Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4497: Young Master Xiaoyao Appears

"Chaos God!"

It was just the main **** of the dark clan looking at the desolate beast with horrified eyes, and they discovered at this time that there was a Chaos God standing beside Lin Fei.

"Desolate beast! You are the desolate beast that escaped from the Black Sea No. 399!"

Finally, those dozens of the main gods of the Dark Clan guessed the identity of the wild beast and screamed.

It's just that they didn't mention it. As soon as the 399 Black Sea was mentioned, the wild beast became completely angry.

"All the dark people deserve to die!"

The wild beast was so angry that it roared.

Then, with a wave of his hand, a terrifying time energy turned into a white flying knife, madly cutting toward the dozens of dark clan main gods.

These white flying knives contain very clever time rules, and their power is extremely terrifying.

All of a sudden, most of the lifespan of those main gods was cut off.

The body and soul of the main gods are aging at an astonishing speed.

In a blink of an eye, each of them was gray-haired, vitality faded quickly, and Wei Wei trembled.


The wild beast waved gently.

Bang bang bang... the main gods of the dark race, their bodies and soul bodies exploded at the same time! The soul flies away and falls completely! Then, the wild beast released a terrifying time energy, shrouded in the army of dark creatures.

Those dark creatures, how can they withstand the attack of a chaos god.

In a moment, they were dead and clean, with no one left.

In this way, an army of dark creatures was easily wiped out by that wild beast three or two times.

Moreover, Lin Fei could see that this barren beast hadn't done its best yet.

It's just random, like slap some flies to death.

A Chaos God, if it displays real combat power, let alone an army of dark creatures, even a space sea can be destroyed instantly.

Chaos God, known as the master in charge of everything in the world, is a vain name.

"It seems that a few more army of dark creatures are coming! It seems that the dark race really value you."

The barren beast said to Lin Fei.

His range of perception is much stronger than Lin Fei.

"If that's the case, don't be polite, let them come and go."

Lin Fei said with a sneer.

"Well, we will meet them."

The barren beast said with a smile, and then he waved his hand, took Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, and disappeared into the boundless Chaos Sea.

next moment.

Desolate Beast, Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast have already arrived in an absolute space sea near the boundless Chaos Sea.

In front, there is an army of dark creatures, which is coming toward the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

The desolate beast was not polite and shot directly, and in a moment, all this army of dark creatures was wiped out.

Next, Desolate Beast wiped out several army of dark creatures in one go.

It's just that the dark race is notoriously strong in reproductive capacity and has a large population. Killing such a few dark creatures is not a big loss for the dark race.

"There is actually a Chaos God, coming in the direction of the boundless Chaos Sea.

It seems that it is not the chaos **** of the dark race.

This guy, why did you come to the Boundless Chaos Sea? "

Suddenly, the Desolate Beast said a little puzzled.


Is there actually a Chaos God coming towards the boundless Chaos Sea? "

Lin Fei also felt a little strange.

"We are all here to see if he is a friend or an enemy."

The Desolate Beast thought for a while and said in a loud voice.


Lin Fei nodded.

After a while.

"Well, let's hide first and see what they want to do when they come to the boundless sea of ​​chaos."

The desolate beast thought for a while, then said again.

Then, he used a space-time secret technique to wrap up a small piece of space-time.

This small piece of time and space is completely isolated from the outside world.

Even if the Chaos God is here, if you don't pay attention, it's hard to feel the situation in this small piece of time and space.

Desolate Beast, Lin Fei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast three people entered this small piece of time and space and hid.

After a while, two figures came from far away.

One of the figures released extremely terrifying aura, obviously a chaos god.

"It turned out to be him. It's really a narrow road to the enemy."

Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast looked at one of the young men, and couldn't help but sneered.

It turned out to be Xiaoyao! "Master, the sea of ​​space in front should be the sea of ​​boundless chaos.

This is the hometown of Lin Fei.

We went in immediately, arrested all the creatures related to Lin Fei, and then released the news, not afraid that Lin Fei would not come to us.

At that time, we can get the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman from him. "

Young Master Xiaoyao and his master came to the edge of the boundless chaotic sea, looked at the boundless chaotic sea ahead, and said in a loud voice.

"Something is wrong.

In this sea of ​​space, there seems to be no creature.

Could it be that we have found the wrong place. "

Young Master Xiaoyao's master was a little confused, frowning and said.

He is a Chaos God, and he feels very powerful. He will be grateful for the situation in the boundless Chaos Sea at once.

"No! Isn't there a creature?

Unfortunately, according to the information of the Dark Clan, this space sea is indeed called the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Moreover, this is Lin Fei's hometown.

How could there be no one? "

Young Master Xiaoyao couldn't help but was taken aback, looking a little unwilling.

"It turns out that he came specifically to deal with me."

Lin Fei heard the conversation between Young Master Xiaoyao and his master, and finally knew what they wanted to do.

"This traitor turned out to have fallen in love with my Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman."

Lin Fei looked at Young Master Xiaoyao with a strong murderous look in his eyes.

This Young Master Xiaoyao was originally a descendant of the line of reincarnation. Unexpectedly, he first took refuge in the shrine of the Chaos Sea of ​​the End of the World, and then colluded with the dark clan to deal specifically with people in the line of reincarnation. Now he is still focusing on his own. Nine poles yin and yang symbols.

Lin Fei had a strong killing intent on this Xiaoyao Young Master! "This guy, **** it!"

The Chaos Swallowing Sky Beast also hates this Xiaoyao Young Master, gritted his teeth and said.


You guys want to kill this guy? "

The wild beast saw the killing intent of Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast, and asked with a smile.

"Senior, this guy is too despicable and shameless..." The Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast General Xiaoyao's situation, probably told the Desolate Beast.

"In that case, this guy is really shameless.

Well, if you want to kill him, I can help you.

I went out and stopped his master, and then you started to deal with him.

I believe that with the strength of the two of you, it should be possible to kill him. "

The beast proposed.

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