Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4629: Escape

The wolf king was still a long way from Lin Fei, so he couldn't stop Lin Fei for a while.

The wolf king saw Lin Fei break through, and immediately roared.

All the ice wolves became even crazier when they heard the roar of the wolf king. When buying an ice wolf, they tried their best, even performed beyond the level, and chased Lin Fei.

The speed of these ice wolves was already very fast. Under this super-level performance state, the speed that they burst out is even more terrifying.

The black ice wolves billowing between the world and the earth chased Lin Fei with a shocking aura, shaking this piece of void.

"These ice wolves are all lunatics!"

Lin Fei felt the crazy ice wolves behind him, couldn't help but shook his head and sighed, his scalp was a little numb.

In this situation, Lin Fei took out a teleporter to activate without hesitation.

Immediately, a powerful transmission energy wrapped Lin Fei and sent it forward.

Lin Fei's body instantly disappeared in place.

After a while, Lin Fei had appeared in a location very far ahead.

The law of this cold continent is different from the outside world.

These teleportation charms owned by Lin Fei have a limited range of teleportation on this extremely cold continent, far from reaching the distance that these teleportation charms can teleport in the outside world.

The wolf king behind saw that Lin Fei had teleported a long distance to the front, and he couldn't help being anxious and angry, roaring again and again.

Those huge packs of ice wolves were also desperately chasing Lin Fei.

"You beasts can never catch up to me anymore."

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

Then, Lin Fei took out a teleportation talisman again to activate, a powerful teleportation energy wrapped Lin Fei, and instantly teleported a long distance forward. This time, finally the ice wolves behind were far away. Left behind.

At this time in front.

The eldest and third child and the Shuiyuan clan have slowed down, constantly turning their heads back to perceive what is happening behind this.

At the beginning, the three of them saw that Lin Fei was surrounded by a pack of ice wolves, fighting desperately with the ice wolves in the middle of the encirclement, and they were very worried.

They even wanted to go back and help Lin Fei several times.

I have to say that the eldest son and the Shuiyuan clan have very simple thinking and very sincere characters.

"Boss, we just leave Lin Fei alone, can he escape?

How do I feel that he is lying to us to save us?

This Lin Fei is a good man! When I first met him, I actually ran out to fight with him. Now thinking about it, I am really sorry for him! "

The third child said.

"Yes, this young human named Lin Fei is really good.

I always looked down on him before, I was wrong.

Regardless of his strength, his chivalry alone is worthy of our admiration! "

The Shuiyuan clan also spoke up.

"In my opinion, it is difficult for Lin Fei to beat so many ice wolves. He wants to break through. There is no such possibility.

He lied to us just to save us.

I'd better go back and help him.

I never owe others love! I will not owe Lin Fei this time! "

Said the water source clan.

"Yes, I also feel that under Lin Feibing's wolves, there shouldn't be any possibility to escape.

He lied to us just to save us.

Let's go back and face those ice wolves with him. "

The boss thought for a while and nodded.

So the eldest son and the Shuiyuan clan both planned to turn around and go back to help Lin Fei.

Just at this time.

"What are you doing here! Run away, the ice wolves behind are about to catch up!"

Suddenly, Lin Fei's voice sounded in the distance.

"Lin Fei!"

The eldest son and the Shuiyuan clan looked back at the same time, and then they saw that Lin Fei was constantly rushing towards them at an astonishing speed.

"Lin Fei broke through!"

Seeing Lin Fei, the eldest son and the Shuiyuan tribe all screamed. They couldn't believe that Lin Fei could escape from the ice wolf pack.

You know that even with the strength of the three of them, they can't do it together! "Lin Fei, how did you escape?

! "

The third child couldn't help asking.

"Now I'm still studying what this is doing! Run away! The ice wolves behind are catching up! It took me so much effort to rescue the three of you.

The three of you, don't let those ice wolves catch up again. If so, I guess I won't be able to save you.

Because, a wolf king has been chased! "

Lin Fei yelled when he heard that the third child was still asking this question, feeling a little speechless.

"Lin Fei was right, let's run away now! Unexpectedly, the wolf king was also alarmed! If the wolf king catches us, we will hardly fly!"

The boss reacted and shouted immediately.

Then he turned around and fled.

The third child and the Suwon master also reacted thoroughly and fled with their legs.

Lin Fei was behind, casting reincarnation illusion technique.

In a few moments, he ran to the head of the boss and the Suwon master.

"Lin Fei's speed is too fast! Let's go!"

The boss was a little surprised when he saw Lin Fei fled to the front, and shouted.

At this time, Lin Fei's eldest son and the Shuiyuan tribe were already far away from the ice wolves behind.

Therefore, the ice wolf behind was unable to catch up for a while.

In this way, I don't know how long I escaped.

at last.

"Good news! We have arrived at the edge of this plateau! As long as we leave the range of this plateau, we will be leaving the territory of those ice wolves.

They won't be chasing us! "

The boss suddenly screamed excitedly.

"Yes! We will be safe soon!"

The third child also yelled.

Lin Fei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after hearing the words of the boss and the third.

After a while.

"We finally escaped from this plateau that should be washed! We are safe!"

Lin Fei rushed out of the plateau first, and then the eldest third and the icefield tribe also rushed out of the plateau. Everyone relaxed completely, and the third yelled exaggeratedly.

Soon, in the distance, the mighty pack of ice wolves rolled like a piece of black ocean.

"Let's run away quickly!"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"Don't be afraid, we are no longer within the plateau.

They will never chase it out! We are safe now! "

The boss said to Lin Fei with a smile.


Are you sure they will not launch the plateau range? "

Lin Fei asked.

Just after Lin Fei asked, he saw the ice wolves, and suddenly they all stopped.

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