Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4442: Blew


! "

The dozens of dark clan masters all had their faces changed abruptly, showing a look of jealousy, looking at the cage surrounded by the huge black waves that reached ten feet high.

"Huh! Break it for me!"

The leading dark creature master, with a gloomy face, stretched out his right hand, constantly zooming in, turning into a cold claw, with terrifying power, grabbing at the cage made up of huge black waves.

However, the black cage, motionless and silent, swayed gently, like a huge black blister, easily unloading his attack power without any damage.

"What, so hard!"

That dark creature master, his face is even more ugly.

With his strength, he was unable to cause any damage to this black cage, which shows how tough this black cage is! "Work together and break this **** thing!"

He shouted to the other master black creatures.


Rumble... More than a dozen masters of dark creatures, together, bombarded out the mighty dark energy, continuously blasting on the black cage.

Boom... The black cage made up of huge waves shook gently, but it was still not destroyed.

As a result, these dozen dark creatures were all startled and angry.

"Roar... Give me all my strength, don't be reserved!"

The dark creature master headed by him could no longer maintain the calm master style, and roared.

Boom... So, these dozen dark creature masters attacked the cage made up of huge black waves even more frantically.

Boom... The huge black cage was constantly shaking violently, the amplitude of the vibration was much stronger than before, but it was still undamaged.

The dozens of dark creatures still failed to break the cage and get out of trouble.

"Senior, I really didn't expect it, the power of this section of Styx is too powerful!"

Lin Fei was very surprised and couldn't help saying.

"Hehe, of course.

Didn't I tell you just now.

A complete Styx, at least, can play against six or seven Chaos Gods.

Now, although there is only a fragment left, it is not difficult to deal with several main gods. "

Po Meng smiled.

"It is."

Lin Fei completely believed what Meng Po said.

"Lin Fei, that's amazing!"

The Lord of Samsara could not help but exclaimed in surprise.

"It's really amazing!"

The Chaos Swallowing Sky Beast also sighed.

"How could it be, it's terrible!"

The successors of the nine reincarnation lines are also unbelievable.

The strength of those a dozen dark creatures, they had just learned, very powerful.

Even if nine of them go up together, they are definitely not opponents.

Now, a piece of Styx fragment, unexpectedly possesses such astonishing power, how not surprised them.

"It seems that the background of our reincarnation line is really too deep! A short section of Styx fragments is so powerful.

What if it is a complete Styx?

Even a complete circuit of rebirth! "

The descendants of these nine reincarnation lines are all very excited.

"Haha, you filthy things, now, you know how good it is.

Just now, didn’t you keep saying that you want us to stay here forever?

It now seems that it is you who will be here forever. "

Lin Fei sneered, looked at the dozens of dark creature masters, and said in a loud voice.

"Boy, don't be proud of you! Do you really think that only a small piece of Styx fragment can trap us!"

The leading dark creature master, at this moment, completely calmed down, looked at Lin Fei, and said with a sneer.


See you, could it be that there is still a hole card? "

Lin Fei was taken aback and said.

"All blew up!"

Suddenly, the leading dark creature master roared.

Boom...Following his voice, the army of dark creatures surrounded by time and space, one by one, began to explode.

The army of those dark creatures is really too many.

It's like, in this time and space, endless firecrackers are set off.

After these dark creatures exploded, huge dark energy was produced, a steady stream, and quickly gathered towards the dozens of dark creatures.

This made the aura exuding from these dozens of dark creature masters more and more terrifying.

This is equivalent to that after the army of dark creatures exploded, all the dark creatures were absorbed by the dozens of dark creature masters.

Makes the dark energy they possess more and more powerful! "That's all right!"

Lin Fei and the others were stunned.

Unexpectedly, the dark clan still possesses such a secret technique.

"Haha, let's do it together to blast this **** cage away!"

The leading dark creature master laughed wildly.

"No! They must be stopped! If this goes on, they will get out of trouble sooner or later!"

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

"Use your mental power to enshroud the dark army.

Stop them from blew up. "

At this time, Po Meng suddenly said to Lin Fei.

"Yes! I almost forgot!"

Lin Fei exclaimed in surprise.

You know, Lin Fei's current level of mental power is already very smart, and the range of the mental power that he has displayed is already very vast, equivalent to a real world! Therefore, Lin Fei immediately showed his power to the world.

Immediately, an incomparably real world of mental power descended violently, and all of the surrounding army of dark creatures, all members, were shrouded in the world of mental power.


Those dark creatures fell into the world set by Lin Fei one by one, experiencing different situations.

In Lin Fei's mental power world, many creatures appeared, and those dark creatures fought fiercely.

Those dark creatures, being shrouded in Lin Fei's mental power world, is equivalent to completely cutting off the sensory connection with the outside world.

They have been unable to contact the dozens of dark creature masters, unable to accept their orders.

Even Lin Fei applied some clever illusions in this mental power world, so that these dark creatures would no longer explode! "What's going on! What are you doing right now! If you don't blew yourself right away, send us energy!"

The leader of the dark creature master, seeing the army of dark creatures, stood there, motionless, and couldn't help but become anxious and roared.

However, the army of these dark creatures has been completely controlled by Lin Fei's mental power, and he can't hear his voice or receive his orders at all.

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