Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4589: I am safe

"Don't ask, Lin Fei must have had some adventure in the Valley of the Eight Fires! Moreover, I believe that the sixth master of the Years Tower and those dark demon guards were definitely not killed by Lin Fei! Lin Fei's strength No matter how strong it is, it cannot be so strong.

Moreover, in the Valley of the Eight Fires, there are eight terrifying sacred fires, each of which possesses amazing burning power. The gathering of the eight sacred fires is simply terrifying.

Lin Fei entered the eight fires, and was able to resist the burning of the eight sacred fires. It was very rare that he had not been burned to death.

Where is the ability to kill so many masters? "

Baidi Shenjun said.

"Not bad.

Those masters were definitely not killed by Lin Fei.

According to legend, there is a very mysterious existence in the Valley of the Eight Fires.

That mysterious existence is very powerful, and standing on Lin Fei's side, helping Lin Fei deal with the people of the Years Tower and the Dark Clan.

That's why there are such amazing results. "

Desolate Beast said.

"It should be like this."

Baidi Shenjun nodded.

"So, Lin Fei is a person with great luck. Every time in a desperate situation, luck will come to him and let him pass through safely.

Your apprentice's future achievements will definitely be better than those apprentices you received before. "

Desolate Beast said with a smile.

"Lin Fei is indeed a person with air transportation.

I have deduced this point a long time ago.

I originally thought that this time, Lin Fei would be very dangerous under the chase of so many masters.

But unexpectedly he passed through again safely. "

Baidi Shenjun said.

"Now, do we want to take a look, what's the situation with Lin Fei?"

Desolate Beast said.

"In the Valley of the Eight Fires, there are eight kinds of sacred fires, which are very dangerous.

And we don't know what kind of existence is inside, so we just rushed in.

It is likely to be in danger. "

Baidi Shenjun thought for a while and replied.

"We don't need to enter the Valley of the Eight Fires, we go to the edge of the Valley of the Eight Fires, and then send a voice transmission to Lin Fei.

He has my special sound transmission jade slip on him. If he is fine, he should give us an answer. "

Desolate Beast said.

"Well, your identity is so inconvenient to show your face, I'll go take a look."

Desolate Beast said to Baidi Shenjun.

"Well, you better be careful.

Maybe, now, the Dark Clan and Time Tower have deployed their troops to monitor the Valley of Eight Fires.

So you try not to let them find out. "

Baidi Shenjun said.

"Don't worry, I have been a Chaos God for so many years, and I have been an old fritters for a long time. I won't get into trouble so easily."

Desolate Beast said with a smile.

Then, the wild beast left the Valley of Fallen God, entered the sea of ​​absolute space, and quietly went towards the Valley of Eight Fires.

At this time, in the Valley of Eight Fires.

Lin Fei is working hard to cultivate various fire control techniques under the guidance of the fire source beast.

The fire source beast first asked Lin Fei to control those ordinary flames.

This step is relatively simple for Lin Fei.

In just over ten days, Lin Fei was able to control those ordinary flames freely, and to use these flames to display all kinds of sophisticated techniques.

"Next, I will guide you to control these sacred fires.

Each of these eight types of sacred fire has amazing burning power. With your current strength, any type of sacred fire can easily burn you into fly ash.

So you have to be very careful and don't be too anxious.

You have to teach me every step that I handed over to you to practice again and again, and you must reach a very proficient level, and then you can try to truly control these sacred fires.

Do you understand it? "

The Huoyuan Beast's expression was very serious, exhorted.

"I understand.

Don't worry, I won't make fun of my life. "

Lin Fei nodded and answered.

"Well, now I will teach you to master and control one of the sacred fires first.

Then slowly try to control more Shenhuo.

In this process, a kind of sacred fire, a kind of sacred fire, slowly superimposed. "

Fire Source Beast said.

Lin Fei nodded.

Then Lin Fei, under the guidance of the fire source beast, began to try to control one of the sacred fires.

Lin Fei picked a kind of yang attribute sacred fire.

In the next time, Lin Fei gave him the various fire control techniques that the fire source beasts, and he repeated every step and every detail to the most proficient level, and then began to control it. Shenhuo.

During the whole process, Lin Fei was very careful and very vigilant, because every kind of sacred fire possesses amazing burning power, and if it goes wrong, the consequences are very serious.

Time passed slowly.

Lin Fei was completely immersed in the technique of practicing fire control.

On this day, the wild beast quietly came to the vicinity of the Valley of Eight Fires.

Sure enough, the Desolate Beast discovered the Dark Clan and the Years Tower, and had sent a large number of men and horses to surround the Valley of the Eight Fires and besieged them heavily.

Strictly monitor this piece of time and space.

Under this circumstance, even a chaos god, there is absolutely no way to escape the surveillance of the dark race and the people of time, and enter and leave the Valley of Eight Fires.

The Desolate Beast took out a sound transmission jade slip and sent a transmission to the Eight Fire Valley.

At this time, Lin Fei was in the Valley of Eight Fires, practicing seriously.

Suddenly, Lin Fei's expression moved, and he took out a sound transmission jade slip from his body.

"Lin Fei, are you okay?

Some time ago, your master and I heard the news that you were hunted down, and we have been thinking of ways to save you.

Later, I heard the news that nine posters and dozens of dark demon guards from the Suiyuelou had chased you and entered the Valley of Eight Fires.

Later, we heard the news that the sixth floor master of Suiyuelou and several dark demon guards had fallen in the Valley of Eight Fires.

But we have never had accurate information from you.

Therefore, your master and I are both worried about you.

If you receive my reason, just reply.

Tell us your current situation and I will go back and tell your master. "

A voice came from the jade slip.

"It turns out to be Senior Desolate Beast."

Lin Fei couldn't help feeling warm when he heard this voice.

"It seems that for a while, Master and Senior Desolate Beast have been worried about my safety."

Lin Fei thought in his heart.

"Senior, don't worry, I'm fine now.

I met a fire source beast in the Valley of the Eight Fires and became good friends with him.

It was this fire source beast that shot and helped me defeat those chasing soldiers.

Now I am here, following this fire source beast to learn fire control techniques.

I will be out in a while.

Don't worry, I am safe now. "

Lin Fei sent such a message to Huang Beast.

"Just safe!"

The Desolate Beast finally breathed a sigh of relief after receiving Lin Fei's transmission.

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