Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4661: Heavenly Master

"You help me collect the soul clone and soul power imprint?

Are you willing to help me? "

The white-robed old man looked at Lin Fei.

"Of course I am willing to help seniors.

Seniors agreed to give me the fruit of the nine-nine-nine-eighty-one road. This is a great blessing! What's more, seniors are familiar with the three samsara masters of our reincarnation line and the samsara master, and they have a deep connection with our reincarnation line. For me, seniors are my own. "

Lin Fei replied.

"My previous clones and soul power imprints are scattered in different time and space. It is a huge project to collect them.

If you help me collect it, it may take a lot of time and energy.

You have to think clearly before agreeing to me. "

The white-robed old man said.

"Senior, don't worry, I think clearly."

Lin Fei nodded and answered.

"Well, young man, since you are not afraid of hard work, please help me collect the clone and soul power imprint.

I will now put all the positions of the clones and soul power imprints I have left before into your sea of ​​knowledge.

At that time, you can find it and collect it slowly. "

While the white-robed old man spoke, he threw a divine soul message into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

This divine soul message contains all the clones of the white-robed old man and the specific location of the soul power imprint.

Moreover, this message also let Lin Fei know the identity of the white-robed old man in front of him.

It turned out that this white-robed old man had a title, called the Heavenly Spirit Master.

"Senior, have you ever heard of the title of Heavenly Spirit Master?"

Lin Fei asked Po Meng quietly.

"Never heard of it.

I have not even heard of Master Samsara, let alone Master of Heaven.

I am not from the same age at all.

Their age is too old! "

Po Meng replied.

Lin Fei felt very shocked after hearing Po Meng's words.

The seniority of the Heavenly Spirit Master in front of him is unbelievable ancient.

"Senior, don't worry, after I go out, I will definitely help Senior collect all the clones and soul power imprints, and then bring them here to Senior, then Senior can be resurrected."

Lin Fei read the information that the Master of Heaven had penetrated into the sea of ​​knowledge, and then said respectfully.

"Young man, thank you so much, you gave me hope."

The Heavenly Spirit said gratefully.

"Senior, you are welcome."

Lin Fei answered quickly.

"Young man, if you want to help me, then I won't let you suffer.

In this way, I can feel that there are fluctuations of mental energy in your body. It seems that you have cultivated mental energy.

It just so happens that I have also studied mental strength, the next time, you will stay here, I will pass on my mental strength to you. "

Heavenly Spirit Master thought for a while and said to Lin Fei.

"Then thank you senior!"

Lin Fei was very pleasantly surprised.

The Heavenly Spirit Master in front of him is a strong man older than the three reincarnation masters, and his inheritance need not be asked, it must be very amazing.

"Sit down first.

I will now pass all of my mental strength into your sea of ​​knowledge. You can learn about cultivation here, and you can ask me if you don't understand. "

The Heavenly Spirit said to Lin Fei.

While speaking, the Master of Heaven sent a huge message into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

This message is the inheritance of the heavenly spirit! So, Lin Fei found a place to sit cross-legged on the altar, and began to comprehend the inheritance of the heavenly spirit.

"It's wonderful!"

In the process of comprehending and understanding the spiritual power inheritance of the Heavenly Spirit, Lin Fei seemed to have opened a new door in the field of mind power and saw a brand new world about mind power.

Lin Fei was greatly touched by the experience of the various people on the heavenly spirit regarding mental strength.

Lin Fei's various difficult problems in the past can be solved easily.

During this process, if Lin Fei encounters a problem that he can't figure out, it's like being asked by the Master of Heaven.

The Heavenly Spirit patiently answered Lin Fei, and personally demonstrated and guided patiently.

Lin Fei's mental strength is rising steadily! "Very good, this young man has a very powerful comprehension ability, and time is slowly passing by.

Unconsciously, more than one hundred years passed.

Someday more than a hundred years later.

"With my current level of mental power, twenty mental worlds can already be condensed instantly!"

Lin Fei opened his eyes suddenly and said in surprise.

The voice fell off.

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and twenty heart worlds appeared instantly, overlapping and overlapping, covering the time and space where Lin Fei was.

The inside of each mental power world appears very real, not much different from a real plane! "Not bad."

Master Tianling nodded with satisfaction.

In the past, Lin Fei's mental power level could condense ten mental power worlds at the same time.

This shows that after more than one hundred years of cultivation, Lin Fei's mental strength has at least doubled! "However, this is not enough. I still haven't fully comprehended the mental strength inheritance taught to me by the Heavenly Spirit.

Continue to practice. "

Lin Fei thought in his heart.

Therefore, in the next time, Lin Fei will continue to comprehend and cultivate the spiritual inheritance taught by the Heavenly Spirit Master.

"Neither arrogant nor impetuous [], not easily satisfied, this kind of disposition is very good.

No wonder he has such an achievement at a young age. "

The Heavenly Spirit could not help but nodded secretly.

Time goes by.

More than a hundred years have passed.

Someday more than a hundred years later.

"I can now condense more than 50 mental power worlds instantly! All this has made great progress!"

Lin Fei was very surprised.

After speaking, Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and more than 50 mental power worlds were condensed at the same time, densely packed, covering a large area of ​​time and space.

Inside these mental power worlds, not only are they exactly the same as those real planes, there are even many creatures moving in them! Of course, these creatures were also simulated by Lin Fei with mental energy and laws.

If unknowing creatures broke into Lin Fei's mental power worlds, they would not be able to tell that these worlds were made up of mental power energy.

"With my current mental energy, I can easily trap a Chaos God!"

Lin Fei thought secretly in his heart, full of confidence.

Lin Fei's current strength can use Shenhuo to fight against Chaos God, use formations, or fight against Chaos God, and use his mental strength to fight against Chaos God.

The combination of these several methods allowed Lin Fei to easily defeat the Chaos Gods of ordinary strength! In Lin Fei's heart, he was even a little proud. Before he knew it, he already had the strength to defeat the Chaos God! A main **** can defeat the chaos god, if such a strength is said, it will definitely make a sensation in the entire absolute space sea!

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