Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4393: A broken bridge

Soon, Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast walked into this plane.

Immediately, Lin Fei noticed that in the depths of this plane, in a certain void, there was half a broken bridge.

Under the half of the broken bridge, there was still some black river flowing, and there was a lot of confused fog, which enveloped the whole broken bridge, looking hazy, giving people a feeling of ethereal emptiness.

Although this half of the broken bridge may be only a small part of a certain bridge, it can be vaguely seen that the shape of this bridge is very simple.

Many runes related to the law of reincarnation are carved on it, and there are scenes of many souls going to reincarnation.

Lin Fei was still on the half of the broken bridge and found an ancient script, which was the character Nai.

Lin Fei immediately got excited when he saw sitting on the broken bridge, staring fixedly, there was no way to move away.

This broken bridge should be part of the Naihe Bridge! Lin Fei was sure almost immediately.

Because Lin Fei's cultivation of the Law of Reincarnation has reached a fairly high level, he can immediately feel that this half of the broken bridge must be part of the reincarnation circuit.

Because the energy of reincarnation and the aura of the law of reincarnation is too strong and pure! "Finally let me find, another fragment of the cycle of rebirth!"

Lin Fei was very excited, and immediately took a big step and walked towards the half of the broken bridge.

However, when Lin Fei was about to approach the half of the broken bridge.

Suddenly, a figure shrouded in black robe appeared in the void ahead.

This figure looked very illusory, constantly shaking and distorting, it looked like a shaky black shadow.

"This is a dark creature!"

Looking at that figure, Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast called out immediately.

Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast had already fought against the dark creatures before, so they were already very familiar with the aura of the dark creatures.

The figure in front of him exudes a strong dark energy, which is easy to see.

"Unexpectedly, another remnant of reincarnation has come to die!"

The dark creature let out a gloomy laugh and said in a loud voice.

"Since you are here, don't want to run away anymore. I use this broken bridge as a bait. At least I have trapped more than 10 remnants of the cycle of reincarnation."

The dark creature said with a sneer.

Lin Fei couldn't help but narrow his eyes after hearing what he said.

It seems that this dark creature is waiting here, waiting for those who come to find the reincarnation of the reincarnation fragments, and then kill.

"Human kid, don't think about resisting, don't think about running away, it's useless, you'd better die obediently.

The realm of the first-order main **** is simply **** in front of me. "

The dark creature sneered and said, did not put Lin Fei in his eyes at all.

"Just by you, this dirty thing?

What qualifications do you have to let me escape?

Maybe you will be the one who wants to escape in a while. "

Lin Fei stood still, looked at the dark creature with a sneer, and said in a loud voice.

"Oh, you ant, do you still want to resist?

To tell you the truth, I have killed more than 10 remnants of the cycle of reincarnation, all of which are the strength of the first- and second-tier main gods. I kill them very easily.

And before I killed them, I tortured them cruelly.

Until now, I still remember the tragic situation before their deaths. Two of them begged me for mercy because they couldn't stand my torture, and even willing to surrender and join our dark creatures.

But as a race of dark creatures, we won't take in the garbage of reincarnation at all.

So, in the end, I tortured them all to death.

Ants, your end will be the same. "

The dark creature looked at Lin Fei with a playful look.

"Very well, well, before you, this filthy thing, I will use the cruelest means to torture you before you die.

Will torture you until death. "

Lin Fei immediately became furious after hearing the words of the dark creature in front of him.

"Hahaha, really a ridiculous guy who doesn't know what to do.

So, now I will let you see how big the gap between us is.

You, a Tier 1 ant, will soon kneel in front of me and beg for mercy! "

Hearing Lin Fei's words, the dark creature seemed to find it funny and burst into laughter.

He didn't have it at all, he put Lin Fei in his eyes, because his strength is the sixth-order main god, how can he value Lin Fei, this first-order strength main god. "

As soon as the voice fell, the dark creature began to do it.

I saw that more than 1,000 black arms grew on his body at the same time, and each arm held a black magic weapon, releasing the billowing dark energy, overwhelming the sky, and attacked Lin Fei.

When Lin Fei's thoughts moved, he directly displayed a world of mental power, shrouding this dark creature in the world of mental power.

Immediately, the mighty heart power penetrated into the body of this dark creature, violently destroying his body.

At the same time, Lin Fei waved his hand and arranged more than 100 formations, with attacking formations, defensive formations, isolation formations, and psychedelic formations, overlapping and overlapping the dark creature. Shrouded in it.

After many actual battles, Lin Fei's formation level has become higher and higher. Compared with the previous Dao Ba ancestor, I don't know how many times it is wiser.

Then, Lin Fei displayed the sword to destroy the heavens and the earth, and every sword cut carried a terrifying mood of destruction, which was very powerful.

"how is this possible?

You are just a first-tier main god, why is your fighting power so powerful? "

As soon as the battle began, the dark creature discovered that he had seriously underestimated Lin Fei's combat effectiveness.

You know, when Lin Fei was still a half-step main god, he could easily defeat a fifth or even 6th main god.

Now that Lin Fei's realm has broken through to the first-order main god, it can be said that Lin Fei's current combat power is equivalent to at least the strength of the eighth-order main god.

How could this sixth-order master **** in front of him be Lin Fei's opponent?

"Boy, I am going to kill you!"

The dark creature was frightened and angry. With more than 1,000 arms, each arm held a different magic weapon and displayed a different secret technique, attacking Lin Fei mightily from all directions.

Lin Fei moved his mind and cast the armor of the law.

Immediately, a piece of armor woven from the law shrouded the body.

Most of the attacks of that dark creature did not harm Lin Fei.

"How can this be?

I can't beat a Tier 1 Lord God! "

That dark creature was beaten back by Lin Fei.

He was shrouded in a world of mental strength, and suppressed by more than 100 formations, there was not much power to fight back at all.

Coupled with his attacks, most of them were resisted by Lin Fei's legal armor.

So, soon this dark creature was completely at a disadvantage and was crushed and beaten by Lin Fei.

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