Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4687: Yin and Yang

Another thing that makes Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast feel a little strange is that they encountered many weird creatures along the way, but before they came to this mountain, even a weird creature could not be seen.

"I'm sure those weird creatures came down from this mountain. This is their nest."

Fire Source Beast said.

In this time and space full of divine fire, his divine consciousness perception is much stronger than Lin Fei.

"should be."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Go, let's go up and see!"

Lin Fei thought for a while and took the lead and walked towards the mountain ahead.

The fire source beast followed Lin Fei.

Soon after, Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast came to the foot of the mountain.

Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast discovered that if they were really close to this mountain, the number of sacred fires would decrease.

At the foot of the mountain, the number of sacred fires is already sparse, and there is not much left.

Moreover, approaching this mountain is like walking into the night.

Because there is a lot of cold and cold mist covering here, blocking the world.

Soon, Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast found a mountain road and walked up the mountain road.

The environment is very quiet, as if walking in a blurry and silent night.

A large amount of cold mist between the sky and the earth was slowly surging.

This mountain road seemed so lonely and desolate as it was covered with moss, without any breath of life.

I don't know how many years no creatures have come.

And as Lin Fei and the Fire Source Beast climbed along the mountain road, there seemed to be many existences watching viciously.

"Be careful, the atmosphere on this mountain is weird."

The fire source beast whispered to Lin Fei.

"I know."

Lin Fei nodded.

There was no strange creature along the way.

Finally, Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast came to the mountainside.

There are many buildings, pavilions, pavilions and palaces in the middle of the mountain.

It can be seen that it was a very prosperous and lively mountain back then.

However, these buildings have no idea how many years they have gone through. They have lost their color, are mottled and old. Under the erosion of the years, they are broken and cracked everywhere, and they seem to turn into dust at any time.

"It's really unexpected. For so many years, I thought that this world has long been forgotten by people, and I didn't expect more creatures to come here."

Suddenly, there was a voice full of surprises in front of him.

Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast looked at them immediately.

I saw a young man who looked very lonely sitting cross-legged on a big stone not far in front of a tall palace.

This young man wore a very shabby and dim gown, exuding a breath of ancient years.

This young man is very stellar, with brows like swords, eyes like stars, and piercing eyes.

He also held a gourd in his hand, and a scent of wine wafted from the gourd, making people drunk.

"Welcome, welcome, I stayed alone and lonely for a long time in this forgotten world. I didn't expect someone to come with me at last."

The young man stood up, looked at Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast, and said with a smile.

Seeing this young man, Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast were very alert.

The scene in front of me was too weird. This mountain was a lair for those weird creatures. As a result, a weird creature didn't see it, but saw the young man in front of him.

Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast saw the young man's first glance, and immediately released their strength to perceive the young man's body.

As a result, Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast were shocked! This young man is really a human being! A real human being with flesh and blood! Both Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast perceive this result.

"Impossible! How could there be a human being here?

It's weird! "

Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast quickly exchanged the results they felt, and they all felt incredible.

"Two, come here quickly. It's fate that we can meet here. We have to drink a swig and celebrate! Over the years, it's boring to drink by myself!"

The young man appeared very enthusiastic, and strode towards Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast.

Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast became vigilant immediately.

Lin Fei directly displayed hundreds of formations, covering the young man.

At the same time, dozens of mental worlds were displayed, superimposed, and suppressed the youth together.

The young man couldn't help but frown, his figure moved, and he displayed a very strange body technique, like a wisp of blue smoke, instantly traversing time and space, constantly retreating, avoiding Lin Fei's attack on him.

"What a clever body technique!"

Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast secretly admired.

Although the body technique displayed by this young man just now seemed plain and plain, it was a bit difficult for Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast to capture his specific body trajectory by the godly strength, and could only feel an erratic figure.

Moreover, the formation and mental power that Lin Fei displayed had actually caused the young man to avoid it! "You two, you don't have to be like this, I have no malice against you."

The young man stood in the distance, looking at Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast with an innocent look.

"who are you?

Why are you here? "

Fire Source Beast stared sharply at the young man and asked in a loud voice.

"My name is Liu Qi. I have stayed here for a long time. I am about to forget it when I hide it. When did I stay here, and for what reason.

The past is like a smoke, you can't bear to look back, or you don't need to mention it. In short, you only need to know that I have no malice against you. "

The young man showed a sad expression.

Liu Qi?

"On this mountain, there is a large number of weird races, where are they."

Lin Fei asked suddenly.

"You should be talking about the ghosts.

They are not in the same world with me.

Put it this way, this mountain has two worlds, one is the Yang world and the other is the Yin world.

I am in the Yang Realm. If you want to find the Yin Ghost Race, go to the Yin Realm. "

Said the young man who called himself Liu Qi.

"Yin Ghost Race?

Yang and Yin? "

Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast could not help but glance at each other after hearing this Liu Qi's words.

"So where is the underworld?"

Lin Fei asked again.

"In fact, this mountain contains two worlds with opposite attributes.

The position where I stand now is the Yang Realm.

The underworld is inside. "

Liu Qi pointed not far away.

Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast followed his fingers and saw many illusory scenes, like water waves, gently rippling.

In those illusory scenes, there are a lot of weird creatures! "What the **** is going on?"

Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast were both a little confused, and immediately looked at the illusory scenes carefully.

After a while, Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast reached an amazing conclusion.

This mountain actually contains another mountain.

One is physical and the other is illusory.

The two peaks are completely overlapped.

A real mountain and an imaginary mountain are perfectly blended together.

If it weren't for the phantom mountain that was swaying gently, it would be hard to tell that the mountain at the foot turned out to be a fusion of two peaks.

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