Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4591: Old poster

"It's about that fire source beast."

The building owner said.

"Do you mean that we are going to find the source of fire beast for revenge?"

The eighth floor master asked.

"The sixth brother was indeed killed by the fire source beast, but it is a bit difficult for us to find the fire source beast for revenge.

In particular, the Fire Source Beast has been staying in the Valley of the Eight Fires. With the strength of our Years Building, it is a bit difficult to find the Fire Source Beast in the Valley of the Eight Fires. "

Said the second poster.

"Yes, the strength of that fire source beast is too terrifying, and he can also control the eight kinds of divine fire, we are not his opponent at all."

The other posters, thinking of the battle in the Valley of the Eight Fires, all had lingering fears.

Where would you dare to seek revenge on the Fire Source Beast?

"Everyone, you misunderstood what I meant.

I don’t want everyone to seek revenge on the fire source beast. I mean, if we can conquer the fire source beast and let him become a member of our time tower, then it will give us the strength of the time tower. Skyrocket! Everyone has also seen that the strength of that fire source beast is very powerful. I guess that even if he encounters the three major dark masters, he will have the power to fight! "

The building owner said.


Conquer that fire source beast? "

The other seven posters were stunned when they heard what the building owner said.

"Building owner, that fire source beast is so powerful, and he and Lin Fei are in the same group.

We want to subdue him, I am afraid it is very difficult! "

The second floor master said in a loud voice.

The other posters also nodded.

"It is of course very difficult to conquer the fire source beast.

It is really difficult to do this by relying solely on our strengths.

However, I have good news to tell everyone.

Just now, I went to the holy building. In the altar of the holy building, I suddenly received a message from the old host.

According to the old poster, he and several other posters will be back soon.

I told the old poster about the fire source beast through the altar.

The old poster asked me to monitor the movement of the fire source beast from now on.

After the old poster came back, the first thing was to go to the Valley of the Eight Fires in person to conquer the fire source beast.

So what we have to do is to closely monitor the fire source beast from now on. "

The building owner said.


! Old posters, are they coming back soon?

Building owner, what you said is true! "

When the other eight posters heard this bombshell news, all of them jumped up, instantly excited, and asked in a trembling voice.

It turned out that the current owners of Suiyuelou are not the highest commanders of Suiyuelou.

There are several old posters in the Sui Yue Lou, and those old posters are the real commanders of the Sui Yue Lou, and they are also the top masters in the Sui Yue Lou.

However, a long, long time ago, those old posters left the Suiyuelou, not knowing where they went.

Then, Suiyuelou was led by the present nine owners.

"It's true!"

The building owner said word by word.

"That's great!"

The other posters were extremely excited one by one.

"As soon as those old posters come back, our overall strength will skyrocket!"

"Yes! The real strength of the old posters of our Years Tower is not much worse than that of the three masters of the Dark Clan! If the old posters go out in person, they will definitely be able to deal with the fire source beast. !"

"Of course! Back then, I heard one of the old landlords mentioned that they were going to leave Suiyuelou and go to a very remote place together to explore a mysterious cave! In that mysterious cave, there is Great opportunity! Now that these old posters are about to return, doesn't that mean that they have already obtained the great opportunity in that cave.

If this is the case, then the strength of several old posters must have been greatly improved! Maybe the true strength of a few old posters is only stronger than the three dark masters! "

The fifth poster said excitedly.

Each of these eight posters was dancing with excitement.

"When those old landlords come back, the fire source beast will be subdued at that time, then, from now on, our time building will become a real big power in the sea of ​​absolute space! A super power like the dark clan power!"

The building owner said.

"Not bad!"

Several other posters are focused on their heads, and their eyes are full of great expectations.

at this time.

In the sea of ​​absolute space, within a sea of ​​space that seems to have been abandoned.

A towering palace stands in time and space.

On the plaque of this palace, there are three characters, Samsara Palace.

Within this palace, there is a very large plane.

In this plane, on a certain lawn, there were three old men sitting at a stone table.

These three elders are the three remnants of the three souls of the three masters of the cycle of reincarnation.

Lin Fei had also entered here before, and under the guidance of these three reincarnation masters, he practiced for a while.

Now [Liancheng] is in the reincarnation princess and they are in this plane, practicing in retreat.

"Unexpectedly, Lin Fei's strength has become so much stronger in such a short period of time.

Baidi Shenjun was known to be good at instructing his apprentices in the past, and the apprentices he taught were all very good in strength, and he was indeed well-deserved. "

One of the samsara masters said in admiration.

"Yes, some time ago, Lin Fei single-handedly dared to provoke the Dark Clan and the Time Tower, and destroyed so many strongholds of these two forces. His performance was indeed amazing.

If Lin Fei stayed here and practiced with us, the progress would definitely not be so great. "

The other Samsara Lord also nodded and said.

"However, what really surprised me was Lin Fei's luck.

He actually made friends with a fire source beast! Moreover, the fire source beast also came forward to help him deal with the nine posters and the dark guards! "

The third reincarnation master said with a smile.

"Yes, this kid's luck is indeed a bit amazing."

The other two reincarnation masters both nodded in agreement.

"Ashamed! Our three old guys, as the supreme leader of the cycle of reincarnation, have not done anything over the years, but let some younger generations come forward and collect the debris of the cycle of reincarnation."

Suddenly one of the samsara masters exclaimed.

The other two reincarnation masters are silent.

"During this period, I sent someone to investigate in the sea of ​​absolute space.

I think it's time for us to reappear in the same vein.

No need, just keep waiting. "

The reincarnation master slowly said.

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