Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4514: Save people

"Hehe... Don't be polite, get up, I don't expect you and my master and apprentice to meet again."

The white-robed man helped Lin Fei up, looked at Lin Fei, and said with a smile.

"Lin Fei, your master is the famous Baidi God in the sea of ​​absolute space.

I think back then, as long as the name of the Baidi Divine Sovereign was mentioned in the sea of ​​absolute space, no one knew, no one knew.

I was in the sea of ​​absolute space, although I had a little reputation, but in terms of strength, I am definitely not your master's opponent. I still know this. "

The barren beast said to Lin Fei with a smile.

"Baidi Shenjun."

Lin Fei was taken aback for a moment, and then said.

Lin Fei couldn't think that his master was so powerful in absolute space.

You know, the strength of the desolate beast clan is very powerful.

An adult desolate beast is more powerful than an ordinary Chaos God.

However, this desolate beast thought it was inferior to Baidi Shenjun, which showed that his master must have been a very famous master before.

"I have disappeared for a long time, and the creatures in the sea of ​​absolute space have forgotten me a long time ago, so why do you mention that title."

Baidi Shenjun sighed and said in a loud voice.

"That's not the case. I believe you will return to the sea of ​​absolute space one day."

Desolate Beast said.

"Master, you were so powerful back then. What happened to you that hurt you so badly, who is the enemy?"

Lin Fei couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Lin Fei, your current strength is not enough.

It's no use telling you.

When you are strong enough in the future to help me avenge, I will tell you. "

Baidi Shenjun said to Lin Fei.

"I think it doesn't matter if you tell Lin Fei earlier.

Lin Fei, your master was mainly injured so badly when several disciples colluded with the enemy, set up traps, and secretly attacked.

Otherwise, with your master's strength back then, in the sea of ​​absolute space, few can hurt your master. "

The wild beast said to Lin Fei.


! Master, how many of your disciples actually caused you to be like this? "

Lin Fei couldn't help getting furious when he heard what the wild beast said.

"Not bad.

Indeed, my disciple did it. "

Baidi Shenjun sighed and nodded in reply, his expression was somewhat lonely.

After all, being framed by his own disciples was too much a blow.

"It's a beast! Master, who is your former disciple, tell me, I will avenge you."

Lin Fei asked immediately.

"My disciples are all great now, they are all big names in the sea of ​​absolute dimensions.

Lin Fei, let's talk about revenge later.

With your current strength, it is impossible for me to get revenge. "

Baidi Shenjun shook his head and replied.

Lin Fei heard what Baidi Shenjun said and felt that there was nothing to say.

Indeed, his current strength is too weak.

"Master, Senior Desolate Beast, I have one thing I want to ask you."

Lin Fei asked aloud.

"If you have something, just talk about it."

Baidi Shenjun said to Lin Fei.

So Lin Fei told the story of Princess Reincarnation and they were taken away by the ninth floor of the Years Tower.


! The owner of the ninth floor of the Years Tower has taken all your friends away. Want to use this method to force you to show up? "

Hearing what Lin Fei said, the wild beast couldn't help getting furious.

"Sure enough, a dog can't change eating shit! This guy, who used such a despicable method to deal with your master back then, must use this method to deal with you now! What a brute!"

The wild beast said angrily.

When Lin Fei mentioned the ninth floor master of the Suiyue Tower, Baidi Shenjun's face also sank, very ugly.

Lin Fei looked at the expressions of that wild beast and Baidi Shenjun, and couldn't help but move in his heart, thinking of a possibility.

"Master, could it be that the master of the ninth floor of the Suiyuelou, is it a disciple of your master?"

Lin Fei couldn't help asking.

Baidi Shenjun listened to Lin Fei's words and did not directly answer, but sighed long.

"Lin Fei, your guess is correct. The owner of the 9th floor of the Years Building was a disciple of your master back then.

Moreover, he was the most promising disciple of your master back then.

As a result, he went to collude with your master's enemy, set up a very vicious trap, and carried out a sneak attack on your master.

In the end, your master was seriously injured.

Your master was seriously injured and tried his best to escape all the way, and finally escaped into the boundless sea of ​​chaos and hid.

Unexpectedly, now, that ninth floor is mainly to deal with you. "

The Desolate Beast said bitterly.

"It turns out that the master of the Ninth Floor is a disciple of Master! He also colluded with the enemy to frame Master!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but gritted his teeth.

"Beast! You wait, one day, I will personally cut you a thousand times and avenge Master!"

When Lin Fei thought of the ninth floor master, his eyes revealed a strong killing intent.

"That disciple who wants to kill me is not easy. He is now the ninth floor master of the Suiyuelou, with a high authority and a large number of Chaos Gods and Lord Gods under his command.

Moreover, his own strength is also a very powerful existence among the Chaos God.

Lin Fei, you are only a master **** now, you can't beat him.

So don't be so impulsive.

When you break through and become a Chaos God in the future, with the strength that can beat him, it is not too late for you to help me avenge. "

Baidi Shenjun said to Lin Fei.

He was afraid of Lin Fei's impulsiveness and ran to the ninth floor master to avenge himself.

"But Master, those friends of mine are in his hands, I must find a way to save them.

All of my friends are descendants of the line of reincarnation, if I don’t save them.

So, it is difficult for me to explain the cycle of reincarnation. "

Lin Fei thought for a while and answered.

"You said so."

Baidi Shenjun understood Lin Fei's mood.

"Lin Fei, those friends you want to save are really too dangerous.

That ninth floor master is too powerful.

And he still has dozens of Chaos Gods in his hands, and a large number of main gods.

I don't think you should be so impulsive. "

The barren beast sighed and said to Lin Fei.

However, he also knows Lin Fei's character very well, knowing that Lin Fei will definitely save people.

"Well, Lin Fei, you will stay here for a while. I wonder if there is a way to rescue your friends."

Baidi Shenjun said to Lin Fei.

"Yes, Lin Fei, don't worry, let us two study it carefully.

Then act again. "

The wild beast also said to Lin Fei.

He knew that Lin Fei would definitely save people, and persuasion was useless.

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