Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4502: Demon world

Even if Lin Fei is now a master god, he still feels that he is too weak.

In fact, this feeling has always accompanied Lin Fei's practice career.

This is called a mountain and a mountain high, stronger and stronger mid-hand! "Yes, for us, the most important thing now is to improve our strength.

Unless, we can become Chaos God.

In the sea of ​​absolute space, he is the real master. "

Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast also sighed.

In the following time, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast were in the sea of ​​absolute space, passing through the sea of ​​space one after another, and found several pieces of reincarnation fragments.

In this process, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast hurry up to practice.

this day.

Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast came to a completely abandoned sea of ​​space.

This sea of ​​space is extremely desolate, and at first glance it is completely a ruin without any creatures.

"There seems to be a devil!"

Lin Fei suddenly moved in his heart.

In this desolate sea of ​​space, there is actually a lot of strong magic energy.

Moreover, these demons are amazing.

"It's strange, besides the boundless sea of ​​chaos, are there demons in the sea of ​​absolute space?"

Lin Fei felt a little puzzled.

Because after Lin Fei entered the Absolute Space Sea, he had never encountered a demon.

In fact, Lin Fei had long felt a little strange about this.

Could it be that there is no Demon Race in the sea of ​​absolute space?

Unexpectedly, Lin Fei encountered devil here.

This shows that in this sea of ​​space, demons once moved here.


Look quickly, above that star, there is a lot of devilish energy, let's go and take a look. "

Suddenly, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast had discovered it, and walked towards a distant star.

The star is black, because its surface is covered by a thick layer of demonic energy, and there are waves of terrifying screams of monsters and ghosts in the middle.

Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast walked before this star.

"Is there a demons here?"

Lin Fei's divine consciousness immediately perceives this star.

Soon Lin Fei discovered that this star had no creatures at all, only a large amount of rich devilish energy.

All these magical qi radiated from a huge black hole.

The black lacquered hole was very deep and could not be seen at a glance, only a large amount of magic energy was continuously released from the hole.

Before Lin Fei and the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast came to the cave entrance, they looked at the cave entrance.

"This seems to be a spatial channel, which seems to be connected to a huge world."

The Chaos Tian-Swallowing Beast looked up and said in a loud voice.

"Yes, this is indeed a spatial passage."

Lin Fei also nodded.

"Could it be that this is a world where demons live?"

Lin Fei was puzzled.

"Go, let's go in and take a look."

Lin Fei thought for a while and said in a loud voice.

Up to now, Lin Fei has only encountered a demon in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and after entering the sea of ​​absolute space, he has never encountered a demon.

Therefore, Lin Fei wanted to go in and explore.


Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast also nodded.

Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast are both characters who are not afraid of the sky and the earth. What's more, Lin Fei still has those teleportation charms left by the Tianmu Chaos God.

With these teleportation charms, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast were much bolder.

As a result, Lin Fei and the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast approached the black hole in front of them.

In the entrance of the cave, there is a space passage that does not know how long it is, and it is filled with a strong devilish energy, but there is nothing else.

Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast are both cautious and very vigilant. Who knows what dangers might be hidden in this strange passage.

Finally, without knowing how long it took, a huge portal appeared in front of him.

On this portal, three characters are written.

Demon world! "This spatial channel really connects to a world."

Lin Fei nodded.

Then, Lin Fei turned into a huge spiritual palm and pushed the door.

The door opened.

Then, in front of Lin Fei and the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast, a world full of rich devilish energy appeared.

This is a world full of black volcanoes.

Those volcanoes continued to emit black magma and a lot of magic energy.

Moreover, the laws of time and space in this world are obviously different from those of the outside world.

The laws of this world belong to the laws of the demons.

The divine consciousness of Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast was immediately released to perceive this strange world.

"Who are you! How dare to break into our demon world!"

... Suddenly, a large group of demons appeared in the distance, all of them with black skin, very tall and hideous.

Most of them are gods.

Ordinary gods also have true gods.

Of such strength, Lin Fei and Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast certainly didn't take it seriously.

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and a world of mental power was displayed to cover all the demons who rushed over.

Those demons immediately discovered that they had entered another strange world.

Then, Lin Fei's figure appeared at the highest point of the world, looking at the demons with indifferent eyes.

"who are you?"

"where is this place?"

...The demons panicked one by one and yelled.

"Shut up everything! Now I'll ask, you answer.

If your answers do not satisfy me, just die! "

Lin Fei's voice was very cold, and it seemed unfeeling.

"Boy, do you let us answer and we will answer, what are you!"

One of the demons roared.

Lin Fei stretched out his hand and pointed, the body of that demon clan exploded immediately, exploding to pieces.

"Roar, **** it! How dare you do it to me!"

The demons reorganized their bodies and became angry.

He is the strength of the upper **** true god, and he was easily shattered by a human kid.

Lin Fei's strength is too strong, and he has also practiced the time mystery taught by the wild beast. With the strength of these demons in front of him, it is impossible to tell what Lin Fei is.

Lin Fei stretched out his hand and pointed, the body of that demon clan exploded again.

"You..." After the demon reorganized his body, he no longer dared to yell. He found that the human being in front of him was really terrifying. He had no power to fight back.

"Well, who else can you refuse?

stand out. "

Lin Fei asked with his hands on his back.

Those demons look at me, I look at you, hesitating for a while.

"Senior, what question do you want to ask us?"

Then one of the demons bit the bullet and asked Lin Fei.

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