Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4444: Archmage

"Haha, Brother Lin Fei, please forgive me for my negligence.

Now, Wang Tianhu, I really convinced you! Although you are only a Tier 1 Lord God, your combat power is much stronger than mine! "

That sturdy young man also stepped forward and was very affectionate towards Lin Fei's attitude.

Although everyone is descended from the same line of reincarnation, the relationship between them depends on their strength.

The strong will be respected.

It seems that in the world of warriors, this is an eternal law! Even the white-clothed young man named Zhu Junyu looked at Lin Fei with a little more fear.

He understood that Lin Fei's strength was much stronger than him.

"Palace Lord Samsara, your strength is also very strong.

Especially your law of reincarnation, compared to mine, is only strong but not weak! "

Yao Tianmiao stepped forward and took the hand of the Lord of Samsara, very affectionate.

"All right.

Let's go. "

Lin Fei said.

Then, everyone left this area.

"In this sea of ​​space, there are still many army of dark creatures stationed.

It seems that this sea of ​​space has been occupied by dark creatures and has become a stronghold.

Let's take action together to wipe out all these dark creatures. "

Lin Fei said.

The reincarnation line, and the dark creatures, are the enemies of life and death. Once encountered, they can only divide life and death, and there is no possibility of relaxation.

"Okay! Let's take action together to wipe out all the dark creatures in this sea of ​​space!"

Yao Tianmiao nodded and said.

As a result, everyone split up and started hunting the army of dark creatures everywhere in this sea of ​​space.

at the same time.

In the sea of ​​absolute space.

In a space full of black mist.


! The blood moon has fallen! He is the eighth-tier main god, and, with strong combat power, even the general ninth-tier main **** may not be his opponent.

He actually fell! How is this going! Who did it! "

In this space, a roar suddenly sounded.

Boom... The entire space trembled violently.

"What, Lord Bloodyue, actually fell?"

"how is this possible!"

... Immediately, a series of shocked shouts continued to sound.

"Call the Archmage now!"

A roar sounded.

After a while.

In this black misty space, there is a certain time and space.

A black altar rose up.


A group of dark creatures gathered around this black altar.

A small creature with a pointed hat, a black cloak and a weird black staff in his hand, came to the altar surrounded by a large number of dark creature masters.

This little creature is the great mage of the dark race.

He is proficient in the art of deduction, can perform deductions across distant time and space, and has a very high status among the dark race! Woo...This big law began to scream strangely, and a series of black weird runes began to rise from the altar.

Boom... The whole altar began to shake slowly.


Strands of black silk threads began to form on the altar, infiltrate into time and space, and crossed towards a distant location.

at this time.

Lin Fei was still in the Moon Saint Chaos Sea, hunting the army of those dark creatures everywhere.

This sea of ​​space, in fact, has been occupied by dark creatures and has become a stronghold of the dark race.

"Kill..." Lin Fei, the Primal Chaos Swallowing Beast, the Palace Master of Reincarnation, the ancestor of the Wind Demon, and the descendants of the nine reincarnations, one by one, were murderous, attacking with all their strength, and carrying out the massacre without mercy.

Because the masters of the dark creatures have been killed.

Therefore, the remaining army of dark creatures was vulnerable and defeated.

It's just that these dark creatures have one special feature, that is, their fertility is amazing.

During the battle, a part of the dark creatures are responsible for breeding more dark creatures.

This makes it have an inexhaustible taste.

"Mental power world!"

During the battle, Lin Fei watched that there were a group of dark creatures in the distance hiding in the dark, quietly multiplying, and more and more dark creatures were born. In furious, Lin Fei directly displayed his mental power.

Boom...A huge world of mental power directly envelops those dark creatures.


Lin Fei thought.

Puff puff... the dark creatures who are responsible for reproduction, one by one, their bodies exploded and disappeared! After a while.

All the dark creatures responsible for reproduction were killed by Lin Fei.

Therefore, the remaining dark creatures are much easier to deal with.

Finally, after a great battle.

In this sea of ​​space, all the army of dark creatures have been wiped out! "Haha...Have fun! It was so happy to kill! Haha, this is the first time that these **** dark creatures can be slaughtered so happy!"

Wang Tianhu's thoughts were still not exhausted, and he waved a pair of giant axes in his hands and laughed.

Just now.



Lin Fei's heart suddenly moved.

Lin Fei found that in the surrounding time and space, there were a series of black weird threads, appearing constantly, quietly swimming towards his body.

"What are these things?"

Lin Fei became vigilant in an instant.

Above these black silk threads, Lin Fei felt the breath of dark energy! Moreover, these black threads are very hidden and difficult to find.

That is to say, Lin Fei had such a powerful divine consciousness and mental strength that he unintentionally discovered these black threads.

The others, including Zhu Junyu and the Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast, were not found.

"Senior, what are these?"

Lin Fei used his mental energy to fight against those black threads, and secretly asked Po Meng for advice.


! "

Under Lin Fei's reminder, Po Meng finally noticed the black threads.

"No! This is a deduction technique performed by the great mage of the dark clan.

Lin Fei, there is a great mage who is playing you! "

Po Meng couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.


Archmage of the Dark Clan? "

Lin Fei couldn't help but was taken aback. It was the first time I heard of it.

"The great mage of the dark race is very good at deduction.

The Archmage has a very high status in the Dark Clan.

Anything that is difficult or difficult to solve will be invited to the altar to perform deductions.

It is said that those really powerful masters can deduce Chaos God! "

Po Meng said.


! Even the Chaos God can be deduced! That's amazing! "

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised when she heard Po Meng's words.

Even the Chaos God can be deduced, showing that the strength of the archmage is amazing.

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