Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4511: Find Lin Fei's way

In the following time, Ye Yunfei and Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast continued to wander around in the sea of ​​absolute space.

At the same time, in the sea of ​​absolute space, a certain place in the sea of ​​huge space.

This space sea is one of the branches of Suiyuelou.

This branch is the residence of the ninth floor master! "That kid, he actually returned to the boundless chaotic sea ahead of time, and moved all the creatures away.

I have to say, this little guy is really clever.

It's just that he took my time boat, and there is no end to this matter.

Pass the order, send all the staff to me to find the kid.

The time boat is a unique magic weapon of our time building, and it is absolutely not allowed to escape.

Also, the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman on that kid must also be taken back.

As long as we can get the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Talisman, then our strength will be greatly improved.

Maybe, in the near future, several Chaos Gods can be added. "

In this space, in a very large-scale palace, there is a man wearing a yellow robe with a majestic face, sitting on a high position, and slowly speaking.

In the palace, there are still a large number of creatures exuding a strong aura, each of which is very powerful.

"Lord of the Ninth Floor, I have already paid a high price. I have invited more than a dozen archmages from the Dark Clan, and they are deducing the whereabouts of Lin Fei.

I believe it won't take long before there will be results. "

A Chaos God said loudly to the Ninth Floor Lord.

Just at this time.

"Report! The ninth floor master, the great masters of the dark clan said that they have found something!"

Suddenly an eighth-level master **** walked into this palace and reported to the ninth floor master.



Have you found anything! That's great! Let's go over and take a look! "

The ninth floor master was overjoyed when he heard it, and immediately stood up.

Then, he took his group of men, mighty, and came to another palace.

In this palace, there are more than a dozen great masters of the dark race, sitting cross-legged on the ground, deducing something.

As soon as the ninth floor master came in, the great masters of the dark race all stood up.

After all, Suiyuelou is also a relatively powerful organization in the sea of ​​absolute space.

And this Ninth Floor Master is one of the nine masters in the Years House, and his status is very high.

Therefore, these great masters also expressed their due respect.

"Masters have worked hard! I heard that you have deduced the whereabouts of that kid, haven't you?"

The ninth floor master was very impatient and asked immediately.

"Lord Ninth Floor, we haven't deduced the whereabouts of that kid, but we already have a way to find the kid named Lin Fei."

One of the great mage said in a loud voice.

"what else can we do?"

The ninth floor master asked.

"We have already deduced that Lin Fei once had a group of friends who drove through the sea of ​​absolute space together.

Now, it is difficult for us to deduce the specific whereabouts of Lin Fei, but we can deduce where his friends are.

Therefore, we can send someone to capture all of Lin Fei’s friends, and then let out the wind, so that when Lin Fei receives the wind and knows that his friends are in our hands, he will naturally come to meet him. save.

In this way, we can draw Lin Fei out. "

A great mage said.

"Is this method really possible?

What if, that Lin Fei doesn't care about the life or death of his friends at all?

You know, even though Lin Fei was young, he was already a main god, and when he reached the realm of the main god, his affection for friends was very indifferent.

If he finds danger, he probably won't come to rescue his friends. "

After hearing the words of the great mage, the ninth floor master couldn't help frowning.

For a god, the higher the realm, the stronger the strength, and the weaker the secular affection and friendship will be seen.

Generally speaking, a main **** seldom risks his life for a friend.

So the suspicion of the ninth floor master is very reasonable.

"You don't know the master of the ninth floor. We have done some investigation and deduction.

That Lin Fei is different from the general Lord God.

He regards worldly family and friendship very importantly.

Have you forgotten? Not long ago, when he learned that Boundless Chaos was still in danger, didn't he immediately risked the danger and rushed back to move away the creatures in Boundless Chaos Sea first.

So rest assured, the 9th floor master, this method is absolutely useful. "

A great mage said with a smile.

"Well, that's true.

Well, try this method.

Masters, please tell me the location of Lin Fei's friends, and then I will send someone to capture them all.

Hope this method is useful. "

The ninth floor master nodded after hearing the words of the great mage, and said in a loud voice.

"Lord of the ninth floor, we have already pushed all the locations of Lin Fei's friends.

You can send people right now to get them all back. "

With a wave of a great mage, a group of divine and soul messages flew out of his hand and landed in front of the Ninth Floor Lord.

The specific location of Lin Fei's friends was recorded in this group of spirit messages.

"That's great! Come here! Go and get all of Lin Fei's friends back to me! Then, to spread the news, I must let that Lin Fei know that all of his friends are with me. In my hands!"

The ninth floor master immediately issued an order.

"I see, the ninth floor master!"

A chaotic god, immediately stepped forward and collected that group of spirit information.

Then turned around, left the palace, went out to dispatch troops, and began to act.

This Chaos God is the right-hand man of the Ninth Floor, General Beichen.

Desolate Beast had fought against this general Beichen.

Soon after.

In a certain sea of ​​space, the ancestor of the wind demon is walking in a certain plane of this sea of ​​space, at ease.

For more than a hundred years, the ancestor of the wind demon has stayed in this space to practice, because he had a chance in this sea of ​​space.

At this time, he just finished his cultivation and came out to walk around.

Suddenly, a strange creature appeared in front of the ancestor of the wind demon, looking at the ancestor of the wind demon with indifferent eyes.

"You are the ancestor of Wind Demon, right?"

The strange creature asked in a loud voice.

"Yes, I am the ancestor of Wind Demon."

The ancestor of the wind demon stunned and replied.

"Then do you know Lin Fei?"

The indifferent creature asked him again.

"Lin Fei..." The ancestor of the wind demon hesitated, wondering if the strange creature in front of him was a friend or an enemy, and he didn't know how to answer.

"It seems that you are indeed the ancestor of the Wind Demon I am looking for."

The creature with an indifferent expression sneered, then stretched out a big hand and grabbed the ancestor of the wind demon like a chicken.

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