Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4572: Fire Beast

When this monster appeared, Lin Fei and Meng Po also immediately noticed it.

"What kind of monster is this?

! "

Lin Fei swallowed his saliva, looked at the monster, and asked in a loud voice.

"Could it be the legendary fire source beast?"

Po Meng said.

"Senior, what is the fire source beast?"

Lin Fei asked.

"The fire source beast is the oldest kind of beast in the sea of ​​absolute space.

It is said that the fire source beast can swallow and control all the flames in the world.

Of course it also includes the eight great sacred fires.

There is even a legend that the fire source beast is a kind of divine beast born under the combined action of the eight great divine fires. "

Po Meng replied.

"That's it.

All things are born with their own beauty.

No wonder this fire source beast can move freely in an environment where the eight great sacred fires are burning together. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but exclaimed as he looked at the monster with red lava flowing all over it.

Just as Lin Fei was talking with Po Meng, the fire source beast had already arrived before Naihe Bridge and Reincarnation, and a pair of huge eyes was looking at it.

He seemed to be interested in the Naihe Bridge and Reincarnation that came in suddenly and was studying it.

"Senior, let's run away quickly, this fire source beast can burn under the common burning of the eight great divine fires, and it is safe and sound. After all, the strength is amazing.

We are definitely not his opponents. "

Lin Fei said to Po Meng.

"Under this situation, we cannot escape.

It is said that although the strength of the fire source beast is terrifying, his intelligence is very low.

It is said that the IQ of an adult fire beast is at most equivalent to a five or six-year-old child.

Therefore, he should think that Naihe Bridge and Reincarnation are more interesting and fresh, so he walked over and looked at it.

He should have no malice towards us.

If we act rashly at this time, it is easy to anger him, with disastrous consequences.

So, let's stay quietly in the Naihe Bridge and see what this fire source beast wants to do. "

Po Meng said to Lin Fei.

"Then do what the predecessors want."

Lin Fei nodded.

I only saw the fire source beast, before it came to Naihe Bridge and Reincarnation, it felt very new and interesting, and he kept using his huge claws to gently fiddle with Naihe Bridge and Reincarnation.

It seems to have found two interesting toys.

Lin Fei and Meng Po stayed in the small world in the Naihe Bridge, trying to constrain their breath, not daring to move.

In the following time, the fire source beast played with Naihe Bridge and Reincarnation, and even played Naihe Bridge and Reincarnation as a ball.

The IQ of this fire source beast really resembles a child.

Lin Fei and Meng Po are simply dumbfounded.

It wasn't until several days later that the fire source beast turned and left.

Lin Fei and Meng Po breathed a sigh of relief.

"Senior, let's leave now.

This fire source beast didn't know when it would come back again. "

Lin Fei said.

"Yes, let's leave quickly."

Po Meng nodded.

Then, Po Meng controlled the Naihe Bridge and Reincarnation to move in the other direction.

However, after a few days, the fire source beast caught up again.

After playing with Naihe Bridge and Reincarnation as toys, he stopped and turned away.

Meng Po hurriedly manipulated the Naihe Bridge and the cycle of rebirth to transfer.

But a few days later, this source of fire beast came up again.

"It seems that he has locked the circuit of reincarnation and the bridge of Naihe.

In this sea of ​​flames, his speed is so amazing that we can't escape at all. "

Po Meng couldn't help saying.

"Not bad.

The monster is very fast in this sea of ​​fire. "

Lin Fei nodded.

At the same time, outside of the Valley of Eight Fires, the nine posters of Suiyuelou, those dark demon guards, and a large number of Chaos Gods of Suiyuelou were all waiting a little impatient.

"Do you think that Lin Fei has fallen inside? It has been so long, and he hasn't come out yet.

! The sixth floor master said in a loud voice.

"Sixth brother, don't worry, but the quality of the bridge and reincarnation is very good.

Lin Fei was hiding in the Naihe Bridge. I don't think those eight sacred fires could hurt him for a while.

Lin Fei knew that we were waiting outside, so he wouldn't come out so soon, he was delaying time. "

The building owner said in a loud voice.

"Yes, although Lin Fei is a young kid, he is notoriously difficult.

Our time and the dark clan sent so many people and spent so long, but we have never been able to catch him.

This shows that Lin Fei is not easy to deal with. "

The ninth floor master said in a loud voice.

"Yes, that kid Lin Fei is indeed too difficult."

The other posters also nodded.

"Let's wait for a while. If Lin Fei still doesn't come out, then we will venture into the Valley of the Eight Fires and capture him."

The building owner said in a loud voice.

"Yes, with the strength of the nine of us, although we cannot say that we can travel freely in the Valley of the Eight Fires, there shouldn't be much danger."

The eighth floor master nodded.

In the distance, those dark guards were also waiting very anxiously.

"Everyone, we are waiting for a while. If Lin Fei has not come out, we will enter the Valley of the Eight Fires and arrest him."

One of the dark guards sends a voice transmission to the other dark guards.

The other dark guards nodded one after another.

Time passed slowly, and before you knew it, decades of time passed.

In the past few decades, Lin Fei discovered that no matter how the Naihe Bridge and Reincarnation Circuit moved and escaped, in the end, he could not escape the trace of the fire source beast.

The fire source beast has completely locked the Naihe Bridge and the reincarnation circuit, and will come to play it every once in a while.

This gave Lin Fei and Meng Po a headache, but they were helpless.

"Everyone, let's go in."

Finally, the building owner became impatient and spoke to the other eight hosts.

"Okay, let's go in."

The other eight posters were already impatient.

There were also nine posters, stood up at the same time, and walked in toward the valley of eight fires ahead.

In the Valley of the Eight Fires, eight divine fires burned surgingly, emitting amazing burning power.

But the nine posters of Suiyuelou's strength are also very terrifying. They walked into the sea of ​​fire and even opened a way.

In a moment, the nine posters of Suiyuelou had already stepped into the sea of ​​fire, and were submerged by the billowing eight colors of divine fire.

As for the other Chaos Gods in the years, they did not enter. The owner of the building had secretly sent them a voice transmission, asking them to wait outside.

"Let's go in too."

The dark demon guards of the dark clan saw the nine posters walk in, and they also stood up.

Then, these dark demon guards also approached the Valley of the Eight Fires.

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