Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4541: Lord Black Wind

"Hahaha...I'm looking for your time building! As for the consequences, no matter how serious they are, I will not be afraid.

After I kill you, I will destroy the Yuntian Space Sea. I think you will definitely feel distressed. "

Lin Fei said with a big smile.

"Boy! Who the **** are you! You are so bold that you dare to provoke us so much!"

Master Heifeng heard what Lin Fei said, but he didn't know that Lin Fei came to provoke him.

This Master Heifeng has stayed in the sea of ​​clouds and space for many years to retreat and practice. He has been practicing for a long time.

Therefore, he didn't even know Lin Fei's spirit aura and appearance, even if Lin Fei stood in front of him, he would not recognize it.

"My name is Lin Fei."

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

"Lin Fei?

......" The black wind-sama looked a little confused.

"I remember! In the course of my year-round retreat, I have received several messages from the headquarters, mentioning the name Lin Fei! Lin Fei is the number one person to deal with in our time building! I never thought you were Lin. fly!"

Finally, Lord Black Wind remembered.

Then he took out a jade slip with sound transmission and began to perceive it.

This sound transmission jade slip recorded the information sent to him by the Suiyuelou headquarters over the past few decades.

The Master Heifeng slowly read the contents recorded in the jade slip.

Finally, he knew the grievances and festivals between Suiyuelou and Lin Fei! "Very good! Unexpectedly, you have the courage to come here! It's a great achievement to catch you and hand it over to the nine posters."

Master Heifeng slowly stood up and said with a sneer.

"Does it depend on you?"

Lin Fei showed a contemptuous expression.

"Boy, I can see how good you are.

But don't try to please me in front of me.

Soon you will regret it and dare to provoke me. "

Master Heifeng stared at Lin Fei and said coldly.

He knew that Lin Fei was the person named by the nine posters to be arrested, and since he met him, he definitely couldn't let it go.

"Lin Fei, although I won't kill you after I catch you, I will hand you over to nine posters in the end.

However, some torture is inevitable.

Soon you will know what it means to survive without death.

Those who dare to provoke me will not end well. "

Master Black Wind said coldly.

The voice fell off.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he released a large black night, which suddenly expanded in all directions and turned into a huge black cloth bag.

This huge black cloth bag exploded with terrible suction and enveloped Lin Fei.

Only a piece of darkness can be seen in the black cloth bag.

Suddenly, a huge hideous face appeared in this black cloth bag.

This face opened its mouth wide, with extremely sharp teeth in it, and bit towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei sneered and looked at the hideous face quietly.

Just when that ferocious face was about to bite before Lin Fei.

Lin Fei suddenly performed the reincarnation phantom technique, and he dodged it, appearing in the distance.

Once the reincarnation illusion technique was used, even the Chaos God might not catch up with Lin Fei.

What's more, it was just an attack from the ninth-tier main god.

Rumble...The space where Lin Fei was standing just now gave that hideous face a huge hole in the space, all black.

Then, Lin Fei directly displayed the mind power world group, ten mind power worlds, which fell from the sky, and instantly enveloped Lord Black Wind.

Ten mental power worlds, layered on top of each other, produced terrible repressive power.

Every mental world is very clear.

In these mental worlds, mountains, rivers, lakes, grasslands and deserts, and even villages, cities, everything is indistinguishable from a real world.

Rumble...Under Lin Fei's urging, the mighty mental energy was suppressed towards Lord Black Wind.

Suddenly, Master Heifeng was trapped in ten mental power worlds, unable to get out, could not help but roar again and again.

"Damn! Lin Fei, how can your mental strength cultivation be so brilliant! You can actually display ten mental strength worlds at the same time, what kind of technique is this!"

Master Black Wind roared.

"You guys do it too! Take action together and kill him!"

Lin Fei sent all of the reincarnation princess and others out with a thought.

Therefore, the Chaos-Swallowing Beast, the Princess of Reincarnation, and the others rushed forward, using their own ultimate skills of cultivation, and besieged and killed the Lord Black Wind.

The chaos-swallowing beast and the princess of reincarnation, like Lin Fei, have practiced many core techniques of reincarnation after decades of retreat.

Moreover, in the process of cultivation, the three samsara masters are always giving pointers.

Because the reincarnation princesses are all descendants of the reincarnation line. The three major reincarnations dominate. Of course, I hope that the descendants of these reincarnation lines will become stronger. In the future, the reincarnation circuit will be rebuilt and the reincarnation line will be restored. The hope is great. A lot.

Therefore, the three rulers of reincarnation have been more attentive in guiding the practice of the reincarnation princess and others for decades.

On the contrary, it was Lin Fei, who spent most of the time cultivating alone, and the three major reincarnation masters gave Lin Fei much less guidance.

As for the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, the three major reincarnation masters knew the relationship between the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast and Lin Fei, and regarded the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast as a member of the cycle of reincarnation, and they also provided guidance.

It can be said that over the years, the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast, the Princess of Reincarnation, and others have gained tremendous improvement in strength.

Now so many people are working together to besiege the black wind lord, the attack power that erupts is terrible.

Lin Fei also began to take action, cutting out one after another sword light, and slashed towards Master Heifeng.

Soon, Lord Heifeng couldn't hold it anymore, he was losing ground, getting hurt and vomiting blood.

In the course of the battle, Lin Fei suddenly displayed two secret techniques, the origin of reincarnation mine and the origin of reincarnation fire.

Nine black thunder dragons, and nine burning fire dragons, simultaneously besieged Lord Heifeng.

Under such a terrifying attack, Lord Heifeng finally couldn't support it.

In the end, everyone rushed up, and the body was broken and the body was destroyed.

This is known as the oldest and most powerful Ninth-tier Lord God in the Chronicles of the Year, and it just fell.

"What the **** happened! The place where Master Heifeng was retreating just now, there was a fierce fighting sound! Let's go and see!"

At this time, the fierce battle has already alarmed the creatures in this sea of ​​space.

A large number of people from the Years Tower rushed towards the small world of Master Heifeng's retreat.

In this sea of ​​clouds and sky, in addition to the Master Heifeng, there are more than one hundred main gods, all of which appeared, and in a moment they came to the small world of Master Heifeng's retreat.

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