Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4648: Is an opportunity

"Look! He is really starting to break the line, he is really an overweight guy!"

"Let him break! I want to see how high his formation level is!"

... the sixteen chaotic gods on the plane of formation, seeing Lin Fei really start to break the formation, they all sneered.

In this plane, this ancestral temple has the supreme authority! It is the holy place in the minds of all the creatures who practice formation! Including these sixteen chaotic gods, they believed that Lin Fei would definitely not be able to break the formations around this ancestral temple, so they seemed very relaxed.

"We don't need to wait for him here.

Everyone, go back and send some people here to watch them. "

One of the Chaos God said in a loud voice.

"Not bad.

Anyway, he definitely can't break the formation here, we don't need to waste time here. "

"Okay, let's go back."

The other Chaos Gods also spoke up.

"Boy, we won't accompany you anymore, let's break the battle here slowly.

After you break the line, we will see you again.

However, it is estimated that there is no chance.

Perhaps, after a very long time, when we think of you, when we are in a good mood, we will come to see you.

Haha..." A Chaos God said to Lin Fei.

The other Chaos Gods also laughed out loud.

Then, these chaotic gods ordered some main gods to stay here, and they turned and left.

"Lin Fei, are you sure to break the formation here?"

The third child couldn't help asking.

"Do not worry.

I should be able to break these formations, but it will take a while. "

Lin Fei replied.


The third child was shocked when he heard Lin Fei's words.

"The third child, don't disturb Lin Fei.

Let him concentrate on breaking the battle.

It's no use worrying about it now.

We'd better help Lin Fei pray together, praying that he can break these formations. "

Shuiyuan said to the third child.

"Yes, the third child, in this situation, don't bother Lin Fei."

The boss also said to the youngest.

As for the more than one hundred monks, they were all around Lin Fei at this time, sitting cross-legged and starting to recite Buddhist scriptures.

Suddenly, this space reverberated with magnificent Buddha sounds, and the Buddha's light was radiant, full of a sacred taste.

These Buddhist sounds have the effect of clear mind and tranquility, which can make people peaceful and calm, and flexible.

These monks deliberately chanted this kind of Buddhist scriptures to create a peaceful atmosphere for Lin Fei so that Lin Fei could break the formation more attentively.


The third child didn't bother Lin Fei anymore.

Then, the three brothers of the Bingyuan Clan and the Shuiyuan Clan all stepped aside, sat down cross-legged, and began to close their eyes to rest.

In fact, as Chaos Gods, they have a very long period of time, and their usual retreat practice often takes tens of thousands of years.

A little time is nothing to them.

Time passed slowly.

Lin Fei remained motionless, focusing on the formations around him.

"These formations are really too smart!"

Lin Fei could not help but secretly admired.

With Lin Fei's formation cultivation base, within a short time, there was no way to break these formations.

"Can only study slowly."

Lin Fei's heart secretly said.

In the next time, Lin Fei studied the formation method wholeheartedly.

Time passed slowly.

One year, two years, three years...Unconsciously, more than one hundred years passed.

"Researching these formations is of great benefit to me. Over the past hundred years, my level of formations has been improving!"

Lin Fei felt very excited.

For Lin Fei, being trapped in this place is not a bad thing, but a good thing.

Staying here and concentrating on these formations, for Lin Fei, is actually a kind of formation training! This is simply an opportunity that cannot be met! Therefore, Lin Fei was in a very good mood. In the process of studying these formations, his face was always full of smiles.

"Boss, look, Lin Fei has been laughing, which shows that he is confident! It seems that Lin Fei will be able to break these formations in the end and take us away from this ghost place!"

The youngest noticed Lin Fei's smile and couldn't help but relax, and said to the boss.

"I said, you have a little confidence in Lin Fei, OK? We followed Lin Fei along the way and encountered so many formations. Didn't Lin Fei crack all of them?

So, I am not worried at all.

Moreover, if even Lin Fei can't crack these formations, then we have to admit our fate, and there is nothing to complain about. "

Shuiyuan clan said in a loud voice.

"Not bad.

You really want to go.

However, what you said also makes sense. "

The boss nodded and agreed.

The more than one hundred monks appeared to be very quiet, reciting an ancient Buddhist scripture collectively.

Buddhism sounds like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, echoing vigorously in this space, giving people a feeling of enlightenment.

These Buddhist sounds provided some help to Lin Fei! Let Lin Fei's thinking more flexible and transparent! Time goes by.

Another hundred years have passed.

"In the past two hundred years, my level of formation has improved a lot! Now, I should be able to try and crack the formation."

One day, Lin Fei suddenly opened his eyes, showing a confident expression.

Then Lin Fei stood up.

"Look, Lin Fei is moving!"

The Old Trinity saw Lin Fei stand up, and immediately shouted excitedly.

The three Bingyuan clan brothers and Shuiyuan clan rushed to Lin Fei's side immediately.

"how about it?

Lin Fei, can you break the line! "

The third child asked anxiously.

"It should be possible to break these formations."

Lin Fei answered with a smile.

"Great! Lin Fei, I knew that with your strength, you can break these **** formations! Haha... we can finally leave this ghost place!"

The third child was very excited when he heard Lin Fei's words, and burst into laughter on the spot.

At this time, Lin Fei had already walked towards the formation in front of him.

Before coming to this formation, a powerful formation energy wafted out of Lin Fei's body, spreading towards the formation ahead.

Immediately, the formation began to shake! Lin Fei stretched out his palm and stroked it towards the formation.

The light curtain of that formation is like water waves, constantly undulating.

After a while, Lin Fei's palm suddenly penetrated the formation and stretched out of the formation.

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile.

This formation is broken.

Lin Fei stepped forward and passed this formation directly.

"so amazing!"

The three brothers of the Bingyuan Clan and the Shuiyuan Clan followed Lin Fei and cried out at the same time after seeing this scene.

"Donor, your formation level is the most brilliant among the formation mage I have ever met!"

The more than one hundred monks also opened their eyes and looked over, the old monk among them couldn't help but exclaimed.

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