Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4602: whereabouts

"Well, after those guys outside leave, I'll send you out."

Fire Source Beast nodded and said.

About ten days later.

"The three masters of darkness have already left Huoyan.

I'll take a look. "

More than ten days later, the fire source beast said to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei nodded.

Although this fire source beast could not beat the three dark masters, it was relatively easy to escape, so Lin Fei was not worried about him.

The fire source beast left this secret room and went outside to inquire about the movement.

A few days later, the fire source beast returned to this secret room.

"The three Dark Lords and those Dark Demon Guards have all left the Valley of the Eight Fires.

I will send you out now. "

The Fire Source Beast said to Lin Fei.

Therefore, the Fire Source Beast led Lin Fei out of this secret room and walked out of the Fire Eye.

The fire source beast is familiar with a part of the fire eye and can freely enter and leave the fire eye.

Soon, Lin Fei followed the fire source beast, came out of the eye of the fire, and returned to the Valley of Eight Fires.

"You must come back to me in the future."

The fire source beast was a little reluctant.

After spending time with Lin Fei, he has regarded Lin Fei as a true friend.

The fire source beasts have simple and direct thinking, and once they are identified, they rarely change.

"Don't worry, I will definitely come back to find you."

Lin Fei said with a smile.

In Lin Fei's heart, he was very grateful for this source of fire beast. At that time, he was chased and killed by the nine posters of the Years Tower and the Dark Demon Guards, and broke into the Valley of Eight Fires in desperation.

Unexpectedly, I got acquainted with Huoyuan Beast, and with the help of Huoyuan Beast, he ran away the nine posters and those dark demon guards in the Suiyuelou.

Then, the fire source beast also taught Lin Fei the fire control technique, and also gave Lin Fei a fire bead, so that Lin Fei's combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

However, Lin Fei found that he didn't seem to be able to give any benefit to this fire beast! It can be said that this fire source beast truly regarded Lin Fei as a friend! So Lin Fei's heart is extremely grateful! "Okay, I'm leaving!"

Lin Fei said goodbye to the fire source beast, then turned and walked out of the Eight Fire Valley.

"Remember to come back and play with me!"

The Fire Source Beast kept sending Lin Fei out of the Eight Fire Valley, reluctantly, shouting loudly.

"I will remember!"

Lin Fei replied.

Then, Lin Fei took out the Time Ship, got into the Time Ship, and headed back in the direction of Falling God Valley.

In the end, Lin Fei returned to Lost God Valley safely.

"Lin Fei, you are back!"

Just after Lin Fei entered the Valley of Fallen God, he discovered the zodiac signs and greeted them one after another.

"Just come back alive! You kid, your strength is getting more and more terrifying! Now you are much stronger than us.

Fortunately, I had the foresight back then, I will discover you and recommend it to the owner. "

Tian-tuning dog stepped forward, patted Lin Fei on the shoulder, and said with satisfaction.

"Yes, thank you so much.

If it weren't for your recommendation back then, I would definitely not have the chance to meet Master, and it would be difficult for me to achieve what I am today. "

Lin Fei nodded and said gratefully.

It was the Tianguo Tiangu who discovered Lin Fei that year and brought Lin Fei back into the Valley of Gods.

"You dog, you can't take away all the credit. I helped Lin Fei a lot back then. Speaking of which, I also have a credit! Lin Fei, you can't deny this, or else Lao Niu, you are welcome!"

Da Hei Niu stepped forward, patted Lin Fei's shoulder hard, and said in a loud voice.

"And my tiger brother, I helped you a lot back then.

Lin Fei, don't you want to forget your roots? "

Not to be outdone, the tiger said openly.

"Don't worry, how could I forget my roots.

You all helped me a lot back then, I will always remember. "

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"You still have a conscience."

Da Hei Niu is very satisfied.

"What are you doing, do you want to take credit with me! I tell you, no matter what you help Lin Fei, of course I dig Lin Fei and recommend Lin Fei to Master, so my credit is the greatest! Experienced in the Valley of the Fallen God, if it weren't for me, if he had taken a fancy to his talent and kept him, you guys would never have a chance to know Lin Fei.

So embarrassed to take credit with me! "

Tianguo said furiously.

"You stinky dog! Want to take the credit alone?

Lao Niu, I am the first to disagree! "

Da Hei Niu retorted.

Soon, the zodiac signs all made their voices heard, and the scene was very chaotic.

When Lin Fei saw this, his head was a little bigger, and his figure moved away instantly.

Soon, Lin Fei came to the depths of the valley, in the square.

"Lin Fei! You finally came back safely!"

Baidi Shenjun and Desolate Beast had long discovered that Lin Fei had returned to the Falling God Valley. Now seeing Lin Fei appear in front of them, Desolate Beast said with a smile.

"Lin Fei, it's surprising that you actually met a fire source beast, specifically what happened."

Baidi Shenjun said to Lin Fei.

The wild beast came back and told him that Lin Fei had met a fire source beast in the Valley of the Eight Fires, which made him very surprised and curious.


Lin Fei nodded.

So Lin Fei told Baidi Shenjun what happened.

Including how I was chased and killed by the nine posters of Suiyuelou and those dark demon guards, how to escape into the Valley of Eight Fires, and then how to get to know the fire source beast, and how the fire source beast showed great power , Drove the nine posters and those dark demon guards away, and then the three later three dark masters, came together to the Valley of the Eight Fires, chased them into the eyes of the fire, and told the Baidi Shenjun everything.

"You kid, luck is really good! Those dark guards can't help you. The nine posters of the Years Tower can't help you, and even the three dark masters can't help you! This is a miracle!"

After hearing Lin Fei's words, the wild beast couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Lin Fei, your experience has been enough for this period of time. Next, you will stay in the Falling God Valley to practice in retreat and start to hit the realm.

Remember, for you, in terms of cultivation, the most important thing is to raise your realm as soon as possible. "

Baidi Shenjun said to Lin Fei.

"Thank you for your guidance, Master, I know."

Lin Fei nodded.

Then, Lin Fei found a remote location in the Valley of the Fallen God, opened up a small world, and then entered the small world to start practicing in retreat.

At the same time.

In the headquarters of Years Building.

Suddenly, the owner of Suiyuelou received a message.

This message was sent to him by the black master of the dark clan.

The whereabouts of Baidi Shenjun has been found! The specific location is as follows... The content of the information is as follows.

"That's great, Brother Nine must be very excited!"

After the owner of the building received this message, he couldn't help but said with a smile.

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