Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4635: Broke again

"I'm 70% to 80% sure of cracking this formation, but it will take a long time for me to slowly analyze and research."

Lin Fei thought for a while and replied.

"Seven or eighty percent sure?

Well, Lin Fei, analyze and research quickly, and you must save the second child! "

The eldest and third son heard Lin Fei's words and said immediately.

"Seven to eighty percent sure, hope is still great.

Lin Fei, I am optimistic about you. "

The Water Source Race said to Lin Fei.

After being chased and killed by the ice wolves, and then seeing Lin Fei's brilliant formation cultivation base, his attitude towards Lin Fei now became more and more enthusiastic.

"Don't worry, I will try my best!"

Lin Fei nodded.

Then, before Lin Fei came to the palace, he sat cross-legged and began to study and analyze the formation.

The eldest, the third and the Shuiyuan clan were all not far from Lin Fei, sitting cross-legged and waiting for Lin Fei.

For these chaotic gods, time is nothing.

They often spend tens of thousands of years in retreat and practice.

Lin Fei released the energy of his formation, transforming into mysterious runes one after another, penetrating into that formation, slowly perceiving and analyzing.

Time passed slowly.

"This formation is set up here. It should have been a very long time. It is the highest level formation I have encountered so far! Analyzing and studying this formation can improve my formation level. !"

In the process of studying the formation, Lin Fei found that his formation level was slowly improving, and couldn't help but feel a little excited.

In fact, Lin Fei has cracked so many formations along the way, and the level of formations has already improved.

Now encountering this extremely high level formation, the harvest is even greater.

Unconsciously, a few years passed.

Lin Fei sat in front of the palace like a statue, single-mindedly, analyzing and studying the formation gradually, and Lin Fei's cultivation base on the formation became stronger and stronger.

In the past, some of the puzzles and problems that had been encountered in the formation were now easily answered.

Even Lin Fei vaguely felt that he seemed to have touched some of the most core things in the formation. Lin Fei found that his formation energy had become more and more pure and without distractions, with a taste that pointed to the essence.

At the same time, the formation in front of Lin Fei slowly changed from complex to simple.

The construction principle of this formation, as well as some key formation nodes, all began to clearly appear in front of Lin Fei's eyes.

However, Lin Fei was not in a hurry. For Lin Fei, the most important thing now is not to crack the current formation, but to use the current formation to improve his formation! However, the boss and the youngest waited very anxiously.

"Boss, do you think Lin Fei can crack this formation?"

The third child asked the boss quietly.

"I'm not sure. Didn't you hear Lin Fei say just now?

His confidence in cracking this formation is 70% to 80%.

I think he should be able to crack this formation and save the second child. "

The boss hesitated and replied.

"I hope Lin Fei can rescue her second child.

The second child has been trapped for so many years, and I don't know what is going on now. "

The third child said.

"You two don't guess here.

In my opinion, Lin Fei has great hopes of breaking this formation.

I think you two should be able to see your second child soon. "

The Shuiyuan clan said next to him.

Time passed slowly, and several years passed unconsciously.

In the past few years, Lin Fei's formation level has improved even higher.

It can be said that by now, the formation in front of Lin Fei has no mystery at all! Lin Fei can go in and out at any time! "This formation has improved my formation level at least several times.

This is also an unexpected gain. "

A few years later, Tian Lin Fei finally slowly opened his eyes, showing a satisfied expression.

Then, Lin Fei slowly stood up.

"Lin Fei!"

The eldest and eldest third had been waiting a long time ago, and when he saw Lin Fei standing up, he couldn't help being overjoyed and rushed up.

"How about Lin Fei! Can you crack this formation!"

The boss asked.

"Lin Fei, can you save the second child!"

The third child also asked anxiously.

That Shuiyuan clan also looked to Lin Fei with expectant eyes.

"Don't worry.

I can crack this formation. "

Lin Fei smiled softly and replied.

"Really, that's great! The second child is finally saved!"

The eldest son and the third son were so excited that they even started dancing and dancing after hearing Lin Fei's words.

"Lin Fei, what are you waiting for, hurry up!"

The youngest urged.

"Let's go in together."

Lin Fei said.

"Go in together?

! "

The eldest, third, and Shuiyuan tribe couldn't help being shocked when they heard what Lin Fei said.

The formation in front of them made the second child trapped for such a long time, it was terrifying in their eyes.

Now, Lin Fei let them enter this formation, how dare they.

"Lin Fei, this formation is terrible. We still don't want to go in. You just break this formation and save the second child."

The third child said to Lin Fei.

"There is no need to break this formation. I know this formation very well now, and I can come and go freely.

If this formation is broken, energy and time will be spent, there is no need for this. "

Lin Fei said. "

Don't worry, this formation is what I want to get in and out. "

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"It's too risky to enter this formation."

The boss shook his head and said, still afraid to try.

"Then look at it."

Lin Fei understood their feelings.

After speaking, Lin Fei stepped up to the formation and walked over.

Soon, Lin Fei came to the edge of the formation, without stopping, stepped into the formation.

"Be careful!"

The eldest, youngest, and the Shuiyuan tribe were thrilling.

In the next moment, Lin Fei had already walked into the formation.

Then, Lin Fei turned around, returned the same way, stepped out of the formation, and returned to the front of the boss and the Shuiyuan clan, smiling at them.

The boss and the Shuiyuan clan were all dumbfounded.

"Lin Fei, you are amazing! This formation is really of no use to you, you can come and go freely!"

The youngest yelled first.

"My second child is saved!"

The boss was very excited and his eyes were red.

"Lin Fei, I really admire your formation level! You are the existence with the highest formation level that I have ever encountered!"

The Shuiyuan clan looked at Lin Fei with admiration.

"I have to say, this time you two brothers really found the right person!"

Shuiyuan said to the boss.

"Yes, we are looking for the right person, Lin Fei is our noble person!"

The boss nodded heavily. "

Okay, let's go in now.

You can just follow me. "

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

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