Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4652: Daen

"he is?

The ancestors of our plane! "

The sixteen chaotic gods stared at the old man who came out of the temple, feeling extremely shocked.

Although they had always guessed before, in the ancestral temple, there lived the common ancestor of all the creatures on the formation plane.

But that was just a guess, and they didn't dare to be very sure whether it was there.

Unexpectedly, I saw a creature walk out of the ancestral temple with his own eyes. "It turns out that the legend is true. In this ancestral temple, there really is a common ancestor of our plane!"

"It seems that all the formation inheritance of our plane is handed down from this ancestor!"

... The sixteen chaotic gods looked at this old man who walked out of the temple, respectfully to the extreme.

Although they are the noble gods of the chaos, they have gradually grown up in this plane step by step. The temple in front of them occupies a very sacred position in their hearts. This walks from the temple. The old man who came out was the ancestor in their hearts! It was just that at this time, the old man who came out of the temple kept looking at Lin Fei and didn't notice the sixteen chaotic gods.

"Young man, the formations I set up here have existed for too long. No creatures have been able to crack these formations. Unexpectedly, until now, you finally cracked these formations. I waited. After a long period of time, a genius of formation finally arrived.

Very good, you are to my liking. "

The old man looked at Lin Fei and said, very satisfied.

"Senior, did you arrange all these formations?"

Lin Fei was shocked when he looked at the old man in front of him, and asked.

"Yes, all the formations you have cracked in the past few hundred years are all arranged by me.

In fact, my original intention of arranging these formations was to find a descendant.

If there are creatures that can crack these formations, they are eligible to get my formation inheritance.

I have waited for so many years, and I thought I would never wait to be able to crack the creatures that I laid down these formations. Unexpectedly, now I finally waited for you. "

The old man said in a loud voice.


! Our ancestors on this plane actually want to accept this human kid who broke in from the outside world as an apprentice? "

The sixteen chaotic gods couldn't help being dumbfounded when they heard what the old man said.

"See the ancestor! We are all creatures of the formation plane!"

The sixteen Chaos Gods gritted their teeth and all rushed up, saluting the old man respectfully.

They don't want the ancestors of the formation plane to pass on the formation to an outsider.

"The ancestor, this human kid, broke in from the world of the plane. He is not a creature of our plane, so he is not qualified to receive your inheritance from the ancestor."

One of the Chaos God said in a loud voice.

"I know that you are all creatures born and raised on this plane, and I have been very clear about your every move over the years.

In fact, I developed this plane myself.

I know the situation of all the creatures in this plane clearly.

However, your formation talent is far inferior to this young human kid.

He is the most qualified to get my formation inheritance.

As for you, being able to cultivate to become a Chaos God on this plane that I opened up is also very good.

Not in vain for my cultivation of you. "

The old man glanced at the sixteen chaotic gods on the array plane, and said lightly.

"The cultivation of our ancestors?"

The sixteen chaotic gods froze for a moment.

"Could it be... in the process of our cultivation..." Then the sixteen chaotic gods seemed to have thought of something.

"Yes, when you are cultivating, whenever you encounter any problems, I will give you a call, otherwise you will not be able to break through and become Chaos Gods so quickly."

The old man nodded.

"No wonder! In the process of my cultivation, whenever I encounter a problem, there is always a voice in the dark that instructs me how to do it! It turns out that the ancestor is taking action and guiding our cultivation!"

One of the chaotic gods immediately yelled, with a suddenly realized expression on his face.

"Yes, I am like this too. In my life's cultivation, whenever I encounter a problem, or when my realm is stagnant, there will be a voice to guide my cultivation.

It turned out to be the ancestor! "

"me too!"

... the other Chaos Gods also screamed.

It was only now that they understood that one of the big reasons why they were able to cultivate to become Chaos Gods was that the ancestors in front of them helped them.

"Thank you ancestors for your great favor!"

The sixteen chaotic gods on the plane of the formation, at the same time respectfully saluted the old man.

"Get up all."

The old man waved his hand gently, and the mighty array energy surrounded the sixteen chaotic gods, and directly supported their bodies. They wanted to bend down to pray to the old man, but they found that it was simply Can't worship.

"The strength of this senior is really terrible.

Compared with the nine posters in the Suiyuelou, they are even stronger. "

Lin Fei's eyes couldn't help but become serious.

"Could it be that he was the famous ancestor of the formation in the sea of ​​absolute space!"

Suddenly, Po Meng said to Lin Fei in a surprised voice.

"The ancestor of the formation?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"Yes! Back then, there was a well-known formation master in Absolute Space. Everyone called him the ancestor of the formation! It can be said that the ancestor of the formation is the highest level of formation in the sea of ​​absolute space! The ancestors are the three reincarnation masters in the same vein as our reincarnation, as well as the three dark masters of the dark clan, and the old masters of the Suiyuelou, at the same level.

But then I didn't know what was going on, and the famous ancestor of the formation suddenly disappeared.

Unexpectedly, he came to this continent, opened up a plane, and lived in seclusion here. "

Po Meng said to Lin Fei.

"It turns out that this old man still has such a big background!"

Lin Fei was shocked when he saw the old man in front of him.

"Young man, would you like to worship me as a teacher and accept my formation inheritance?"

At this moment, the old man looked at Lin Fei and asked in a loud voice.

"Lin Fei, hurry up and approve of your teacher! This is an unforgettable opportunity! If you can worship him as a teacher, you will not only get his formation inheritance, but also have a powerful backing!"

Po Meng quickly spoke to Lin Fei.

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