Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4599: Kill the dark guard again

"Go to death for me!"

Lin Fei laughed and said, attacking even more crazily.

"Stop! Lin Fei, if you dare to kill the Chaos God of our dark race, the consequences are very serious!"

The other dark demon guards shouted at Lin Fei in anger.

"Hahaha... it's useless to scare me by saying these things! I killed you the Dark Clan too much, no matter what the consequences are!"

Lin Fei laughed loudly.

After a while, the soul body of the dark demon became weaker and weaker.

There is a dying taste.

Seeing to be unable to live.

The other dark guards desperately wanted to rush over to help, but they were blocked by a large number of walls of fire, and there was no way to rush over to save people in time.

Just at this time.

There was a rolling energy in the distance, rolling over.

Let this piece of time and space condense all at once.

Even those blazing sacred fires were temporarily frozen in space.

Lin Fei felt that neither his physical body nor his soul body could move.

Those dark guards also found it difficult to act.

Then, I saw four terrifying figures in the distance, coming at an astonishing speed toward the spot of the fire eye.

The energy coercion emitted by these four figures was too terrifying, and it was still far away, condensing a large area of ​​time and space.

It is the three masters of darkness and the fire source beast! The fire source beast flees in front, and the three dark masters chase after it.

The speed of the three masters of darkness is very fast! When it comes to strength, the strength of the three masters of darkness is actually much stronger than the fire source beast.

But here is the Valley of the Eight Fires, in this special environment, it is very beneficial to the fire source beast.

The fire source beast can not only use those sacred fires to increase its combat effectiveness, but also use these sacred fires to accelerate its speed.

In the process of escaping, a large amount of sacred fire blessed on the huge body of the source of fire beast, turning it into his driving force, making him move forward at least ten times his true strength! In this way, the speed of his escape would not be much slower than those of the three dark masters! The three masters of darkness followed behind the fire source beast, their faces were very ugly.

This fire source beast could not beat them at all.

But the speed of escaping was too fast, and for a while, they couldn't catch up with the fire source beast quickly.

"The three masters come to rescue me!"

The dark demon guard who was dying by Lin Fei's attack was overjoyed when he saw that the three great dark masters in the distance were rushing towards this position, and immediately yelled.

The three dark masters are the top masters of the dark race.

This dark demon felt that Lin Fei would definitely not be able to kill him as long as the three dark masters came! "Lin Fei, stop!"

One of the dark masters said coldly.

Falling with his voice.

Immediately, Lin Fei found that a large amount of dark energy and dark laws appeared in the space around his body, suppressing his body.

Then, Lin Fei felt that his body seemed to be about to explode and his body and spirit would be destroyed.

At the same time, the fire control technology that Lin Fei showed, directly failed.

The dark demon with only his body was no longer attacked by those walls of fire.

"Hahaha...Lin Fei, you still can't kill me in the end! It's just that you destroy my physical body. This is a deep hatred and endless death! You wait, I will never let you go! One day, I It will kill you!"

The dark demon felt that he had escaped the disaster, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief and laughed wildly.

But his laughter has not stopped.

The fire source beast had already come to him.

"You don't have a chance to take revenge, because today is your death date, and it is you who are truly destroyed."

The fire source beast glanced at the dark demon guard, and said coldly.

After speaking, one of the claws of the fire source beast patted the dark demon directly.

The mighty energy, all of a sudden, drowned the dark demon.

"No! You can't kill me! The three masters quickly save me! I had a hard time cultivating to become a Chaos God, and I am not willing to fall like this!"

The dark demon was so scared that he felt the breath of death, and yelled in a desperate and unwilling voice.


With a bang, the soul body of this dark demon immediately exploded, dispersed with the wind, and then vanished.

After the fire source beast slapped the dark demon to death, his figure flashed and he came to Lin Fei's side.

With a wave of his hand, all the dark energies and dark laws that Lin Fei had endured were resolved.

"You guys are bullying my friends again, just die for me!"

The fire source beast swept its gaze toward the other dark demon guards, and said angrily.

He was chased by the three major dark masters just now, and he was already full of anger. Now that he saw these dark demon guards, he seemed to have found a target to vent.

As soon as the voice fell, he performed the fire control technique, and immediately, in the fire eye behind Lin Fei, a large amount of divine fire burst out, majestic and terrifying.

These sacred fires quickly condensed and turned into a raging wall of fire, carrying astonishing energy and pressure, and slammed into the dark guards.

Those dark demon guards had already been surrounded by the massive walls of fire displayed by Lin Fei, and they had not yet escaped. Now suddenly, the walls of fire displayed by the fire source beasts are attacking heavily.

Suddenly, those dark demon guards could no longer resist, and they screamed.

Among them, there were some relatively weak dark guards whose bodies exploded directly.

Even the soul body has suffered a lot.


Behind, the three great dark masters saw this scene, and couldn't help but burst into tears, and roared.

You should know that each of these dark demon guards was cultivated by the dark race with great effort.

The fall of any one is a huge loss for the dark race.

Generally speaking, the three major darkness dominates retreats all year round, and they rarely appear in front of the world.

The chaotic gods of the dark clan are the real managers of the dark clan.

And these dark demon guards are even more the core of power in the dark race.

Three have been killed by the Fire Source Beast before.

Just killed another one.

The fall of any dark guard is an unbearable loss for the dark race! Now, the fire source beast wants to kill the other dark demon guards, how can the three dark masters not be angry.

At this moment, the three Dark Lords urged their speed to the extreme, and rushed towards this side desperately.

The fire source beast originally wanted to make a move and kill a few dark demon guards.

But seeing the three dark masters rushing desperately, knowing that there is no chance.

"We are in the eye of fire!"

The Huoyuan Beast took Lin Fei and turned and rushed towards the Huoyan.

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