Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4508: Practice

"See Venerable Ananda!"

The middle-aged monk immediately knelt on the ground and saluted Venerable Ananda.

"The disciple meets Venerable Ananda!"

Rong'er and Wan'er also salute the Venerable Ananda respectfully.

"Get up all, I am glad to see you.

This shows that our Buddhism has an endless heritage.

Especially the two of you, since the Buddha has taken a fancy to you and accepted as disciples, then from now on, you two must concentrate on cultivating the Dharma and strive to win honor for our Buddhism.

Don't let the Buddha down. "

Venerable Ananda folded his hands together and slowly said to Rong'er and Wan'er.

"The Venerable's teachings are in our hearts.

Venerable, rest assured that we will work hard to practice the Dharma and strive for the glory of Buddhism one day. "

Both Rong'er and Wan'er answered quickly.

The position of this Venerable Ananda in Buddhism is too high and too high.

This is the existence second only to the Buddha! "Well, for the two of you, this Buddhist Pure Land, created by the Buddha's clone, has a rare opportunity.

For the rest of the time, you will stay in this Buddhist pure land and practice hard.

In addition to some of the Buddhist supernatural powers left by the Buddha and the essence of the Dharma, I also have something to teach you. "

Venerable Ananda said.

"Thank you for his teaching, we know."

Rong'er and Wan'er said quickly.

"Then the rest of the time, you will stay here and practice hard."

Lin Fei said to the two wives.

"What about you, Lin Fei?"

Both Rong'er and Wan'er couldn't help asking.

"Don't worry, I'm waiting for you here.

Wait until your cultivation is over, then go together. "

Lin Fei said.

The two wives stayed in this Buddhist pure land to concentrate on cultivation, but Lin Fei was not very relieved.

Although this pure land of Buddhism was opened up by a clone of the Buddha, now that clone of the Buddha has left, Venerable Ananda has only left a mark of the soul.

This Buddhist Pure Land may not be able to guarantee the safety of Rong'er and Wan'er.

So Lin Fei decided to stay with his two wives.

Lin Fei's current realm is already a main god, and for a main god, he has too much time.

For most of the main gods, each retreat practice lasts for a thousand to hundreds of years, or even tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years.

"Young man, are you a member of the line of reincarnation?"

At this time, Venerable Ananda looked at Lin Fei.

"Senior, you are right, I am a person of reincarnation."

Lin Fei nodded and answered.

"Unexpectedly, the reincarnation line still has a descendant in the world.

Back then, the great war between your reincarnation line and the dark clan was very tragic.

After the war, your cycle of reincarnation disappeared, and you almost never appeared in the world.

Unexpectedly, now, your reincarnation line is born again.

Young man, I guess, you should be looking for the fragments of the cycle of rebirth everywhere.

The reason why you came to this pure land of Buddhism is because you know that there is a fragment of samsara here, right? "

Venerable Ananda asked.

"Senior is right. I came to this pure land of Buddhism to find the fragments of the cycle of rebirth."

Lin Fei pointed to the reincarnation fragment on the altar and nodded in answer.

"This piece of reincarnation, suddenly, flew over from a remote place and rushed into our Buddhist pure land.

At that time, the Buddha was still practicing in retreat in this Buddhist pure land.

When he saw this piece of flying reincarnation fragments, he placed it on the altar.

The Buddha also told me that one day in the future, there will definitely be a descendant of the cycle of reincarnation, who will come here to look for this piece of reincarnation.

What the Buddha said is really true.

Venerable Ana said in a loud voice.


In that case, it was the Buddha who placed this piece of reincarnation on this altar! "

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked when he heard the words of Venerable Ananda.

"It's true."

Venerable Ananda nodded.

"The Buddha's supernatural powers can be easily deduced to get the future and the past, and the Buddha's deduction is generally not wrong."

Venerable Ananda continued.

"The Buddha is indeed too powerful, and it can be deduced. One day, I will come to this Buddhist pure land to look for this piece of reincarnation."

Lin Fei also exclaimed.

"Well, young man, this piece of reincarnation fragment belongs to your reincarnation line.

Go back to the original owner now. "

Venerable Ananda said in a loud voice.

Then, he let go of his body.

"Thank you seniors for perfection!"

Lin Fei respectfully bowed to Venerable Ananda, and then strode to the altar, and began to perform the secret method of reincarnation, collecting the piece of reincarnation.

For Lin Fei, collecting the reincarnation fragments has long been easy and easy.

After a while.


Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

Rumble... That piece of reincarnation recording fragment, bursting out with a dazzling reincarnation light, slowly floated, and moved towards Lin Fei.

Then, Lin Fei collected this piece of reincarnation recording fragment into his body.

"All right.

You two, start practicing in retreat.

If you don't understand, you can ask me questions.

I will personally guide you in your cultivation. "

Venerable Ananda looked at Rong'er and Wan'er.

In his mind, Rong'er and Wan'er are the most important.

Because Rong'er and Wan'er are the disciples of Buddha! "Thank you Venerable!"

Both Rong Er and Wan Er were very grateful.

In the next time, Rong'er and Wan'er began to practice in retreat in this Buddhist pure land.

The same goes for the middle-aged monk. He found a temple and started practicing in retreat.

This Buddhism Pure Land was also a rare opportunity for him, Lin Fei and Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast, but two other small worlds were opened up, and then entered into the small world, and began to practice in retreat.

Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast had been wandering for a while in the sea of ​​absolute space.

Now take advantage of this opportunity to summarize and consolidate it.

Now, all the creatures in the Three Thousand Worlds are staying in the human world of Lin Fei's body, and safety is guaranteed.

So Lin Fei didn't have any worries, and could feel relieved to practice in retreat.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, more than three hundred years passed.

Until more than three hundred years later.

Finally, Rong'er and Wan'er finished their retreat practice.

"When the Buddha is away, you two are the leaders of our Buddhism.

The burden on your shoulders is very heavy. Perhaps the inheritance and glory of our Buddhism fall on you, so from now on, you two must practice hard and be brave and diligent. You must never let the Buddha down. Do you understand? "

Venerable Ananda looked at Rong'er and Wan'er with a stern look.

"Sir, please rest assured! The two of us remembered!"

Both Rong'er and Wan'er answered at the same time.

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