Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4582: Kill the Chaos God

"What's the use of what you say! Show your skills!"

Lin Fei roared.

The ten mental power worlds that Lin Fei displayed were suppressed on this dark demon guard's body one after another, and there were more than two hundred formations also suppressed on this dark demon guard's body.

Then, the three Lin Fei used various martial arts and martial arts that they had practiced before, frantically attacking the dark demon guard.

"Lin Fei, you die for me!"

This dark demon roared to the sky, and then, above his soul body, endless dark energy and dark laws spewed out, turning into a thick black fog that spread out around, and instantly enveloped hundreds of thousands of miles.

Within this range, it completely became a black world.

Then, the soul body of that dark demon completely disappeared in this black world.

It seems to merge with this black world! Lin Fei wanted to continue attacking him, but couldn't find the target.

"Hahaha... Lin Fei, this is a cage that I built with dark energy and laws. I see how you can escape.

I am the absolute master in this cage! "

The dark demon said with a wild laugh.

"The Chaos God is really amazing!"

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing and said, this Dark Demon Guard only has one soul body left, and this soul body has also been injured, so the fighting power is still so powerful.

"If you haven't been seriously injured yet, I'm still terrified of the dark cage you used to display by three points. Now you are seriously injured, and your strength is less than one ten thousandth, the dark cage you used to display. , May not be able to trap me!"

Lin Fei was not afraid, and said with a sneer.

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Fei's mental energy was felt in all directions.

At the same time, Lin Fei showed her body skills and rushed out.

Lin Fei's mental energy immediately clearly felt every position in this dark cage.

Lin Fei discovered the location of the dark demon guard's soul body.

Then, Lin Fei rushed over and displayed all kinds of exercises and secrets to make a crazy attack on the soul body of this dark demon.

This dark demon guard is indeed very good. Facing Lin Fei's crazy attack, he also displayed various secret arts of the dark clan to fight back, and the two fought very fiercely.

Of course, Lin Fei knew that the reason why he was able to fight this Dark Demon Guard to this level was because the Dark Demon Guard had already suffered a very serious injury, leaving only the state of the soul body.

The energy that can be used is a very small part of his previous peak state.

If this Dark Demon was at its peak, Lin Fei estimated that he could slap himself to death with one palm.

Just like this, Lin Fei and this dark demon were inextricably fought in this pitch-black world.

What made Lin Fei feel excited was that as the battle continued, this Dark Demon's injuries became more and more serious, his condition worsened, and his combat effectiveness became weaker and weaker.

If this continues, Lin Fei knows that he will win! To be able to defeat a dark demon, even a wounded dark demon, is a remarkable thing.

"not bad!"

In the distance, the Fire Source Beast watched Lin Fei's battle with the Dark Demon Guard, and couldn't help but nod repeatedly.

At this time, the nine posters of Suiyuelou and the other dark demon guards surrounded the fire source beast group and were fighting.

However, in the environment of the Valley of Eight Fires, they couldn't do anything about the Fire Source Beast.

Here, there are eight kinds of sacred fire burning everywhere, and the fire source beast can control these sacred fires at any time to fight the enemy.

Therefore, the combat power that the fire source beast can exert is much stronger than the combat power it owns! As time goes by slowly.

The dark demon guard who fought with Lin Fei had more and more energy consumption and his injuries were getting more and more serious. Gradually, in the battle, Lin Fei began to gain the upper hand, forcing the dark demon guard to continuously retreat roaring.

"not bad!"

Po Meng also sighed.

"Boy, I am injured now, so I won't fight you anymore. When my injury improves, I will come to you to settle the account!"

Finally, the dark demon couldn't support it anymore, and roared.

Then he turned around and fled.

In fact, this dark demon guard was seriously injured, and Lin Fei was tied.

However, his injuries are getting heavier and heavier, making his combat effectiveness continue to decline.

This situation was very unfavorable to him, so he didn't want to continue fighting with Lin Fei.

What's more, he [country novel] is currently suffering from such a serious injury. If he does not quickly find a place for healing, the consequences will be very serious.

Hahaha...I just want to escape now, it's too late! "

Lin Fei laughed and cast, reincarnation illusion technique, rushed to the dark demon guard.

"Yes, I beat this guy away!"

Huo Yuan Beast could not help but praised when he saw this scene.

The voice fell off.

The fire source beast waved his hand, and in the surrounding space, eight kinds of sacred fires flared up and surrounded the dark magic guard's soul body.

"Get out of here!"

The dark guard screamed in horror.

You know, in the absence of a physical body, it is difficult for him to resist the combined burning of these eight sacred fires by relying solely on the soul body.

Eight kinds of sacred fires surrounded the spirit body of this dark demon, and instantly turned into a huge flame.

Ah... this dark demon made a screaming scream, eight kinds of sacred fire released terrible burning power, igniting his soul body! At this time, the three identical Lin Fei had already caught up, and he was not polite, and directly displayed the power of the world group exercises.

The superposition of ten mental power worlds suppressed the soul body of this dark demon.

Then, the three Lin Fei rushed up and launched another crazy attack.

This dark demon could no longer cope with the common burning of eight divine fires.

Coupled with Lin Fei's crazy attack, his soul body soon began to get hurt.

"Lin Fei, get out of here!"

The dark demon roared.

"At this time, you dare to be crazy in front of me!"

Lin Fei sneered.

After Lin Fei's crazy attack, and the burning of eight divine fires, on top of the common power, the soul body of this dark demon became more and more wilting, its energy gradually depleted, and the screaming voice became weaker and weaker.

Of course, the eight divine fires that hurt the dark guard the most.

Lin Fei's attack on him caused him a lot of restraint.

Gradually, the soul body of this dark demon became more and more illusory.

"I'm not reconciled! As a dark demon, even in the chaos god, I belong to the strong, and I actually fell here!"

The dark demon roared desperately and unwillingly.

Then, eight sacred fires swarmed up and burned his illusory and transparent soul body into fly ash.

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