Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4468: Really a traitor

"Not bad.

Sister Tianmiao makes sense! "

Wang Tianhu, and several other descendants of reincarnation, nodded.


Since everyone thinks so, find a place to stay first.

Then, figure out how to collect that piece of reincarnation fragments. "

When Young Master Xiaoyao saw this, he had to say.

He looked at Lin Fei's gaze, extremely angry.

Originally, he almost lured these people into the encirclement of the dark army.

At that time, these descendants of the cycle of reincarnation are difficult to fly.

As for the reincarnation palace lord, he will not kill, but will let the masters of the dark race capture the reincarnation palace lord and hand it to him.

At that time, he can enjoy the beauty alone.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fei appeared suddenly and ruined his plan.

Lin Fei could see the expression of Young Master Xiaoyao clearly, and couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

"It seems that Young Master Xiaoyao must have taken refuge in the Dark Clan, specializing in doing things for the Dark Clan, to ensnare and kill the people of our reincarnation line! It's a crime!"

Lin Fei knew in his heart that Young Master Xiaoyao had rebelled.

"Well, let's find a place to stay first, and then, after checking the situation, we will figure out how to collect the fragments of the cycle of reincarnation."

The Lord of Samsara nodded and said.

"It's right here.

We are here to open up some small worlds and just take a rest.

No need to find another place to stay. "

Young Master Xiaoyao suggested.

He has secretly notified the masters of the dark clan that the army of the dark clan is coming in this direction.

"Lin Fei, there are a lot of dark people coming here.

It won’t be long before it will come. "

Po Meng said suddenly.

Po Meng was very familiar with the aura of dark creatures, and she could perceive it from a long distance away.

"I don't know, if there is a chaos **** from the dark race."

Lin Fei said.

"There should be no Chaos God.

In order to deal with these young people, the dark race did not send out the Chaos God. "

Po Meng said.

"Since there is no Chaos God, it is easy to handle.

We are waiting here to kill! "

Lin Fei said.

With Lin Fei's current strength, as long as he doesn't meet the Chaos God, don't be afraid! "Everyone, we don't have to recuperate.

Get ready to fight. "

Lin Fei said suddenly.


Ready to fight? "

Except Xiaoyao Young Master, everyone else was a little surprised.

"Not bad.

Get ready to fight.

The army of the dark race has come. "

Lin Fei sneered at Young Master Xiaoyao and said.

"Damn it, why would he know!"

Young Master Xiaoyao couldn't help but change his face.

"Lin Fei, if there is an army of the Dark Clan coming, let's go quickly.

We are too few in number, I am afraid, we do not have the strength, and we are fighting hard with the army of the dark race. "

Said the Reincarnation Palace Master.

"Not bad."

Miao Tianmiao also said.

"Hey, do you really believe him?

If there really was an army of the dark race, he would have escaped long ago, and he would still be here.

He is lying to you. "

Young Master Xiaoyao was a little anxious, he knew that he had to do everything possible to keep these people in front of him here, otherwise, he would have lost all his efforts.

"Not bad.

Lin Fei, I believe that if there is an army of the dark race, you will be the first one to escape.

Where would you stay here, nonsense. "

Zhu Junyu said.

"Brother Zhu, what you said makes sense!"

Young Master Xiaoyao immediately agreed.

"Young Master Xiaoyao, it seems that you really want us to stay here.

Are you afraid that we will leave now and let your plan fall short?

Don't worry, I will stay here. "

Lin Fei looked at Young Master Xiaoyao and said with a sneer.

"Lin Fei, what are you talking about!"

Young Master Xiaoyao furiously said.

"Young Master Xiaoyao, leave him alone.

Let's find a place to recuperate. "

Zhu Junyu said to Young Master Xiaoyao.

Next, everyone was in the vicinity, opened up small worlds, entered the small worlds, and recuperated.

As for Lin Fei and Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast, they sat down directly and recuperated.

"Hey...Lin Fei, you know that the army of the dark race is coming soon, so they dare to stay here and not leave.

Soon, you will know that you regret it.

At that time, I will definitely kill you with my own hands! "

Young Master Xiaoyao's eyes looked at Lin Fei from time to time, full of strong killing intent.

"Be prepared, the army of the dark race is coming soon!"

After a while.

Lin Fei sent messages to the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast, the Lord of Reincarnation, Yao Tianmiao, Wang Tianhu, and several other descendants of the reincarnation line.

As for Zhu Junyu, Lin Fei knew that even if he reminded him, he would not believe it.

"Lin Fei, what you said is true?"

The Lord of the Reincarnation Palace asked the sound transmission.

"Regardless of true or false, you just need to be prepared."

Lin Fei said.

A few more breaths passed.

Boom... Suddenly, this space rang and vibrated.

Endless black energy, surging from all directions, all of a sudden, completely submerged this space and time.

Then, a dense army of the dark clan appeared around, surrounding Lin Fei and his party.

"Haha, you remnants of the reincarnation line can't escape!"

Dozens of the main gods of the Dark Clan, with murderous aura, came out more and more, staring at Lin Fei and others with playful eyes.

"Sure enough, there is an army of the dark race!"

Except for Lin Fei, Chaos Swallowing Sky Beast, and Young Master Xiaoyao, everyone else was shocked.

"No, we are surrounded! It is difficult to escape!"

Yao Tianmiao's face faded and she screamed in shock.

"It really made Lin Fei right!"

Zhu Junyu looked at the surroundings, the dense army of dark people, his face was very ugly.

Before, he and Lin Fei had been diametrically opposed.

Unexpectedly, now, Lin Fei is really right.

"Could it be..." Then, everyone's eyes all looked at Young Master Xiaoyao, remembering what Lin Fei had just said, and they all showed doubts.

"Haha... everybody, don't doubt it.

Not bad.

I called the army of these dark people.

Lin Fei is right, this is a trap.

Originally, I wanted to use that piece of reincarnation fragments to lure you into the encircling circle arranged by the Dark Clan army in advance. Unexpectedly, Lin Fei appeared halfway and broke my plan.

Fortunately, in the end, you still failed to escape.

Next, take it to death. "

Young Master Xiaoyao simply admitted and laughed.

"Young Master Xiaoyao, as a descendant of the reincarnation line, it is shameful that you colluded with the dark clan!"

The Lord of the Samsara Palace trembled with anger.

"Brother Lin Fei, I really made you right! This guy is really a traitor!"

Wang Tianhu roared.

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