Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4631: A group of monks

Along the way, Lin Fei discovered a lot of formations, these formations are very cleverly hidden, if the formation level is not enough, it is difficult to find these formations.

Along the way, Lin Fei smoothly broke a large number of formations.

In this process, I also encountered several very powerful formations. To crack these formations, even Lin Fei would have to work hard.

Therefore, Lin Fei directly walked around the boss and youngest and the Shuiyuan tribe followed behind Lin Fei, watching Lin Fei easily break one formation after another, with surprise and joy.

"There is a large formation over there, let's go and take a look!"

Suddenly, Lin Fei discovered a large formation and walked over immediately.

This formation was in a valley, and its scale was much larger than the formations Lin Fei had just encountered, and it was also more powerful.

"Large formation?

It should be very dangerous, we just go around. "

The boss said to Lin Fei.

"Don't be afraid, I promise you are all right."

Lin Fei smiled.

Soon, Lin Fei came to the valley.

The area of ​​the valley is very vast, and a large formation covers the entire valley.

"A group of creatures are trapped in the formation!"

Lin Fei's gaze penetrated the formation, looked into the valley, and saw a large group of creatures in the valley.

Obviously these creatures were trapped inside by this formation.

The power of this formation is very powerful, and it has a psychedelic effect. If you look inside from the outside, you can't see the real situation inside.

Lin Fei's formation technique is relatively clever, so he can barely see a group of creatures trapped in the valley.

"It's actually a group of monks!"

Lin Fei looked carefully, and after a while, he finally saw clearly that the creatures trapped in the valley were actually a group of monks.

Every monk released the majestic and sacred light of Dharma.

In the valley, faintly filled with ancient Buddhist sounds.

It seems that this valley is like a Buddhist world.

"It's strange, how come a group of monks are trapped inside?"

Lin Fei said to himself.

"Lin Fei, you mean a group of monks are trapped inside?

Could it be them? "

The boss said suddenly when he heard Lin Fei's words.

"Yes, there is a group of monks trapped in this valley.

Do you know them? "

Lin Fei replied.

"I know them, but I can't say I know them.

A long time ago, suddenly a group of monks broke into the extremely cold continent, seeming to be looking for something.

They traveled everywhere in the extremely cold continent, and they had also passed by my site. Our three brothers also joined forces to fight these monks.

Those monks are too powerful, we are not their opponents at all. Fortunately, we escaped fast, and those monks did not intend to kill the three of us.

So I am more impressed with those monks.

Unexpectedly, they were trapped here. "

The boss said.

"Yes, the boss, as soon as you said it, I remembered that our three brothers indeed had a fight with a group of monks, and our three brothers also lost and fled in embarrassment.

What a retribution! Unexpectedly, these monks are also trapped here! "

The third child followed.

"Yes, I also know those monks, they have also passed my site, but I can see that they are very powerful, so I did not provoke them."

That water source clan also said.

"I will save them."

Lin Fei thought for a moment and said.

Because, Lin Fei felt that the energy fluctuations released by the monks trapped in the valley were authentic Buddhism energy.

In other words, these monks should be authentic Buddhist disciples.

Rong'er and Wan'er are also Buddhists now. Since they met, Lin Fei certainly wouldn't stand by.


! Lin Fei, are you going to rescue these monks?

These monks are very powerful, and whether they are enemies or friends, I don't know yet, you rescued them, it was very risky.

! Old Dalian said hurriedly.

"Don't worry, they should not be enemies.

However, since you are worried, so be it. I will advance to the formation and will meet them for a while, and after I have fully understood their identities, I will decide whether to save them. "

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

"Lin Fei, I fought with these monks back then, you rescued them, then they will recognize me, what should I do if they find me to settle accounts."

The third child said.

"I'll go in and meet them before talking."

Lin Fei stepped towards the valley.

Rumble... Just when Lin Fei arrived at the mouth of the valley, the formation that enveloped the valley broke out completely, releasing the mighty array energy, and then a large formation slowly emerged in front of him.

"This formation is terrible! Because you must be careful!"

Later, the boss was a little worried and reminded Lin Fei.

"Don't worry, I will be careful."

Lin Fei nodded.

Then, Lin Fei's divine consciousness was released, and he began to research and analyze the big formation in front of him.

I have to say that this big formation is very high-level and powerful. Even with Lin Fei's formation, it is difficult to figure it out in a short time.

Lin Fei simply sat down and studied this formation wholeheartedly.

"If we can thoroughly study this formation, it will be very helpful for me to improve the formation."

Lin Fei thought in his heart.

Then, Lin Fei entered concentration like an old monk, motionless, focusing on the formation.

The eldest and third child and the Shuiyuan clan did not dare to walk around at will. They also found a place to sit down and closed their eyes to rest.

Time passed slowly.

Unconsciously, three years passed.

"Finally, this formation has been thoroughly studied."

At a certain moment, Lin Fei's face suddenly showed an expression of excitement, and his eyes burst into light.

"You are waiting outside, I will go in and take a look."

Lin Fei stood up and said to the boss and them.

"Lin Fei, these monks are friends or enemies. It is still unclear, so you have to be careful. If you find something is wrong, come out immediately."

The boss told Lin Fei.

"Don't worry, I will be very careful."

Lin Fei smiled.

A powerful array energy rippled from Lin Fei's body, forming mysterious array runes around Lin Fei's body.

Then, Lin Fei walked into the valley.

When Lin Fei's body touched the formation, the formation runes surrounding Lin Fei's body immediately wrapped Lin Fei's body heavily.

Then, Lin Fei walked straight forward and passed the formation easily.

That formation had no mystery to Lin Fei! "It's amazing! This formation is so frightening when I see it from a distance, and I don't dare to approach it at all, but Lin Fei crossed it directly! I really admire it!"

The youngest cried out in surprise.

"The third child, I have a hunch, Lin Fei can definitely help us rescue the second child!"

The boss looked at Lin Fei's back and said.

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