Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4490: The body is back

"Stop talking nonsense, do it! There is nothing to talk about with these weak ants."

At this time, the other Lord of the Dark Clan felt impatient, frowned and said in a loud voice.

"Not bad.

Hurry up, grab all the people related to Lin Fei, and then kill all the others.

Don't waste time. "

The other chief gods of the Dark Clan also spoke up.


These strange creatures have come to trouble me! Could it be that my ontology, when it wandered in the sea of ​​absolute space, made enemies with them?

This is probably the reason! "

Lin Fei's clone heard the words of the chief gods of the dark clan, and couldn't help but move in his heart.

Guessed a rough idea.

"It turns out that these unfamiliar troops are here to find Lin Fei!"

The other main gods in the Boundless Chaos Sea were also a little surprised.

"Well, you ants, if you don't cooperate, then go to death for me."

That third-order main **** is murderous.

Then, he shot directly.

A punch went forward.

The terrifying fist zoomed in rapidly, and a large area of ​​time and space was filled in an instant.

Endless energy and laws flooded toward Lin Fei, the lord **** of the endless chaotic sea.

"Rewind everyone!"

Lin Fei knew that these main gods of the Boundary Chaos Sea simply had no ability to take this punch.

"Everyone join hands to resist him!"

Lin Fei shouted loudly.

Then, Lin Fei made a move, arranging dozens of formations with a wave of his hand, and shrouded the Tier 3 main god.

Lin Fei's avatar, of course, possessed strength that was not as good as the original body.

But the cultivation base in the formation method is not much weaker than the body.

Moreover, this clone of Lin Fei has been in the boundless sea of ​​chaos for these years, practicing in retreat, and based on the formation method, he has realized some insights and experiences that are different from the main body.

Therefore, the array displayed is not much weaker than the body.

Suddenly, only dozens of formations were seen, overlapping and overlapping to envelope the Tier 3 main god.

"What a brilliant formation level!"

"Unexpectedly, in this remote and backward sea of ​​space, there is actually such a master of formation?"

The main gods of the dark race couldn't help being a little surprised.

"What are you waiting for, let's shoot together."

Lin Fei shouted to the other master gods of the boundless Chaos Sea.

Rumble... the other master gods of the boundless Chaos Sea began to shoot one after another, sending out a series of energy attacks.

"Hahaha...a group of weak ants, no matter how many they are, let me die all of them!"

That third-tier main god, facing so many main gods of the boundless Chaos Sea, there is no pressure at all.

Instead, he pushed forward step by step, his fist contained a terrifying energy coercion, and every punch would destroy a large void.

Lin Fei and the main gods of the boundless Chaos Sea were forced to retreat continuously.

In the course of the battle, many main gods were shaken and flew out, very embarrassed.

After a while, that Tier 3 main **** has completely taken the upper hand.

Although he was only a person, he fought Lin Fei and the main gods of the boundless Chaos Sea without the strength to fight back.

"What should we do! This guy is too strong.

Moreover, those of his accomplices have not taken action yet.

We are not rivals at all! "

The other master gods of the boundless Chaos Sea were all anxious and asked Lin Fei Chuanyin.

Lin Fei also felt a little headache.

The strength of these strange creatures in front of them is terrible.

Just stand up a main god, you can crush the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Next, that third-tier main god, constantly forced forward.

Lin Fei and the other main gods of the boundless Chaos Sea continued to retreat, and the bodies of some main gods were constantly shattered.

Fortunately, the vitality of the main **** is extremely tenacious and will not fall so easily.

at the same time.

The news that the Boundless Chaos Sea had been found, passed back to the headquarters of the Dark Clan.

Many masters of the dark race know.

"Master, good news! The Dark Clan has found Lin Fei's hometown!"

In the chaotic sea of ​​the horizon, Young Master Xiaoyao ran to his master excitedly and gave a report.

"That's good! In that case, let's set off immediately and have a look! If possible, catch a few people who are particularly close to Lin Fei, and then use them to lure Lin Fei out and arrest them.

As long as we catch Lin Fei, we have a chance to get the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman! "

Master Xiaoyao thought for a while and said in a loud voice.

The Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman is an incredible treasure, not only the dark clan, but also the master of Xiaoyao Xiaoyao.

After all, since ancient times, wealth has moved people's hearts, and in the face of such a precious treasure, no one in the world can be tempted.

"Well, Master, let's go right away.

If it is late, those close to Lin Fei will probably all be captured by the Dark Clan. "

Young Master Xiaoyao couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard what the master said.

If Master can get the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman, then the biggest beneficiary must be him! Because his master is already a Chaos God, he doesn't need to use the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman to break through.

Only he is the one who needs the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman most.

Therefore, the master of Young Master Xiaoyao immediately obtained the specific location coordinates of the boundless Chaos Sea from the Dark Clan through the relationship.

Then, with Xiaoyao Young Master, rushed towards the position of the boundless Chaos Sea at the fastest speed.

At this time, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Lin Fei's clone and other master gods of the boundless Chaos Sea were getting more and more seriously injured.

The strength of the third-order main **** of the dark clan is too terrifying.

It seemed that he hadn't tried his best at all, he had already fought Lin Fei's clone against the main gods of the boundless Chaos Sea with no power to fight back.

Among them are several main gods, their bodies have been shattered hundreds of times, their breath is getting weaker and weaker, and the loss of vitality is very serious.

If this continues, they will fall.

"Young Master Lin, hurry up and think of a way, or we will be dead!"

The other master gods of the boundless Chaos Sea kept sending voice transmissions to Lin Fei.

"At present, it seems that there is only one way to escape."

Lin Fei's clone has long been thinking about how to deal with the current situation.

However, at this moment, Lin Fei's clone suddenly trembled slightly, with a surprised expression on his face.

At this moment, Lin Fei's clone was finally connected with the ontology.

Then Lin Fei's clone knew the ins and outs of the matter.

"These guys came very quickly! Since they are here, there is no need to leave!"

Lin Fei smiled slightly, showing a disdainful expression.

At this time, Lin Fei's body and the memory of this clone had been merged into one.

Of course, I won't put this Tier 3 Lord God in my eyes anymore!

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