Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4534: Mental World Group

"Okay, then we will begin to practice the original land of reincarnation."

Lin Fei said.

So in the following time, Lin Fei began to enter the state of cultivation again.

As Lin Fei practiced, a large amount of yellow mist began to appear around Lin Fei's body, and it continued to condense, forming one wall after another.

These yellow mists are earth energy.

Before I knew it, seven or eight years passed again.

Lin Fei's body was surrounded by thousands of earthen walls, each of which was very tall and almost turned into a fortress, which tightly wrapped Lin Fei's body.

"The secret technique of Samsara Origin Earth can both attack and defend, and its power is very wrong."

Lin Fei said.

"Start to practice reincarnation origin gold."

Therefore, Lin Fei entered the state of cultivation again.

Reincarnation origin gold cultivates the golden energy that is the most origin of time.

As Lin Fei practiced, a large amount of white energy appeared in the space around his body, and these white energy represented the most primitive gold energy in the world.

After about two or three years, various weapons appeared around Lin Fei's body, including knives, guns, swords, hammers and forks.

These weapons are all condensed from gold energy! As time progressed slowly, the weapons appeared in the space around Lin Fei's body became more and more diverse, exuding a monstrous killing intent.

After about nine years.

"Finally I succeeded in practicing the reincarnation source gold."

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

At this time, the space around Lin Fei's body has completely turned into a vast ocean of weapons. In this ocean of weapons, there are all kinds of weapons, and there are many kinds of them.

Each of these weapons is condensed from pure gold energy, and each of them can be manipulated by Lin Fei willingly, such as using his arms as fingers.

"Next, it's time to practice the origin wind of reincarnation."

Lin Fei began to enter the state of cultivation again.

With Lin Fei's practice, the space around his body has begun to blow up a series of terrifying energy hurricanes, mighty storms, roaring frantically.

Every time, every inch of time and space in the world is full of terrifying wind energy.

Time passed slowly.

About two years later.

A wind dragon condensed by wind energy was dancing wildly around Lin Fei's body.

Unconsciously, nine years have passed.

Around Lin Fei's body, there are a total of nine wind dragons, roaring and roaring, blowing up hurricanes of terrifying energy.

Within the bodies of these nine wind dragons, a terrifying gust of wind surged.

"Reincarnation origin wind practice is successful."

Lin Fei felt the nine wind dragons and said with satisfaction.

Next, Lin Fei began to practice the source of reincarnation light again.

Reincarnation origin light cultivates the most origin light energy in the world.

This practice took another nine years.

Nine years later, nine light dragons condensed from light energy appeared around Lin Fei's body.

These nine light dragons are so dazzling that people don't dare to look directly at them.

"There is one last secret technique, that is, the origin of reincarnation.

The origin of reincarnation is empty, and what you cultivate is a variety of supernatural powers.

It should surprise me. "

Lin Fei said.

Then, Lin Fei entered the state of cultivation again.

Time passed slowly.

Probably after another eight or nine years.

Lin Fei finally succeeded in practicing Samsara Origin Kong.

The secret technique of Reincarnation Origin Kong is precisely a kind of blessing secret technique.

When fighting the enemy, using this kind of reincarnation origin void secret technique can make all kinds of attacks become illusory and difficult to defend.

In general, the nine great reincarnation sources and the nine secret techniques each have their own mysteries.

After seven to eighty years, Lin Fei finally succeeded in cultivating this nine great reincarnation origin Dafa.

Lin Fei walked out of this small world that had been there for seven to eighty years.

"Lin Fei, it seems that you have successfully practiced the Nine Great Reincarnation Origin Dafa.

Your talent is really high.

The Nine Great Reincarnation Origin Dafa is a secret technique that is relatively difficult to practice among all the secret techniques of our reincarnation.

It's really not easy for you to successfully cultivate it in such a short time. "

The gazes of the three elders all turned towards Lin Fei, and one of them said in a loud voice.

"What's even more rare is that you have never asked us for advice when you practice this secret technique.

During the entire cultivation process, you rely on your own exploration and understanding, and you just succeeded in practicing it.

It means that your savvy is very high. "

Another old man also said openly, "It's really rare."

The third old man also nodded, showing an expression of appreciation.

"Seniors, you are too rewarding."

Lin Fei replied.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness sensed it, and found that Princess Reincarnation, Yao Tianmiao and the others were still practicing in retreat in their respective small worlds.

It seems that they have also found a secret technique suitable for them.

"Okay, Lin Fei, in the next time, you can enter the library to find the secret technique of the exercises you are interested in.

We are in the same line of reincarnation. Back then, it was one of the most powerful forces in the sea of ​​absolute space.

The secret technique of our reincarnation line is also well-known in the world.

Back then, the world did not know how many young people dreamed of joining our reincarnation line and practicing the secret technique of our reincarnation line. "

An old man said with a smile.

"Well, seniors, I will continue to find out if there is any secret technique for my cultivation."

Lin Fei replied.

Then, Lin Fei walked into the library again and began to search for the secret technique of the exercises suitable for his practice.

In this small world, there are too many secret techniques in the collection.

Lin Fei didn't know how long he had been searching for, and how many jade slips of cultivation techniques he looked at.

Finally, Lin Fei discovered a practice called the Mind Power World Group.

This kind of mental power world group practice actually cultivates multiple mental power worlds and then forms a mental power world group.

When facing the enemy, once it is displayed, one after another mental power world, layer upon layer, is applied to the enemy's body, and the power is terrible.

You can think about it, a mental power world can already produce a very powerful force.

If displayed at the same time, multiple mental power worlds will naturally become more powerful.

"There is such a terrible mental power technique in the world, and it can condense multiple mental power worlds at the same time to form a mental power world group!"

Lin Fei had studied the content of this mind-power world group practice several times, and couldn't help sighing.

This kind of mental power world group exercise is much more advanced than the mental power world that Lin Fei had cultivated before.

"Okay, next, I will try my best to practice this kind of mind-power world group exercise! After successfully practicing, I can display multiple mind-power worlds at the same time!"

Lin Fei immediately made a decision to practice this exercise.

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