Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4689: Into the underworld

"Come, come, listen to my story while drinking."

Liu Qi poured another glass of wine for Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast, and a glass for himself.

His expression looked a little sad, he raised his glass and drank it, and then began to tell his story.

"At that time, I was a well-known talent in the village, and Shishi was born beautiful, beautiful as a flower, and was a famous beauty. Between me and Shishi is a story of a gifted scholar and a beautiful woman.

But, one day, all this changed.

A man who claimed to be a cultivator of immortality, accidentally saw poetry and was attracted by the beauty of poetry, so the man who cultivated immortality went directly to the door of poetry poets and took out a large sum of wealth to marry poetry.

Seeing Qian's eyes opened, Shi Shi's parents agreed to marry Shi Shi to the immortal man.

It's just that Shishi has a deep relationship with me, and I swear to death.

I went to the door and was beaten to death by the man who cultivated immortality.

On the night of the wedding, in the wedding room, Shishi hanged herself in despair.

The immortal cultivator killed all of Shishi's family in anger, not one left! After hearing the news, I did not eat or drink for three days, and my heart was full of anger and resentment! At this moment, the man who cultivated immortality suddenly appeared in front of me and asked if I wanted revenge and killed him.

The immortal man said that if I rely solely on strength, I will never avenge Shishi, but he can give me a chance. If I have enough evil thoughts in my heart, I will become enchanted and kill enough innocent people. I will kill him, and I will return Shishi's body.

On that night, in order to avenge Shishi, with the help of that immortal man, I succeeded in becoming a demon. All the creatures within a hundred li were slaughtered by me overnight.

Including the man who cultivated immortality was also killed by me.

After killing the immortal man and avenging Shishi, I looked at the corpses all over the floor and felt very regretful. However, at that time, I was already full of evil thoughts and was in a half-devil and half-human state.

From then on, I took Shishi's body and stayed away from the world.

Until one day, I accidentally came to this world full of sacred fire and lived here.

This is my story. "

After Liu Qi finished speaking, he poured another glass of wine and drank it, seeming to be immersed in the sadness of the past, unable to speak.

Half-human and half-devil state?

After hearing Liu Qi's story, Ye Yunfei and Huoyuan Beast still had many doubts in their hearts.

Because the story that Liu Qi said is not true and true, it is hard to know the truth or not.

This Liu Qi is too mysterious, why would Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast believe him because of what he said.

"This world was originally the site of our fire source beasts. After you came into this world, what did you see?

Who is it that invaded the homeland of our fire source beasts?

Is it just those ghosts?

What is the relationship between you and the Yingui clan? "

Fire Source Beast asked.

"Do you want to see Shishi?"

Liu Qi asked suddenly.


Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast couldn't help being taken aback.

Before Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast could express their opinions, Liu Qiyi waved.

Boom... A crystal coffin appeared beside him.

In the crystal coffin, lying a gentle and beautiful girl.

This girl is indeed beautiful, she is indeed a beauty.

"Shishi, look, after so many years, I finally waited for two friends."

Liu Qi looked at the girl in the crystal coffin with obsessive eyes, and said softly.

In the crystal coffin, the girl closed her eyes and did not respond. Although she looked lifelike, there was no breath of life on her body. She was indeed a corpse.

On the girl's neck, there was a shocking red mark, which seemed to be drawn out with a rope.

It seems that this girl really hanged to death! "What shall we do next?"

Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast used sound transmission to communicate secretly.

"This Liu Qi is too mysterious. We can't see through every word and deed, including his strength.

We will not provoke him for the time being.

Enter the Yin world of this mountain first, and kill all the Yin ghost tribes. "

The fire source beast thought for a while and said.

Those Yingui tribes are very likely to be the enemies who invaded the ancestors of the fire source beast, so the fire source beast wanted to kill them all.


Lin Fei nodded.

So Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast stood up, walked out of the pavilion, towards the underworld of this mountain.

Liu Qi just sighed and did not stop.

This mountain is composed of two peaks, one is physical and the other is illusory.

The physical mountain is the Yang world, and the illusory mountain is the Yin world! With the divine consciousness and strength of Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast, it is natural to find the entrance to the underworld accurately.

"It seems that the two of you are planning to deal with those ghost tribes.

In fact, I want to remind you that those ghost tribes are inexhaustible.

Because, they are not flesh and blood living beings at all, but a collection of all kinds of evil thoughts in the world.

As long as the creatures in the world still have various evil thoughts, the Yingui tribe will never be annihilated. "

Liu Qi said loudly from behind.

"These ghost tribes are the enemies of our fire source beast tribe. No matter how hard they are to kill, I will kill them all."

Huo Yuan Beast sneered.

Soon, Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast found the entrance of the mountain peak Yin world and successfully entered the Yin world.

As soon as Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast stepped into the underworld, they immediately felt that the eerie ghost aura came upon their faces, making people feel that the soul body was also frozen! You must know that both Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast possess the power of Chaos God, and even Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast feel uncomfortable with the ghostly spirit here. One can imagine how terrible it is! Kill...With the entry of Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast, the entire underworld was in riots, one by one the ghost clan, looking hideous and disgusting.

Woo... the endless yin ghost clan uttered strange screams, and the billowing waves surging like a tsunami.

These terrible strange sounds echoed in the entire underworld.

Lin Fei and Huoyuan Beast glanced over, and found that the appearance of each of these ghost tribes was different.

But there is one common feature, that is very disgusting! The body was covered with abscesses, and the fishy liquid was constantly flowing.

Shoo...the densely packed Yingui clan, from all directions, rushed towards Lin Fei and the Huoyuan Beast.

Suddenly, Lin Fei and the Huoyuan Beast were surrounded by heavy surroundings, as if two lambs were trapped in a pack of wolves, and could be torn to pieces at any time.

"What a disgusting race! Lin Fei, how about it, can you handle it."

The Fire Source Beast looked at the ghost clan who had been culled and said to Lin Fei.

"no problem.

These ghost tribes are similar in strength to those we encountered before, and they are easy to deal with. "

Lin Fei smiled confidently.

The voice fell off.

Lin Fei directly used his mind to the world.

Rumble... More than a dozen mental power worlds shrouded in all directions.

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