Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4675: Lilian

"Everything is born with the best of its own, so that people have to be convinced!"

Desolate Beast also sighed.

Within the small world, after a while, there were ninety-nine eighty-one of Lin Fei's clones, and the realms of these clones were all high-level gods.

Although these clones look very similar to the main body, they have different personalities, hobbies, breaths, and even appearances.

As for Lin Fei's body, sitting in this small world, motionless.

"Well, Lin Fei, you have now changed into ninety-nine and eighty-one avatars, and you can set out to go to different seas of space and different planes for experience.

However, neither the Dark Clan nor Suiyuelou will give up looking after you everywhere.

So I suggest that these clones of you, it is best to practice a kind of invisibility secret technique that changes their faces.

These clones of yours are originally different. If you cooperate with the practice of some kind of invisibility secret technique and enter different seas and planes with different identities, I guess it will be difficult for the Dark Clan and Time Tower to find these clones of you. "

Baidi Shenjun said to Lin Fei.

"Master, I understand.

"Lin Fei's body nodded.

"Don't worry, these clones of Lin Fei are all in the realm of the upper gods.

And Lin Fei's body is the tenth-tier main god, even if the people of the Dark Clan and Time Tower meet these clones of Lin Fei, it is difficult to recognize. "

Desolate Beast said to Baidi Shenjun.

"That's true.

However, the more insurance, the better.

So Lin Fei, let these clones of you practice a kind of invisibility secret technique, and then set off. "

Baidi Shenjun thought for a while and said to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei nodded.

Then, Lin Fei's ninety-nine eighty-one avatars all chose a stealth secret technique and began to practice.

Lin Fei is now the tenth-tier main god, and there are many, many, many secret techniques in the collection in this life, including many clever stealth secret techniques.

Especially the secret technique of time invisibility taught by the desolate beast before is very clever.

About a few months passed.

at last.

All of these clones of Lin Fei practiced a kind of invisibility secret technique.

"Lin Fei, these clones of yours can set out to experience."

Baidi Shenjun said to Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, let's do it, I will act personally to send these clones of you to different spaces and different planes."

Desolate Beast said.

"Senior Desolate Beast, this is too much trouble for you.

Let these clones of mine go by themselves. "

Lin Fei said.

"These avatars of yours are all in the realm of the upper gods and true gods. They are too slow to travel in the sea of ​​absolute space, and they are easy to encounter danger.

Let me send you these clones. "

Desolate Beast said.

"Then it will be a good job."

Lin Fei said gratefully.

Desolate Beast really makes sense.

These avatars of Lin Fei are only the realm of the upper gods and true gods. With such strength, entering the sea of ​​absolute space is indeed very dangerous.

As for Lin Fei's body, he wanted to stay in the Valley of Fallen God and practice in retreat, so he didn't have time to **** those clones.

"Okay, let's go."

Desolate Beast walked into the small world, waved his sleeves, rolled up all of Lin Fei's ninety-nine eighty-one avatars, and then strode away.

Next, Desolate Beast took Lin Fei's clones and quietly entered the sea of ​​absolute space.

The desolate beast has reached different seas and planes one after another.

And those clones of Lin Fei were left in different planes.

In the end, Lin Fei's ninety-nine and eighty-one avatars were all sent into a different strange world by the wild beasts, and they began to experience and explore in these worlds.

These avatars of Lin Fei need to experience, grow, and always break through to become the tenth-level main **** before returning! In this way, these avatars of Lin Fei, in different worlds, with different identities, began a life of experience and adventure.

Although all of these clones of Lin Fei only have the strength of the upper **** true god, they have the complete memory of Lin Fei's body.

This is a huge advantage! Lin Fei's body has been cultivated all the way, and is now a tenth-tier master god, and has accumulated too many experiences, feelings, and experiences in his life.

In particular, the various clever exercises and secret techniques that Lin Fei's body had cultivated, and his profound understanding of the various laws of the world, were all inherited by these clones.

These are very precious things, which can save these clones of Lin Fei from taking many, many detours.

As time went by, these clones of Lin Fei began to grow rapidly, rising constantly, and becoming famous all over the world in one world after another.

Each avatar has created a thrilling, epic legend after another! Some of these clones have gone through all kinds of hardships and died. Some were humble and despised at first. Later, they rose strongly and carried out counterattacks. Some appeared as peerless geniuses. A certain super-large sect’s high-level sect was fancy, was recognized as a peerless arrogant, and cultivated with all the power of the faction, and the journey went smoothly and the world was majestic... Hundreds of years passed without knowing it.

Many of these avatars of Lin Fei have broken through to become the main gods! However, the realm of the main **** has a total of ten levels, and most of these clones of Lin Fei in the past few hundred years have broken through to become the first-order main god.

It is still very far away from the tenth-level main god.

And Lin Fei's body just stayed in the depths of Falling God Valley, in that small world, practicing in retreat.

In this way, Lin Fei carried out two different kinds of cultivation at the same time, one of which was the experience of entering the world by the ninety-nine and eighty-one avatars, and the other was to stay in a closed room and practice.

These two cultivation methods have their own advantages and disadvantages.

After entering the World, you can get various experiences, experiences, and accumulations.

To practice in retreat, you can quietly experience, meditate, and explore some deep-seated things in a quiet environment.

Just when Lin Fei practiced in two different ways.

There is an unknown, very remote and desolate dark space.

This space is tightly sealed on all sides, completely isolated from the outside world.

There is no entrance! In this space, there is a figure sitting in the dark and silent environment, motionless.

This figure has stayed in this space for a long time, just like an immovable statue.


"I sensed one of my clones and was looking for my position.

It looked like it was the clone that I left when I left in a hurry.

After so many years, what is the situation in the sea of ​​absolute space now?

When this clone of me comes, I will know. "

This figure suddenly opened his eyes and muttered to himself, two dazzling divine lights ejected from his eyes.

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