Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4617: Ninth-tier Lord God

"Master, take care, I'm leaving."

Lin Fei nodded to the elder.

Then the figure just disappeared.

In Lin Fei's life, many masters have been worshipped.

Regardless of whether it is strong or weak, Lin Fei has always been grateful and respects every master.

The elder in this little school, Lin Fei and her have been a teacher and apprentice for more than ten years, this is also a kind of fate, so Lin Fei gave him a lot of cultivation resources, magic weapons, pills, and several kinds A more sophisticated secret technique.

It can be said that after the elder received these things that Lin Fei gave him, he would definitely rise strongly in the short term and become the top master in this world! But what Lin Fei gave to the head was a large amount of property.

Enough to make this little sect, overnight, become one of the richest sects in the world! After leaving this world, Lin Fei's practice of joining the world over the years is even over.

Then Lin Fei returned to the direction of the valley.

"Lin Fei, you are finally back.

How is the harvest? "

Baidi Shenjun and Desolate Beast were very pleased to see Lin Fei coming back.

They understood that Lin Fei must have had a lot of insights before he would end his practice of joining the world and return to retreat.

"Master, senior, in the past few years, I have traveled many, many worlds and experienced many, many lives. The accumulation and understanding are very rich.

So I plan to come back and try to attack the realm of the 9th-order Lord God. "

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.


You go to retreat and practice.

The ninth-level main **** is the last stage of your main god, and I guess this is also the most difficult realm to break through.

Therefore, even if you have accumulated and realized over the years, you still have to be psychologically prepared.

At this point, haste is not enough.

Therefore, in the process of retreat and practice, you should balance your mentality. "

Baidi Shenjun said to Lin Fei.

Baidi Shenjun has a very good approach in training apprentices, and he can patiently guide apprentices to practice.

"Master, rest assured.

I understand. "

Lin Fei nodded gratefully, then walked into a small world and began to practice in retreat.

First of all, Lin Fei recalled every world and every life he had experienced in all these years of joining the world.

Lin Fei gained a lot of new gains and insights in the process of memory.

After recollecting all the worlds and all the lives he had experienced over the years, Lin Fei began to hit the realm again.

About a hundred years later.

Lin Fei hadn't gained anything, and began to fall into a state of confusion.

"This time, the impact on the realm is much harder than any previous one."

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile wryly.

However, Lin Fei understood that it was because his combat power was really too strong.

When he was still a Tier 5 main god, he could defeat all the main gods in the world.

Even killed two Chaos Gods.

Such strength has both advantages and disadvantages.

The disadvantage is that it is much harder to break through and upgrade compared to warriors of the same level! "Lin Fei, at this time, your will is the most test, only a firm heart to Wu, no matter how difficult or confused, never give up.

Only by persisting to the end is it possible to achieve a breakthrough.

do you understand? "

The voice of Baidi Shenjun sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

Baidi Shenjun has very rich experience in guiding cultivation.

You know, every one of the disciples he received back then has cultivated to become a chaos god! Spread throughout the entire sea of ​​absolute space.

Back then, in the sea of ​​absolute space, I don’t know how many main gods there were. I dreamed of worshipping the **** Baidi as his master! "Master, I understand.

I will not give up! "

Lin Fei nodded heavily.

Next, Lin Fei continued to practice in retreat.

Decades passed.

Lin Fei realized that gradually, he began to gain something.

However, there is still no sign of a breakthrough! Next, more than one hundred years passed.

The situation is still the same, there seems to be signs of a breakthrough, but it has not been accurately captured yet.

A feeling of nothing.

However, Lin Fei persisted and did not give up.

Until more than three hundred years later.


Lin Fei was shocked all over, both physically and mentally! There is a clear sense of clearing everything away and seeing the blue sky! "Great!"

Lin Fei trembled with excitement.

I understand in my heart that this phenomenon shows that I am not far from a breakthrough.


Hard work pays off.

A few more years passed.


Lin Fei, who was sitting cross-legged, trembled violently! This time, Lin Fei finally touched the opportunity for a breakthrough! "Finally can break through to become the ninth-tier main god!"

Lin Fei was very excited.

At this moment, Lin Fei has been waiting for a long time! Then Lin Fei stood up and walked out of the small world.

Outside the small world, there were already dark clouds and thunder roaring.

The thunder robbery of the 9th-order main **** is much stronger than the previous thunder robbery.

Bursts of devastating aura filled this space and time.

"Lin Fei can finally break through to the ninth-level master god!"

Baidi Shenjun and Desolate Beast were very excited, and they immediately came nearby.

The zodiac signs are also coming! "Lin Fei, this kid is really too enchanting, he can break through to become a ninth-level master god!"

The zodiac signs are all amazed.

Rumble... Finally Lin Fei's thunder calamity began.

The dense clusters of Raymond electric snakes descended from the sky and immediately submerged Lin Fei in them.

It's just that Lin Fei's accumulation over the years has long been enough, so it seemed very easy to deal with the thunder disaster.

This thunder catastrophe lasted for more than three years before it finally ended.

"The Ninth Tier Lord God!"

After the thunder tribulation ended, Lin Fei officially became a 9th-order Lord God, clenched his fists and felt the endless energy in his body, Lin Fei was a little excited.

Becoming a Tier 9 main **** means that the next practice Lin Fei can go to Chaos God! Take that last step and become a chaos god, the pursuit of all the main gods in the world! "Lin Fei, over the years you have gone from being a Tier 5 main god, practicing all the way through retreat, and now you have finally become a Tier 9 main god.

This speed is amazing.

However, all your accumulation and insights have also been exhausted.

So, if you want to hit the realm of Chaos God next, you need more accumulation and understanding.

In other words, you have to experience it.

After enough experience, he can retreat and attack the realm of Chaos God. "

Baidi Shenjun said to Lin Fei.

"Master, I understand.

My accumulation is indeed exhausted.

Need to start again.

Next, I have to go out to practice. "

Lin Fei nodded and replied.

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