Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4578: Fire Beast's combat power

"I've been waiting for you for a long time! I can finally have a good fight!"

The Fire Source Beast uttered an excited cry and strode forward.

What made Lin Fei feel speechless was that he creaked the bones of his fingers, with an expression of eagerness.


Rumble... There was a loud noise, and the fat man who seemed harmless to humans and animals suddenly turned into a huge red flame. In the red flame, a huge monster slowly appeared.

The fire source beast finally revealed its body! The Fire Source Beast could feel that the original posters of these Years Towers and the Dark Demon Guards of the Dark Clan were all powerful masters, so he didn't rely on the big ones, and directly revealed his body.

Because the fighting power of the body is the strongest! The fire source beast after the body appeared, with hot red lava flowing all over, and the heat emitted was amazing.

"this is……?"

The ninth floor master looked at the fire source beast with a jealous expression. He felt a terrible threat, but for a while, he couldn't recognize what the monster in front of him was.

"What's that..." Not only the ninth poster, the other eight posters and the dark demon guards of the dark clan, all their eyes turned towards this side.

Their sense of consciousness is very powerful, and they can see the terrifying place of the monster that suddenly appeared in front of them.

Suddenly, the fire source beast uttered a sky-shaking roar, and the mighty red flame spewed from his huge mouth, covering this space and time almost instantly, toward the nine posters of the Suiyuelou and the darkness. The magic guard drowned over.

The red flames ejected by the eight kinds of sacred fire and the fire source beast, fused together, produced amazing burning energy.

Moreover, those eight kinds of sacred fire seemed to have received some kind of call, and they began to become restless, and boiled with great vigor.

Under normal circumstances, these eight divine fires are in a relatively calm state. In this state, the power of the eight divine fires is the weakest.

Once this kind of sacred fire is in a state of restlessness, it is the most powerful time.

"Not good! The burning power of these flames is terrible. Under such circumstances, we'd better not do anything. It's best to go all out to fight against the burning of these flames!"

The building owner of the Years Tower was the strongest among these Chaos Gods, and he felt a huge threat first.

As soon as the building owner's voice fell, the mighty sea of ​​fire surging surging forward, and all the nine owners of the Suiyuelou, as well as those dark demon guards, were drowned in the fire.

Each of the nine posters of the Years Tower and those dark guards felt severe pain, and at the same time the skin on their body began to burn, turning into a charcoal-like color and appearance.

"so amazing!"

Lin Fei was very surprised when he saw this scene.

I also relaxed a lot.

Originally, Lin Fei was worried that the Fire Source Beast could deal with so many Chaos Gods because it was weak and might not be able to deal with it.

But now it seems that in this valley of eight fires, the fire source beast does have a great advantage.

As long as the eight kinds of sacred fires are urged to attack, the nine posters and those dark demon guards of Suiyuelou are already in a hurry and are exhausted.

"What exactly is this monster? He can control the eight sacred fires in the Valley of Eight Fires!"

The owner of the building was shocked, staring at the fire source beast and looking up and down.

"It's terrible! If the Chaos God of ordinary strength is here, I am afraid he will be burned to death!"

The ninth floor master exclaimed.

"What is this monster?"

The nine posters of the Years Tower and the Dark Demon Guards all looked at the Fire Source Beast in surprise.


The building owner's heart moved, thinking of a legendary beast.

"Could it be..., you are a source of fire beast!"

The owner of the building stared at the fire source beast and suddenly shouted.

"You wink! But if you bully my friend, you are my enemy!"

The Fire Source Beast yelled.

Rumble... Suddenly, the Fire Source Beast spewed a terrible flame from its mouth, turning into a rolling red sea of ​​fire, and rushed towards the owner of the building.

At the same time, the fire source beast suddenly stretched out a pair of red wings, its wings shook, turning into a terrible streamer, and rushed towards the sixth floor master! In the sea of ​​fire formed by the eight kinds of sacred fires, the fire source beasts boiled and attacked.

Because this is his territory and his main battlefield! "Fast speed!"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

The speed displayed by the fire source beast is really terrifying. His huge body has no influence on the speed, turning into a bright red light, splitting the space and time, and suddenly approaching the sixth master.

The speed displayed by the Fire Source Beast even surprised the owner of the Suiyuelou building, because he felt that he himself could not achieve such an astonishing speed.

Before the sixth floor master could react, the fire source beast rushed in front of him.

A huge beast claw patted directly at the sixth floor master.

In a hurry, the sixth floor master clenched his fists with both hands while blocking forward.

With a bang.

The two arms of the sixth poster were twisted and turned into twists.

A **** hole was penetrated through his chest.

It was just that the fire source beast injured him in a single instant.

This is because, under the common burning of the eight sacred fires, the sixth floor mainly allocates most of the energy to fight against the burning power of these eight sacred fires.

Therefore, facing the powerful attack of the fire source beast, he wanted to resist but appeared weak.

I saw the sixth floor master's body was shaken and flew far away.

Then the huge body of the fire source beast, a teleport, turned into a red light, and came directly to the side of another dark demon guard.

Although this dark demon watched the Fire Source Beast rushing over, the speed of the Fire Source Beast was so fast that he couldn't make an effective response all of a sudden.

Because, he has to allocate most of his energy to deal with the burning of eight kinds of sacred fire.

Bang! The two claws of the fire source beast hit the body of the dark demon at the same time.

The body of this dark demon exploded on the spot, turning into a cloud of blood.

"how is this possible!"

The dark demon soon reorganized his body not far away, looking at the fire source beast with horrified eyes.

He couldn't believe how he was smashed into pieces by the monster in front of him with his strength.

You know he is a dark demon! The Dark Demon was carefully selected among the Chaos Gods of the Dark Clan.

In the eyes of the world, the strength of every dark demon is very powerful.

"It's too bad, vulnerable!"

The Fire Source Beast looked at the dark demon guard, shook his head and said, his tone was full of contempt.

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