Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4462: Practice

"Yes, I plan to come back here and practice for a while in retreat."

Lin Fei also felt quite cordial when seeing this golden giant, and said in a loud voice.

"Little Master, your current strength is much stronger than when you left before! It seems that during this period of time, you have had a lot of adventures.

Little master, I did not misunderstand you, you are a lucky person! "

The golden giant sensed Lin Fei's breath and couldn't help but said in surprise.

"The talk of luck is nothing and misty, and it is impossible to make sure."

Lin Fei smiled.

"Little Master, you can't say that. When you reach the realm of Chaos God, you will understand.

Qiyun is also one of the comprehensive strengths.

An angry person will have good luck no matter what they do.

No matter what kind of secret technique you practice, you will be particularly talented.

If you fall into a cave by the way, you can have some adventures. When you go hunting for treasures with others, you can often find the peerless treasures first... These phenomena are all luck.

Therefore, people who are lucky, no matter what they do, they will be very smooth. "

Said the golden giant.

"Well, what you said makes sense."

Lin Fei could not help but nodded in agreement after hearing the golden giant's words.

"So, the old master once said to me before, don't underestimate people who are lucky."

The golden giant continued.

Although he was just a puppet, he used to follow a chaos god. He was very knowledgeable and had a much broader vision than Lin Fei.

"Well, that's how it is."

Lin Fei nodded.

It seems that you have to reach the level of the Chaos God to be qualified to feel the importance of luck.

With Lin Fei's current strength, speaking of luck, he can only rely on guesses, the real situation, and he has no ability to perceive it.

"All right.

I am ready to practice in retreat. "

Lin Fei said to the golden giant.


Little master, you still have a lot of the exercises and martial arts left by the old master. You have not practiced before, so you can take this opportunity to practice well.

This son, so are you.

All the exercises and martial arts left by the old master can be practiced.

Moreover, if you two, if you need energy, you can pick the fruits of the Primordial Wood at will and absorb the chaotic primordial power inside. "

The golden giant said to Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast.

He knew that the relationship between the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast and Lin Fei was equivalent to that of relatives, so he allowed the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast to use everything left by the Tianmu Chaos God.


Lin Fei nodded.

"I am also going to retreat and improve my practice."

Chaos Tian Swallowing Beast said.

So, next, Lin Fei and the Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast both opened up a small world in the depths of the sky in the world of the sky and began to practice in retreat.

After Lin Fei entered the small world, he first began to practice the law of time.

That desolate beast had already taught Lin Fei his understanding of the law of time and his cultivation methods.

You know, the desolate beast clan is a famous time beast.

That desolate beast is an adult desolate beast, and his understanding of the law of time must have been indescribable.

Therefore, what he personally taught Lin Fei, without asking, must be very precious! In the small world, Lin Fei sat cross-legged, like an old monk entering concentration, falling into a state of absolute emptiness without self and nothing. In his heart, only the mysterious laws of time remained.

Lin Fei already had a high level of attainments based on the law of time. Now, he has gained the experience and methods taught by the wild beast. After practicing, it is like a fish in the water, and it is logical.

There is no concept of time in the years of cultivation.

at this time.

The people of the dark race were searching everywhere for Lin Fei's whereabouts.

Especially the great masters of the Dark Clan, in the Black Sea No. 399, fully deduced the whereabouts of Lin Fei.

Dozens of great masters, deduced together, the scene is very spectacular.

The endless black silk thread constantly seeps into time and space, searching for Lin Fei's breath and traces everywhere.

It's just that the time mystery performed by that wild beast is too clever. These dozens of great masters have deduced it for several years, but they have not discovered any.

They found that the person who killed a great mage and rescued the adult barren beast seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

"How is it possible! We, dozens of great masters, work together in deduction. Even the Chaos God can never escape our collective deduction. Why, a mere main god, has such ability to escape our deduction?"

"Could it be that the one who did it is actually a very powerful Chaos God that we can't provoke?"

...Those great masters, while deducing, roared again and again, in a state of rampage.

Around the altar, the chaotic gods of the dark race were also very angry.

They have sent the news back to the headquarters of the Dark Clan.

In the headquarters, the high-ranking members of the Dark Clan were shocked and had already issued a death order. They must find the murderer and punish them.

Otherwise, if the incident spreads out, it will be a huge blow to the reputation of the dark race! Therefore, these chaotic gods all feel great pressure.

"Send someone out immediately, do everything possible, at all costs, look for any clues, we must find that guy!"

"Action now, the more people the better, get out of them all and track down that guy's whereabouts!"

...A large number of dark creatures appeared in the sea of ​​absolute space, searching for Lin Fei's whereabouts everywhere.

It's just that the time mystery that the wild beast used on Lin Fei was really too clever.

There was no dark creature that could be found, but Lin Fei was actually hiding in the world of the sky.

at this time.

In the small world.

As Lin Fei's understanding of the law of time became deeper and deeper, a large number of chains of the law, like strips of color, were constantly released from Lin Fei's body, floating in this small world.

Moreover, because the laws of time released by Lin Fei were too clever, many visions appeared in this small world.

Sometimes, in this small world, time accelerates, and it's millions of years at a glance.

The whole world, self-development, self-improvement, and even the birth of many creatures, become increasingly perfect, and eventually become a lively and lively world.

Sometimes, in this small world, time is completely stagnant, and everything is frozen, just like an eternal picture, frozen there.

In an instant, it is eternity! Sometimes, in this small world, time begins to flow backwards, from an ever-noisy and prosperous world to the point in time when it was just born.

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