Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4396: Shock

Soon after.

Came into a strange sea of ​​space.

This is a very prosperous sea of ​​space. Looking around, one world group after another, high-level planes, is suspended in the void, densely packed.

What is surprising is that in this sea of ​​space, all planes are all high-level worlds, or supreme worlds! "It seems that the overall strength of this space sea should not be weak."

Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast said to Lin Fei.

"Not bad.

The overall strength of this space sea is indeed very good.

However, in this sea of ​​space, there should be no Chaos God. "

Lin Fei nodded and replied.

It's just that Lin Fei and the Chaos Swallowing Beast are both bold and bold now. Even if there is a Chaos God in this space sea, they can retreat all over.

Therefore, Lin Fei and the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast, swaggering, appeared in this sea of ​​space.

"Towards that direction, the fragment of Naihe Bridge should be in that direction.

Because, in that direction, there is a strong reincarnation energy and the law of reincarnation. "

As soon as she entered this sea of ​​space, Po Meng became a little excited.

In the past, she was dedicated to guarding the Naihe Bridge on the reincarnation circuit.

Therefore, she is extremely familiar with Naihe Bridge.

As soon as it approached, there was immediate induction.

After a while.

In front, a world group appeared.

This world group has hundreds of planes, suspended in the void like bird nests.

Every plane is an advanced world, or a supreme world.

"That piece of Naihe Bridge should be in this world group."

Po Meng said.

Lin Fei and the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast stopped and looked at the world group ahead.


Who are you two?

Why is it so strange? "

Suddenly, a main **** appeared, looking at Lin Fei and the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast, and said in confusion.

You know, Lin Fei is now the strength of the main god.

In a sea of ​​space, suddenly, an unfamiliar Lord God appeared. Such a thing would naturally attract attention.

Because, a master god, in any sea of ​​space, is a master, and will attract enough attention.

"I'll ask you.

In this world group, is there something related to reincarnation? "

Lin Fei asked directly.

Under the divine consciousness scanning, Lin Fei discovered that the top masters in this world group were all master gods.

There is no chaos god.

As long as there is no Chaos God, Lin Fei is not afraid.

Therefore, Lin Fei asked directly.

"Boy, how dare you be so rude! Didn't you hear, I ask you, who are you!"

The Lord God, seeing Lin Fei's rude attitude, couldn't help being furious, and immediately roared.

"You best, answer me honestly."

Lin Fei sneered.

While speaking, a thought moved, a world of mental power immediately enveloped the main god.

The terrible mental energy immediately controlled the whole body of this Lord God.

"Boy, dare you!"

The main god, surprised and angry, roared.

While roaring, the main **** immediately sent a message back secretly.


"Unreasonable! Dare to come to our Heavenly Sage Chaos Sea to make trouble, don't you want to live!"

"These two boys, who are they!"

...In the world group ahead, powerful figures continue to appear one after another.

Each one is the main god.

Suddenly, more than one hundred main gods appeared one after another, encircling Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast in mighty force.

So many main gods, rushing over together, the aura released is terrible.

However, Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast didn't take it seriously.

"It's these two boys! They are not from our Heavenly Sage Chaos Sea!"

The Lord God, who was shrouded in the world of Lin Fei's effort, couldn't help being overjoyed when seeing so many reinforcements coming, he immediately grew courageous, and shouted.

next moment.

More than a hundred main gods, aggressively, surrounded Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast.

Faced with so many main gods, Lin Fei and the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast remained motionless, just standing in place, looking at the surrounding main gods faintly.

You know, Lin Fei and the Chaos Swallowing Beast were chased and killed by the Chaos God.

Compared with a chaos god, the more than one hundred main gods in front of him are simply more than one hundred two or three-year-old children, which is not worth mentioning.

So, Lin Fei and Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast, where would they be in their eyes?

"Now, answer my question well.

There is something in your world group that is related to reincarnation. "

Lin Fei asked with his hands on his back.


Seeing Lin Fei's attitude, the more than one hundred main gods were all taken aback.

"This kid is too arrogant! A mere Tier 1 Lord God, facing so many masters of ours, dare to show such an attitude."

"Hmph, it seems that it is possible, it is a stunned green.

Or, at a young age, he broke through to the main god, so it was a little floating. "

"It's simply unbelievable. With such a weak strength, I dare to use such an attitude to question us."

"This, it seems to be the legendary beast, the Chaos Swallowing Beast, but it seems to be very young, and it is estimated that the strength is not good.

...The more than one hundred main gods looked at Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast one by one with playful eyes, and they didn't take Lin Fei seriously.

Lin Fei's face became cold.

With a movement of his mind, he displayed his mind and energy world, and enveloped all the more than one hundred main gods.

Immediately, the mighty mental energy rushed into the bodies of the more than one hundred main gods, destroying their bodies crazily.


The more than one hundred main gods felt the energy of Lin Fei's display, and all of them were shocked.

You know, mental energy is irresistible to most of the main gods.

Therefore, the mentality master is the most terrible! They could not think that it seemed that ordinary young people had such terrible mental energy.

At the same time that those main gods were shocked, Lin Fei waved his hand and arranged again, with more than one hundred formations, covering all the more than 100 main gods.


Master of formation! "

Those more than one hundred main gods were shocked once again.

Each of these formations arranged by Lin Fei was extremely clever.

Even for these main gods, it takes a little time and effort to truly crack them.

"Damn it! This kid is just a Tier 1 Lord God, how can his strength be so terrible!"

"How do I feel that the combat power of this kid can fight against Tier 5 or even Tier 6 Lord God!"

...The main gods are all very shocking.

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