chaos God is a Chaos God, and if he encounters danger, it means that it must be a terrible danger.

Lin Fei is not yet a Chaos God, it is impossible to help rescue him, and it is no use going.

"Well, yes, your talent is very good. As long as you can work hard and have a firm will, I believe that one day you will definitely be able to cultivate successfully, take the final step and become a chaos god.

Well, I left my life-long inheritance in the world of Tianmu, and some treasures that I have collected in my life.

It’s all yours now, and I hope you can make good use of it to enhance your strength.

Work hard, and I hope that one day we two masters and apprentices can meet each other. "

Tianmu Chaos God finally said.

Then his figure turned into a burst of soul energy and returned to the jade slip.

"Master, rest assured, I will not let you down."

Lin Fei's eyes were firm, and he said in a loud voice.

"Now, we are facing a difficult problem, that is, near the Tianmu World Sea, there may be many chaotic gods of the dark creature race.

I am afraid that it is impossible for us to leave the world of Tianmu. "

At this time, the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast said to Lin Fei.

Although the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast and Lin Fei are very powerful, they are nothing in front of the Chaos God, so the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast is very worried about this problem.

"Don't worry, little master, my master has already thought about this issue, so don't worry.

Before leaving, my master has arranged a long-distance teleportation array across time and space. If you want to leave the Tianmu World Sea, it is very easy to teleport away directly, and no one can stop you.

However, little master, I hope you can stay here, first cultivate the inheritance left by the master, and improve your strength.

Then, go to the outside world.

Don't worry, little master, before my master left, he had already set up the Tianmu World Sea, and the defense of the Tianmu World Sea was very powerful.

Don't even want to break in even the Chaos God.

You know, back then, in the sea of ​​absolute space, my master belonged to a very powerful and famous Chaos God.

The defense that my master personally arranged is naturally very powerful. Ordinary Chaos Gods can break in without even thinking about it.

Therefore, it is safe for you to stay in the ocean of Tianmu World. "

The golden giant said to Lin Fei.

"Well, if this is the case, I will stay in the sea of ​​Tianmu World to practice for a while.

Indeed, the most important thing for me right now is to improve my strength, otherwise, with my current strength, I will enter the sea of ​​absolute space and wander around. It doesn't make much sense. "

Lin Fei thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

Lin Fei knew that he had obtained three Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman. If they appeared in the Sea of ​​Absolute Space, they would not have to face the Lord God, but it was very likely that many Chaos Gods would come and **** them.

Therefore, Lin Fei really didn't dare to enter the sea of ​​absolute space and wander around.

"Yes, this is indeed the truth, well, let's stay in the world of Tianmu and practice in retreat."

Of course the Chaos Devouring Beast was also very clear about the situation in front of him.

At this time, if you left the Tianmu World Sea casually, it would be a death court.

Among other things, this time, those who entered the Tianmu World Sea and participated in the **** of the three Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman, the large number of Lord Gods, would definitely not let Lin Fei go.

Not to mention, there will be many Chaos Gods who will also hear the wind.

So next, the golden giant took Lin Fei to count the treasures left by the Tianmu Chaos God, cultivation resources and various inheritances in the world of Tianmu.

I have to say that the various treasures collected by the Tianmu Chaos God are indeed too many.

And each of them is invaluable, making Lin Fei amazed.

But also, the Tianmu Chaos God is a Chaos God, and can be seen by a Chaos God, and the treasures in the collection can be imagined how precious.

But now, all these treasures belong to Lin Fei, so Lin Fei's mood is very excited, there is a sense of excitement of getting rich.

The Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast was also by Lin Fei's side. If he fancyed any treasure, Lin Fei would give it to him generously.

Lin Fei knew that he could have the opportunity to enter the sea of ​​absolute space to explore and experience, and the greatest contribution was the Chaos Swallowing Beast.

Without the company of the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, Lin Fei's own ability would have no way to move freely in the sea of ​​absolute space at first.

Moreover, in Lin Fei's mind, he also regarded the Chaos Swallowing Beast as a very important relative.

In addition to a large number of treasures, the Tianmu Chaos God also left a large number of cultivation resources, various, Lin Fei had never seen, unheard of genius treasures, Lin Fei was dazzled by all the countless people.

It took the golden giant a long time to finally take Lin Fei to count all the treasures, cultivation resources, and various treasures of heaven and earth.

Due to the large number, even Lin Fei was a little dizzy after the count, and didn't want to go into detail at all.

Anyway, these things belong to me, so I put them away.

Then the golden giant took Lin Fei to count the various inheritances left by the Tianmu Chaos God.

In the space next to the square, those inheritances inside were only part of the inheritance left by the Tianmu Chaos God.

We must know that the amount of inheritance accumulated by a Chaos God for a long period of time is astonishing.

At the end, Lin Fei also counted all the inheritance left by the Tianmu Chaos God.

"Well, the two of us will retreat and practice for a period of time in the sea of ​​Tianmu World, and strive to increase our strength and make a qualitative leap.

Because the enemies we face will be stronger in the future! "

Lin Fei said to the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast.

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