Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4482: The battle with the 9th-order god

"The Naihe Bridge can stop this knife!"

Po Meng added.

Lin Fei heard Po Meng's words without any hesitation, and directly released the Naihe Bridge, blocking the sword light.

Boom! The sword cut across the Naihe Bridge.

The mighty impact energy burst out in an instant, and a large area of ​​the surrounding time and space was instantly destroyed.

A very terrifying cold mood, directly into Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, attacked Lin Fei's soul body.

This knife not only contains extremely terrifying energy, but also contains a terrifying cold mood.

Even Lin Fei felt trembling all over, and his soul body trembled.

Lin Fei desperately mobilized the spirit energy in the sea of ​​consciousness to resist the ice-cold mood.

At the same time, Lin Fei remembered the law of armor.

As a result, it was immediately displayed, and a piece of armor condensed from laws appeared on Lin Fei's body surface, tightly wrapping Lin Fei's body, including his head.

Sure enough, Lin Fei was pleasantly surprised to find that after he displayed the law armor, the ice-cold mood that penetrated into the sea of ​​consciousness became much less.

Lin Fei used to practice the law of armor in the world of Tianmu.

It was a relatively powerful technique left by the Tianmu Chaos God.

"It's a profound technique! But, Lin Fei, you can use your own law of reincarnation to urge Naihe Bridge, and you can also resist those cold moods.

The power of Naihe Bridge is much stronger than you think.

You use it more, and slowly, you will find its various uses. "

Po Meng said to Lin Fei.

"Senior, I know."

Lin Fei used the reincarnation method while speaking, and instantly retreated a long distance.

"I'll try it!"

The Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast stepped forward, opened its big mouth in the blood basin, and swallowed it towards the blood master.

"A Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast that hasn't really grown up yet dares to be fierce in front of me!"

The blood master sneered.

Then he slashed out with a sharp knife, cutting through time and space, and slashed towards the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast.

Feeling the terrifying blade light, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast was startled and quickly backed away.

But it was a bit late.

The blade slashed fiercely on the body of the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast.

It cut out a huge bloodstain from the body of the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast.

The blood was billowing, jetted out from that bloodstain.

Fortunately, one of the racial talents of the Chaos-Swallowing Beast is its particularly strong defensive ability.

Otherwise, this knife can directly smash the body of the Chaos Swallowing Beast.

"Old Piff, you **** it!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but raged into the sky, and rushed directly up and displayed the law of reincarnation, urging the Naihe bridge to slam the blood master.

Rumble...Under Lin Fei's urging, the Naihe Bridge continued to enlarge, bursting out with dazzling light.

"What is this magic weapon?

The power seems very good! "

The Blood Lord felt the Naihe Bridge and couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

Then, an aquamarine scimitar appeared in his hand and slashed towards Naiheqiao.

The scimitar in his hand, after being cut out, changed from one to two, from two to four...In the blink of an eye, it turned into hundreds of scimitars.

Each scimitar carries terrifying energy, and at the same time it slashes on the bridge of Naihe.

The attacks from both sides collided.

Lin Fei and the blood master stood in place, and no one backed away.

It was temporarily tied.

"What magic weapon is this bridge, it has such a powerful power!"

The Blood Lord looked at Naihe Bridge again.

The collision just now made his arm a little sore and numb.

And the other party is just a Tier 3 main god! "This bridge, how familiar?

Could it be... the legendary Naihe Bridge? "

The great mage of the dark clan suddenly stared at the Naihe Bridge in front of Lin Fei, a little surprised.


! This bridge is the legendary Naihe bridge on the circuit of reincarnation?

If it is really the Naihe Bridge, it is a wonderful treasure! Very good boy, I also like this Naihe Bridge! I advise you not to do unnecessary struggles anymore.

Hurry up and give me all the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Symbols and this bridge, maybe I can spare your life.

Otherwise you will definitely die today! "

The Blood Lord stared at the Naihe Bridge in front of Lin Fei with a greedy look.

"If I give this Naihe Bridge to the ninth floor master, it must be a great achievement.

The favorite of the Ninth Floor is the collection of various rare and rare magic weapons.

This Naihe Bridge is definitely one of the rarest magic weapons in the world, and the ninth floor master must like it very much. "

The blood master thought secretly in his heart.

"If you want my bridge, you can take it by your ability."

Lin Fei said with a sneer.

As soon as the words fell, Lin Fei directly displayed the world of mind and power, and more than one hundred formations, suppressing the blood master in it.

At the same time, Lin Fei and the law of reincarnation, the law of time, and the two laws simultaneously suppressed the blood master.

Then, Lin Fei directly used the sword technique to break away from time and space, and slashed at the body of the blood master.

"Roar... It's horrible, a Tier 3 main god, an ant-like character, dare to resist me like this!"

The blood master's expression on Lin Fei's various attacks changed, and he became angry and roared.

At the same time he was shocked in his heart.

Lin Fei's combat effectiveness completely exceeded his imagination.

In anger, he began to attack Lin Fei with all his strength.

"Boy, I want to kill you!"

In his eyes, a terrifying murderous intent burst out, his face extremely hideous.

Boom...Hundreds of scimitars, like hundreds of weird waning moons, beheaded towards Lin Fei from all directions.

The law armor on the surface of Lin Fei's body bloomed with dazzling light and powerful defense capabilities.

Against the backdrop of the law armor, Lin Fei seemed extremely sacred.

At the same time, Lin Fei also urged the Naihe Bridge, constantly zooming in and turning it into a huge bridge, releasing powerful reincarnation energy.

The attacks from both sides continued to collide.

After a few moves, Lin Fei's body was forced to retreat continuously.

Obviously, with Lin Fei's current strength, he was still weaker than a Tier 9 main god, and there was no way to fight hard.

"This kid, as a Tier 3 main god, actually has such a strong combat power.

It's really rare. "

"No wonder, he can kill a great mage of our dark clan! The strength of this kid is really amazing!"

"No matter how strong it is, he is destined to not escape when he meets us."

"Don't talk about the blood master, this is us people, pick one out at random, and you can crush this ignorant boy."

...The great mage and the other 9th-rank master gods stood by and watched, pointing and pointing.

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