Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4391: Forcing

I have to say that these teleportation charms left by Tianmu Chaos God are indeed very effective.

When that teleportation charm was activated and transported away with Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, the Chaos God behind immediately discovered that he could no longer feel the target he was tracking.

"What exactly is going on?

What about the two little ants, why suddenly disappeared?

I seem to feel a wave of transmission energy, but in this world, what transmission means can escape my tracking? "

The Chaos God behind, after losing the breath of Lin Fei and the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast, couldn't help being frightened and angry.

He showed his starting method and tried his best to reach the position where Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast had just disappeared in a moment.

Then, his terrifying divine consciousness was immediately released in a mighty force, and he felt it in all directions.

In an instant, a large area of ​​absolute space sea was shrouded in his divine consciousness perception, but no matter how he looked for it, he could not find the breath of Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast again.

"What exactly is going on?

The two little ants have such clever means to get rid of my tracking. How is this possible? "

This Chaos God was furious, and there was no way to accept this fact.

"I see how far you can escape."

When this chaotic **** figure moved, ten clones appeared at the same time, rushing out in all directions, each clone tracking one direction.

The strength of these clones is very powerful, each clone can kill most of the main gods in seconds.

In a moment, this Chaos God's more than ten clones had searched out a very surprising distance.

However, there was still no trace of Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

Finally, this Chaos God accepted the fact that he had already lost those two weak goals! "Damn it, those two ants, with such a clever escape method, can escape from my eyes."

This Chaos God stood in the sea of ​​absolute space, and the roar of rage spread far away, shaking countless seas of space.

There are even some very fragile space seas, because they can't bear the energy aura released by him, they are directly exploded and turned into nothing. The creatures in these space seas also followed, all died.

It is absolutely a catastrophic thing for a chaos **** to get angry. I don't know how many innocent creatures are involved and die tragically.

Under the anger of this Chaos God, he even shot directly, destroying some innocent space seas nearby.

After making a lot of noise, he left angrily.

At this time, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast had already teleported to a very distant place.

"The teleportation charms left by the master are really useful!"

After successfully getting rid of the chaos god's tracking, Lin Fei couldn't help feeling very excited.

In this way, even in front of a Chaos God, oneself can be regarded as having a little means of self-protection.

"The effects of those teleportation symbols are indeed very good.

However, we should provoke the Chaos God less in the future. The strength of the Chaos God is really too terrifying, and the two of us are simply not enough. "

When the Chaos Swallowing Beast remembered that Chaos God's method, it was still terrified.

"If it is not necessary, of course don't provoke a Chaos God."

Lin Fei said angrily.

"But in any case, the most important thing for us now is to work hard to improve our strength. Only when we break through to the realm of the chaos gods, we don't have to be afraid of those chaos gods."

Lin Fei said.

"Yes, we must work hard to cultivate and strive to reach the strength of the Chaos God as soon as possible, so that we can walk safely in the sea of ​​absolute space."

Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast also nodded and said.

"That Chaos God will definitely not let us go easily. He will definitely use various methods to find our whereabouts.

Therefore, we will try to keep a low profile in the next time. "

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

A chaos **** has boundless mana and must have many tracking methods.

"Yes, the Chaos God who chased us just now must be of the same race as the more than 100 main gods we just caught.

We caught him more than 100 main gods, that chaos god, of course, will not let us easily. "

Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast nodded and said.

"So next, we have to use all means to cover up our tracks and avoid his tracking."

Lin Fei said.

"By the way, for those more than 100 main gods, what use is it for you not to kill them and leave their lives?

If the time comes, these main gods use any means to contact that chaotic god, we will be in great trouble. "

Chaos Swallowing Sky Beast said to Lin Fei.

All of the more than 100 main gods of the Soul Clan were arrested by Lin Fei, and they are now being held in a human world inside the body.

"This race is very good at mental strength. I want to get from them, the way they cultivate mental strength."

Lin Fei replied.

Just now, during the battle with the over 100 spiritual master gods, Lin Fei was amazed at their mental strength cultivation.

This seems to be a race that specializes in cultivating mental strength, so Lin Fei did not kill the more than 100 main gods in the end, but sealed them and imprisoned them.

The purpose is to get the mental strength cultivation method of their race from them.

"I am going to find a favorable place to interrogate them."

Lin Fei said.

Next, Lin Fei found a remote place of 10 minutes and began to torture the main gods of the more than 100 souls.

The will of these main gods is very strong, and at the beginning, no one was willing to reveal the secret method of the soul clan about the cultivation of mind power.

However, under Lin Fei's various methods of torture, he finally spoke.

In fact, these main gods are quite afraid of death.

After all, every main **** has gone through a very long period of cultivation before he can have today's achievements. If he cultivates to the main god, he is almost immortal and immortal.

If you die like this, you will lose all your previous efforts and no one can accept it.

Therefore, when the main gods of these spiritual races face the threat of death, they are completely softened.

They answered whatever Lin Fei asked.

Soon, Lin Fei got many inheritance secrets from the Mind Clan that specialize in cultivating and enhancing the energy of the heart.

"It's great, the secret method of the spiritual family's inheritance will definitely help me greatly, and it will improve my mental strength again."

Lin Fei was very excited.

"Then do these main gods kill or not?"

Finally, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast asked Lin Fei.

"Don't kill us, we told you everything you want to know."

The main gods of the soul clan all pleaded with Lin Fei.

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